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This thread has been linked to the game 'Worms Armageddon'.
Tue 21/06/05 at 18:55
Posts: 4,279
Worms 4 Demo is out so if anybody is up for some wormage we could have a great game.

It'll be a break from the BF2 demo until BF2 comes out =D
Wed 22/06/05 at 20:42
Posts: 33,481
Well in that case:

Hedfix wrote:
> Had it on Xbox for a good month or so.
Wed 22/06/05 at 18:44
Posts: 4,279
Emitime wrote:
> No multiplayer...
> :(

There is on the one I have.

EDIT: Ok, so it isn't online =(
Wed 22/06/05 at 17:44
Posts: 9,631
No multiplayer...

Wed 22/06/05 at 17:41
Posts: 33,481
I'll might look at the minimum stats then.
Wed 22/06/05 at 07:20
Posts: 14,437
As far as I know, this is a different one.

Might give it a download, but I doubt I'll have time for it, what with WoW and BF2.
Tue 21/06/05 at 22:38
Posts: 33,481
Had it on Xbox for a good month or so.
Tue 21/06/05 at 19:07
"Captain to you."
Posts: 4,609
Tue 21/06/05 at 19:07
Posts: 9,631
Tue 21/06/05 at 19:06
Posts: 4,279
Tue 21/06/05 at 19:05
Posts: 9,631

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