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"Doom 3 "

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Doom 3'.
Mon 15/06/09 at 18:23
Posts: 0
one of the best games for xbox all your scary games combined with one it's a mix between ,resident evil, and silent hill if you want to get scared play doom it's dark it's creepy and it is really fun you get great weapons awesome monsters to kill and that pretty much sums up the game overall it's 7 out of 10
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Mon 15/06/09 at 18:23
Posts: 0
one of the best games for xbox all your scary games combined with one it's a mix between ,resident evil, and silent hill if you want to get scared play doom it's dark it's creepy and it is really fun you get great weapons awesome monsters to kill and that pretty much sums up the game overall it's 7 out of 10

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