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"Madden Returns"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Madden NFL 2005'.
Thu 14/04/05 at 18:57
"Ghosts Can't Die!"
Posts: 774
New screens and information have risen on the website on EAs latest in the Madden series. Can all be found here:

The idea of the cone of vision looks like a great idea and seems to look like it'll add more realism to the already awesome game series. I just hope that EA won't focus entirely on passing the ball. Running is important too!

Graphics are looking... well... pretty much identical to last years but hey, that's a good thing in my book.

Your thoughts?
Wed 20/04/05 at 18:37
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
McNabb is on the cover! Go Eagles. I think this new cone of vision thing sounds quite clever, and it will certainly make the passing game a lot more challenging, although in reality it should blur out what is happening outside the cone in the single player game.
Fri 15/04/05 at 13:58
Posts: 21,800
Madden's in the next Marvel fighting game.

How stupid!
Fri 15/04/05 at 13:16
Posts: 11,038
This sounds awesome.
I'll probably be crap at it, but w/e

I was playing Madden 05 yesterday, coincidently.

I despise not being able to challenge in the two minute warning.

Last play of the first half I had a great pass downfield to TO who caught it in the endzone, but I was told it was OB.

Sucks to be me.

I can't wait.

Oh, and the NFL schedule was released last week. Philly play Seattle on a Monday night, so I can actually watch it.

Thu 14/04/05 at 23:19
Posts: 23,695
Hoju wrote:
> NFL Streets 2 is better though I wish it had those posts.

NFL Street games aren't really all that good at all.
Thu 14/04/05 at 22:43
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
I knew they'd do something like this. The passing game has been pretty much the same for the past 3 editions. This sounds great, and not just another gimmick like the hit stick or controlling downfield recievers/blockers.
Thu 14/04/05 at 20:39
"Ghosts Can't Die!"
Posts: 774
Saying NFL Streets 2 is better couldn't be more wrong. Madden 2005 will always remain my favourite sports title ever... Till Madden 2006 is out at least. Hopefully the music selection will remain as good as 2003, 2004 and 2005's.
Thu 14/04/05 at 20:15
Posts: 9,995
NFL Streets 2 is better though I wish it had those posts.
Thu 14/04/05 at 20:02
Posts: 23,695
Should be great.

Not out until September, though.

Thu 14/04/05 at 18:57
"Ghosts Can't Die!"
Posts: 774
New screens and information have risen on the website on EAs latest in the Madden series. Can all be found here:

The idea of the cone of vision looks like a great idea and seems to look like it'll add more realism to the already awesome game series. I just hope that EA won't focus entirely on passing the ball. Running is important too!

Graphics are looking... well... pretty much identical to last years but hey, that's a good thing in my book.

Your thoughts?

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