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"SRW Free-Fall - SRW Title Ladder Match: RVD (c) (Afrojoe) Vs Chris Benoit (Grandprix)"

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Tue 29/07/03 at 20:15
Posts: 787
Welcome back to SRW Freefall. We’re almost ready to kick off one of our main events of the night. It will be Rob Van Dam (AJ) defending his SRW World Heavyweight Championship against the Rabid Wolverine, Chris Benoit (Grandprix). It should be one hell of a battle. We expect to see bWo involvement and possibly Booker T after his interference in the fued a few weeks back.

The champion was allowed to choose a stipulation for this match last week on Eclipse. It turned into a bit of a battle when RVD called out the challenger… Here’s what happened…

* * * * *
“I want to fight YOU. RIGHT NOW. ONE. ON. ONE. So you just get your ass out here, and we'll see what happens!"

The crowd cheer wildly at this statement; the prospect of Benoit and RVD fighting before they officially should excites them. They begin to cheer even more wildly when Chris Benoit's music hits, and the Rabid Wolverine emerges from underneath the TitanTron. Benoit makes his way quickly down to ringside, but as he's about to climb up the stairs, A FIGURE LEAPS UP FROM THE CROWD, ONTO THE CROWD BARRIER, AND HITS BENOIT WITH A MISSILE DROPKICK! It's Chris Jericho! AND WAIT A MINUTE!

Out from under the ring comes LL Cool T, who also begins to the onslaught on Benoit. And oh no, as here come the rest of the bWo, making their way out from backstage and down to ringside. Steve Corino and Stevie Richards are here as well! They throw Benoit in the ring, and all furiously start beating on him. THIS IS SICK! THIS IS TAKING OUT THE OPPOSITION BEFORE A VITAL MATCH, AND RVD KNOWS IT!

RVD is heading up top now. He throws his belt aside, as each of the bWo pin down a limb of Chris Benoit's to the ground, leaving his chest, ribs and stomach open to take the full impact of.. THE FIVE-STAR FROG SPLASH! BOOM! RVD LANDED IT! CHRIS BENOIT HAS BEEN FLATTENED, ONCE AGAIN!

The bWo make their way out of the ring and up the ramp, where RVD has his championship in one hand, and a microphone in the other. "You see, Chris, I can devastate you using one solitary move. Hahaha. And at Freefall, Mr.Benoit, that's exactly what's going to happen, when I battle it out with you... one on one... in A LADDER MATCH!"

They walk out of the arena to a tidal wave of boos, while Benoit sits fuming in the ring, clutching his ribs. RVD has once again gotten the better of him, but it took 5 men to do it.

* * * * *
Benoit did get the better of RVD two weeks ago but can he do it again tonight? We’re about to find out in a ladder match! – Our second one of the night! In the ladder match earlier, we crowned a new Cruiserweight Champion… Could we be about to crown a new Heavyweight Champion?

A few ladders are stood up on the ramp-way; One particularly large one near to the ring as this thing is about to get started. Here comes the challenger…

Benoit’s music hits and the Rabid Wolverine himself walk’s out from behind the curtain and down the ramp to a great ovation from the fans. He looks calm and concentrated as he steps into the ring for possibly one of the biggest matches of his career. Benoit walks to the side of the ring where he awaits the arrival of the champion… And also the bWo…

RVD’s music hits and the man himself emerges from behind the curtain. He has a smile on his face and his championship belt wrapped around his waist. No bWo follows down the ramp as he climbs a ladder on the ramp and taunts the crowd before getting into the ring. He gives his championship belt to the referee before beginning an argument with Chris Benoit. The fans bring out a chant of “RVD Sucks”.

Referee Earl Hebner (Mr. Snuggly) hangs the belt on a rope hanging from the ceiling before it is suspended high above the ring. Both men look up at it until RVD breaks our suspense in waiting for this match to start with a right hand. Benoit exchanges with some punches of his own getting the best of Van Dam. Belly to Belly Suplex! No! Van Dam Reverses into one of his own! Benoit crashes down to the mat but is quickly back to his feet.

