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Just thought I should let you know.
Oh, that and I got Viewtiful Joe and a Wavebird today. Viewtiful.
> CA Games, of course.
> Might even get it on the Tuesday, but the guy said it's most likely
> going to be Wednesday.
My local shop puts it out as soon as he gets it.
> Mattyboy wrote:
> Going to order my copy next week - Hoping to also pick up one of F
> Zero GX, SSX 3 or Viewtiful Joe
> viewtiful joe ain't that good its far to hard for me and i don't like
> the controls
You should be strung up and shot repeatedly with a specially sharpened chicken beak.
Might even get it on the Tuesday, but the guy said it's most likely going to be Wednesday.
> viewtiful joe ain't that good its far to hard for me and i don't like
> the controls
You'll get used to them. It is a difficult game, admittedly, but that's always a good thing.
What I don't like is breezing through games.
> Going to order my copy next week - Hoping to also pick up one of F
> Zero GX, SSX 3 or Viewtiful Joe
viewtiful joe ain't that good its far to hard for me and i don't like the controls
*shakes all 3 fists*