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"Has the gaming world let you down at some stage?"

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Mon 19/03/01 at 16:26
Posts: 787
My topic is base around “Are we being treated unfairly by the gaming world”? I start by asking that over the years, has the gaming world treated you, the customer, with the respect you deserve?

What I mean by this is, over the years I have purchased Mega Drive, Game Gear, Saga Saturn, Game Boy, Dreamcast, Playsation and Playstation2. Of which 4 out of 7 have stopped producing games. This totally outrages me and I should think quite a few other people too.

I, for one am not loaded with money, so when I purchase anything over £100 I would expect it to last for a long, long time and to be useful. This is not the case for the machines that I have bought over the years.

Let me start with the Saga mega drive, I was about 6-8 years old (I can’t remember exactly) when I got it, and it was the best thing that happened to me for a long time (sad I know, hehe). This didn’t last for very long though as I found it very hard to find shops that sold games for the console. As I was too young to buy the console myself, my Dad bought it for me, so as you can imagine, when he found out that because of the lack of games on the Mega Drive I wanted a different console he was very angry that he had wasted his money.
Eventually my dad bought me a Saga Saturn as a birthday present, but I had to reassure him that it would last longer than mega drive did. So, I had my Saga Saturn when, surprise surprise, that went out of business. Well, that was the last straw for my dad! He swore he’d never purchase another console, and I could understand his decision.
So, now it was down to me to get a computer. I didn’t have much money so I decided to go a little down market. I was shopping in Dixons at the time when I saw a cute, black, oblong hand help computer. I was instantly attracted to it. The sound and colour of the computer was just amazing! Yes, it was the game gear. I can’t remember how much it was exactly but I would estimate around £60. I thought, yes this is for me! I grabbed it, and was about to pay for it, when suddenly something caught my eye; it was the game boy. I compared the consoles together, but the game gear won hands down, for its ability to be in colour and that it had a bigger screen.
You guessed it; the Game Gear too went belly-up. Why on earth should a hand-held computer with a wide LCD, which was in colour, be defeated by another hand held which was in black and white and a small LCD screen? I was totally baffled.

Now we were up to 3 out of 3 consoles that were “dead”.

Then I had a PSX, and am happy to say had no problems with that for 5 years! .

Dreamcast were producing some quality games that I had the opportunity to play at a mate’s house and enjoyed doing so. I decided to go for a Dreamcast.

When I purchased the machine I was thrilled with it, and was convinced that I had finally got a console that would not have the games discontinued. However, after 2 weeks of owning the console, Saga had ceased trading in game consoles. Oh I was, am, and I am going to be gutted for a long time to come. Money just wasted down the drain again!!
Now I have a Playstation2 and two games, which are great. Have I FINALLY found the console that will deliver me great, imaginative, original games? Also, how long will it last?

So, the playstation2 is the future of my gaming. So far I love it. The only thing that infuriates me is that you have to wait a year before anything new (and good) comes out. This is quite frankly unacceptable. Apart from that though I have been very pleased with it. It is my new “friend”:) It shares my room with me, DVD’s and computer games.
Lots of people thought that I was mad buying a PS2 at launch because of the lack of games etc. but I knew that if I didn't have a PS2 now, I would definitely have it by April because I know that I will be missing out on something special.
The games take ages to be released and that annoys me and so many others but when they do come out they will make me appreciate them more. Metal Gear Solid has been delayed several times now, some people say that its because they need to improve the game but in my opinion Konami are just waiting for the right moment.

Also, Grand Turismo 3: A-spec has been delayed but, again, im pre-pared to wait as long as it takes.

People are really annoyed at Sony for delaying games time after time but it’s not Sony’s fault, they don’t get a word in. If they controlled when games are released surely they would want all the great titles to be out for launch, right?
Don’t get me wrong though, I’m very grateful for today’s technology and that it enables me to have a great time and experience wonderful graphics. I really do have to say thank you to Sony for breeding the Playstation 2!

I’m sure I’m not the only person out there that is frustrated with the computer gaming world at the moment. Be it you are annoyed at the company’s that produce good games but then go out of trading, having to wait ages for games to come out, the price of consoles/games or just simply that all the consoles are not good enough matched to today’s technology.

I think that the bottom line is that the gaming world needs stricter trading standards. Company’s need to do what’s right for the customer. After all, people pay a lot of hard-earned money for computers/games.

If anyone has any views on this subject – I would be interested to hear them.

Thanks for reading.
Tue 20/03/01 at 21:03
Posts: 0
Oh and yes, Thief let me down... It wasn't about thieving, so that must be false advertising. I could sue them, but they went out of business a shame really because it wasn't a bad game, it was just not the game I wanted to play when I got it.
Tue 20/03/01 at 21:01
Posts: 0
We don't owe game developers, they provide a service (well goods really) and we buy it. Okay it's not much but it's all they ask and everyone is happy (except developers who go bankrupt because we don't buy their games).
Maybe i'll send them a bunch of flowers... and maybe some chocolate...
Tue 20/03/01 at 20:48
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Hey apoc, how come you never log on MSN Messenger? You're on my contatcs list but you never come on!
Tue 20/03/01 at 20:46
Posts: 0
*10 circular saw prods*
Tue 20/03/01 at 20:44
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
apoc wrote:
> ha ha im not dead yet

*chainsaw prod*

*9 chainsaw prods*

ewwwwww! you got my clothes dirty!
Tue 20/03/01 at 20:29
Posts: 0
ha ha im not dead yet

*chainsaw prod*
Tue 20/03/01 at 20:27
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
apoc wrote:
> im dying!


oops did I type that?

better make sure it's his last memory

*prod prod*
Tue 20/03/01 at 20:26
Posts: 0
im dying!
Tue 20/03/01 at 20:25
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
apoc wrote:
> oh no! the pain! dont prod me again ive learnt my lesson.

Mwah aha ha ha hahahahaha

**cattle prod cattle prod**
Tue 20/03/01 at 20:21
Posts: 16,558
say what is this?

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