RVD sees this and smiles… Both men move into a grapple. Benoit is obviously the stronger man as he moves RVD towards the turnbuckle but Van Dam shows his quickness as he slides under the legs of Benoit. He gets straight back to his feet and when the Rabid Wolverine turns around, he finds a boot in his face! Spinning Heel Kick! Benoits soon up and RVD steps through into a kick! Down he goes but not for long. This time, Van Dam looks to hit a hurricanrana but is upset as Benoit looks to hit a powerbomb! No! RVD manages to roll it up into a cover! 1, 2, and the referee remembers this is a ladder match and pinfalls don’t count! Duh!

Van Dam (AJ) stomps on the lying Benoit until he fights to a vertical position. The two then exchange some heavy punches. Benoit fights through it and manages to spin Van Dam around and hit a major Back To Belly Suplex! He holds on and pulls Van Dam back to his feet… ANOTHER BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX… He pulls him back to his feet once more… AND ANOTHER!

RVD looks like he’s out as Benoit heads to ringside! He looks around a bit before grabbing a steel chair! “Payback Time!” Benoit shouts as he re-enters the ring! He bangs the chair on the mat as Van Dam pulls himself to his feet… turns around… BENOIT SWINGS BUT RVD DUCKS! DROPKICK! Benoit goes down landing hard on the steel chair he had at hand! *CRASH*

RVD lines him up on the chair before running back into the ropes. On the rebound, HE HITS ROLLING THUNDER ONTO THE CHAIR! OUCH! Benoit rolls out of the ring as RVD shouts, “It’s Over!” and heads up the ramp! He grabs a ladder! Takes it to the ring! And lines it up… BESIDES THE ROPES! What does this mean for Benoit?! We can only imagine as Van Dam climbs up to the top of it. Benoit arises on the outside!

DROPKICK FROM THE LADDER SET UP IN THE RING… NO! BENOIT MOVES! Van Dam looks out of it as Benoit begins to search under the ring! He’s found something… A TABLE! Maybe he’s going to take a page out of the Dudleyz book! The Rabid Wolverine sets it up beside RVD at ringside before placing the champion onto it! He heads up on top of the turnbuckle in the ring… AND JUMPS LOOKING FOR A FLYING ELBOW… VAN DAM MOVES! VAN DAM MOVES! OH MY GOD! BENOIT GOES THROUGH THE TABLE! WOW!!!

Benoit is motionless as is RVD! Van Dam uses this time to recover from his fall while the bloodied Benoit lies in a broken table! This match has been brutal so far. I wonder what else it could have in store… Both these men are giving their all!

Van Dam is first to move. He slowly gets up and is soon entering the ring. Benoit still lies motionless as Van Dam moves the standing ladder in the ring into the centre…As RVD begins to climb…slowly… Benoit slowly arises from the remains of the table he just smashed through… He limps into the ring and jumps up the other side of the ladder. Both men meet at the top and exchange some right hands, and some left hands, and some more right hands, and some more left hands, until RVD moves back a bit. Benoit pushes him off the ladder and begins to reach for the championship belt! The fans cheer as he has almost got it!

Benoit is the new cha… NO! Steve Corino pushes the ladder from under his feet! But Benoit is still hanging on! *SMASH* But not for long as Stevie Richards hits him with a steel chair! Benoit falls down to the canvas and both Steve Corino and Stevie Richards stomp away at him! Chris Jericho (Figo) runs down the ramp and joins in the fun! Benoit is being triple teamed!!!

Here comes Booker T! He is armed with a steel chair of his own! *SMASH* *BANG* *SMASH* All 3 are taken out with hard chair shots to the heads! Booker checks on Benoit; But too early as the last man of bWo hits him from behind with a right hand! No Effect! Booker turns around to find LL Cool TT repeatedly hitting him with right hands! KICK TO THE MID-SECTION! We all know whats coming! Booker looks for a scissors kick but LL moves! DOUBLE D DEATH DROP! Down goes Booker T!

