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"I pre-ordered Mario Kart"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Mario Kart 64'.
Fri 31/10/03 at 17:24
Posts: 23,695
And I'll go to pick it up on Wednesday the 12th.

Just thought I should let you know.

Oh, that and I got Viewtiful Joe and a Wavebird today. Viewtiful.

Sat 01/11/03 at 20:26
Posts: 4,142
I played on Mario Kart in GAME yesterday and it seemed quite good, it's great how the guy in the back throws the shells at the other karts. It'll be much better when I'm beating my brother on it on Christmas day :D, I'm waiting til then as I'll be playing F-Zero for the next few weeks and the mocks are in December.
Sat 01/11/03 at 20:15
Posts: 23,695
That's what CA Games do.
Sat 01/11/03 at 19:03
Posts: 18,185
AfroJoe wrote:
> CA Games, of course.
> Might even get it on the Tuesday, but the guy said it's most likely
> going to be Wednesday.

My local shop puts it out as soon as he gets it.
Sat 01/11/03 at 16:15
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
N¡¢k wrote:
> Mattyboy wrote:
> Going to order my copy next week - Hoping to also pick up one of F
> Zero GX, SSX 3 or Viewtiful Joe
> viewtiful joe ain't that good its far to hard for me and i don't like
> the controls

You should be strung up and shot repeatedly with a specially sharpened chicken beak.
Sat 01/11/03 at 15:35
Posts: 11,373
I've pre-ordered it too :D
Sat 01/11/03 at 15:34
Posts: 23,695
CA Games, of course.

Might even get it on the Tuesday, but the guy said it's most likely going to be Wednesday.
Sat 01/11/03 at 13:48
"Ghosts Can't Die!"
Posts: 774
Why will you be picking it up on Wednesday? It's out on Friday right? Where you getting this from then?
Fri 31/10/03 at 20:40
Posts: 23,695
N¡¢k wrote:
> viewtiful joe ain't that good its far to hard for me and i don't like
> the controls

You'll get used to them. It is a difficult game, admittedly, but that's always a good thing.

What I don't like is breezing through games.
Fri 31/10/03 at 20:38
"My head hurts"
Posts: 284
Mattyboy wrote:
> Going to order my copy next week - Hoping to also pick up one of F
> Zero GX, SSX 3 or Viewtiful Joe

viewtiful joe ain't that good its far to hard for me and i don't like the controls
Fri 31/10/03 at 20:07
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
you and your DAMN BIRTHDAY

*shakes all 3 fists*

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