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"A great Idea!!! (for nintendo)"

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Tue 20/03/01 at 21:01
Posts: 787
As the Game cube will push the N64 games off the selves. What will happen to Perfect Dark, and Zelda? This is where a great idea comes. As the Game Cube is an internet console, why don't nintendo have FREE games from past consoles and bring out nes 2 gc controllers. (nes controllers which work on the GC). But a free game? Well nintendo can make the money back in two ways.

1. People will have to buy blank gamecube disk
2. they will be on nintendos internet.

Write in and say what you think about this idea!
Wed 21/03/01 at 19:09
Posts: 18,185
RastaBillySkank wrote:
Simon is very similar to
> me but doesn't know how to be sutle
> so Simon be sutle


I can't really say that its a Typo as i did it twice but erm er oooops
Wed 21/03/01 at 19:08
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152

Simon is very similar to
> me but doesn't know how to be sutle so Simon be sutle

Wed 21/03/01 at 19:05
Posts: 18,185
Flying Pig wrote:
> Yea what a great idea, have a console with a big HDD and broadband
> connection..... allow people to download your old games for a modest
> fee (a few £). And even better if you're also a film and
> music company you could allow people to do that aswell.
Hang on.
> Sony is a music, film and games company. And THEY have a console
> which will soon have a HDD and broadband modem.
I bet they never
> thought of that!! ;P

Wait a minute a special DVD player is out that allows people to play Megadrive games which is downloaded on to a DVD from the internet this is Where i got my idea for this and I told Simon.

Sony copying again now Sega is the victim
Wed 21/03/01 at 19:02
Posts: 18,185
The Game wrote:
> Leave this Simon guy alone, I bet you lot all tried like Mad to win
> gameaday when you first came...he is thinking up topics and being
> friendly which is more than some of you are doing...! Get a life!
> All of you...

The Game

Seriously Lads, leave him alone, he is
> a newbie, don't give him a bad impression of the site!

Simon is very similar to me but doesn't know how to be sutle so Simon be sutle
Wed 21/03/01 at 12:48
"Complete Banker"
Posts: 562
Yea what a great idea, have a console with a big HDD and broadband connection..... allow people to download your old games for a modest fee (a few £). And even better if you're also a film and music company you could allow people to do that aswell.
Hang on. Sony is a music, film and games company. And THEY have a console which will soon have a HDD and broadband modem.
I bet they never thought of that!! ;P
Tue 20/03/01 at 22:48
Posts: 14,117
I suppose im still a newbie and i've NEVER posted stuff like that.
Yes, this is a DISCUSSION forum.
Yes, he is entitled to say his point of view
NO! I dont want to be "force fed" his opinion.

Simon, if you want some advice mate, make your post as unbiased as possible, everyone has their favourite machine, but they try to put in reasons why that is so, instead of just saying "its the best 'cos it is" kind of thing that you seem to do.
Also if you're going to use facts and figures, try and say where you got them from. Instead of just saying "the X-Box will be £500" like you did the other day.

Im not having a go here, im just trying to give you some advice. As i've said im probably still classed as a "newbie" myself, but i hope im going in the right direction to get some repect from the regulars.
Tue 20/03/01 at 22:42
"Fishing For Reddies"
Posts: 4,986
Leave this Simon guy alone, I bet you lot all tried like Mad to win gameaday when you first came...he is thinking up topics and being friendly which is more than some of you are doing...! Get a life! All of you...

The Game

Seriously Lads, leave him alone, he is a newbie, don't give him a bad impression of the site!
Tue 20/03/01 at 22:26
Posts: 15,681
If major mistakes aren't pointed out then he shall never improve!

By the way Krang (he reminded me of a brain) you don't sound like a perfect poster yourself whether you're grix or not!
Tue 20/03/01 at 22:00
Posts: 0
Yes... it is pathetic, but there's no need to make such a great deal from it.

Do you actually expect this to win? No? Shut up then, leave it be.
Tue 20/03/01 at 21:59
Posts: 18,185
Simon i'll talk to you tommorow and give you a hand sourght yourself out mate.

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