LL Cool TT moves over to RVD (AJ) and helps him to his feet. Benoit (Grandprix) is still down, as are Steve Corino, Stevie Richards, Chris Jericho and Booker T!

About 1 minute later, LL Cool TT has finally pulled the champion to his feet and Benoit is arising! Clothesline to RVD from Benoit! LL Cool TT looks in anger and moves Benoit up on top of the top right turnbuckle! He sets him up for The Cool Box only to be pushed down to the mat along with Benoit INTO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE!

It doesn’t take long for LL to be tapping like a drummer with 3 arms! After about 1 minute of pain, Chris Jericho breaks up the hold and attempts to lock in The Walls Of Jericho on Benoit but it doesn’t quite work out as Benoit quickly fights out of it and hits a BACK TO BELLY SUPLEX ONTO A STEEL CHAIR! Jericho goes down but then the numbers game comes into play with Steve Corino and Stevie Richards as they stomp away on Benoit. It looks like the end of the offensive until Booker T double clotheslines both men down! Benoit goes up high as Booker sets up his finishing manoeuvre! FALLING HEADBUTT TO STEVIE RICHARDS! SCISSORS KICK TO STEVE CORINO!

Booker does one cool Spinerooni as Benoit recovers from his own move! Everyone is down apart from the challenger and his buddy, Booker T!

RVD (AJ) begins to get to his feet and looks on in shock at all his team mates down and out! Van Dam seems to realise beyond all the blood in his face that he’s gonna need a strategy… Or even better; a weapon!

He looks under the ring and pulls out a wooden table! No! The last one took Benoit out for minutes! – Plenty of time to climb a ladder if you don’t injure yourself too much! Van Dam sets up the table at ringside as Benoit finally gets back on his feet in the ring. It’s getting hard now that these guys have lost so much blood.

Wait! Here’s LL Cool TT! He’s almost up! SCISSORS KICK! Booker sees and takes him back down!

And here’s Jericho (Figo)! Booker doesn’t see him fast enough and is forced to fight it out. As the two exchange punches, Van Dam (AJ) uses the chance to slide into the ring and fight Benoit (Grandprix). The two slowly exchange punches until Benoit whips RVD into the ropes! On the rebound, Van Dam slides underneath Benoit! The Rabid Wolverine turns around only to receive a low blow! RVD WHIPS BENOIT INTO THE OPPOSITE ROPES WHERE HE FOLLOWS IT UP WITH A GIANT DROPKICK! BENIOT FLYS OVER THE TOP ROPE ABOVE THE TABLE!!! But No! He manages to cling on to the ropes! RVD hits a lower dropkick pushing Benoit onto the table but not breaking it! He climbs up onto the turnbuckle… 5 STAR FROG SPLASH THROUGH BENOIT AND THE TABLE!

Both men are out of it lying in those smashed bits of wood! Meanwhile, in the ring, Booker has fought of Jericho hitting him with a steel chair and currently has his hands full with Steve Corino and Stevie Richards! Both men are stomping him down! Corino chucks him out of the ring right in front of us! He shouts, “Lets put him through the table!”. Richards agrees! No! Please don’t put him through our “already replaced” announcers table! No!

Neither bWo member listens! The referee has basically given up keeping control of this match-up! He’s just keeping an eye on the contenders! No-Ones here to help! They lift him up in the air for a… DOUBLE POWERBOMB THROUGH THE TABLE! Woah! Booker T is outta here!

Meanwhile, both Benoit and Van Dam are still out. Corino and Richards see this and take the time to re-set up the fallen ladder in the ring. They then go out of the ring and as Corino attempts to revive Van Dam; Richards takes Benoit into the ring for some more punishment.

Richards pushes Benoit to his feet and looks to hit his trademark Censor Kick [What the hell is that called nowadays?!] only Benoit ducks! CRIPPLER CROSSFACE LOCKED IN! Corino doesn’t see! He’s too busy helping RVD and Jericho is still out from Bookers chair shot! Who can help?! Here comes LL Cool TT! He’s a bit out of it now but enters the ring and looks to drop a leg on Benoit but he moves! LL takes out his own partner! He looks concerned and so Benoit uses the chance to hit one major BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX OVER THE TOP ROPE! *THUD*

Steve Corino finally realises what’s happening and RVD is back to his feet! Corino enters the ring to almost have his head taken off with a massive clothesline! RVD then enters the ring… The two exchange punches and end up both being knocked down…

About a minute later, RVD (AJ) starts to slowly climb one side of the set-up ladder in the centre of the ring. Benoit (Grandprix) climbs the other side as Jericho begins to crawl…

RVD reaches to regain his gold but Benoit hits him with a right hand! The ladder wobbles and Benoit hits him with another! And Another! Until Jericho grabs his legs and pulls him off the ladder! Van Dam regains control and reaches up high as Benoit is forced to fight off Jericho!


Benoit can’t believe it! That should be him! Carnage has been unravelled around the ring! EMT’S are rushing down here… Van Dam falls from the ladder with his championship belt and lies on the mat.

Benoit and Jericho continue to battle it out until Benoit slams him over the top rope to the ground below!

Chris Benoit then turns his head to Rob Van Dam. The Champ looks totally out of it. Benoit goes psycho and stomps away on him multiple times before limping to the back to a show of respect from the fans. The chant his name until he goes out of view.

EMP’s continue to help each of the guys around the ring as SRW goes into a break…

Stay Tuned in on SRW Freefall. There’s a lot more to come…

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Thanks for reading,

Fri 01/08/03 at 21:48
"Plate of glue"
Posts: 5,183
Brilliant...trully brilliant.

Nuff said
Fri 01/08/03 at 18:36
Posts: 5,135
Excellant match Jae, not much more can be said that hasn't already. It was great, with some great high flying spots and the Ladder was put to great use.

And the bWo's problems with Benoit and Booker look set to carry on after FreeFall!
Fri 01/08/03 at 14:59
"Far Beyond Metal"
Posts: 5,748
...Thanks for the comments... :)

LL Cool ver T.2d wrote:
> Ant wrote:
> - but in the end the numbers
> game worked again and RVD (AfroJoe) retains - can this guy be
> beaten?
> No. And nor can the bWo. Period. Honest.

*Ahem* You're forgetting one faction when you say the bWo cannot be beaten... heheh... DoA! Unstoppable...

I suppose it might not be the best time to talk about DoA being unstoppable though after them losing both their matches on Free-Fall... Just an unlucky night! :D They will be back to winning soon enough. You'll see. Unstoppable! :)
Thu 31/07/03 at 14:38
Posts: 23,695
That was fantastic!

It was just as all Ladder matches should be; high-impact, high-flying, brutal, and extremely entertaining. And I think this match fits the bill perfectly, so well done to Jae for that.

It was inevitable that the bWo would get involved somehow, and there was the almost-certainty that Booker would do the same, but that didn't spoil the match, not one bit. Instead, it improved it. Although it didn't really need improving. ;-)

I like having RVD as my wrestler. :-D
Thu 31/07/03 at 14:31
"bWo > You"
Posts: 725
Ant wrote:
> - but in the end the numbers
> game worked again and RVD (AfroJoe) retains - can this guy be
> beaten?

No. And nor can the bWo. Period. Honest.
Thu 31/07/03 at 09:42
Posts: 9,808
What can i say on top of all that?
Wed 30/07/03 at 17:51
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Haha I really enjoyed that, absolutely packed with fast-paced action! It had everything - lots of tables, dropkicks off ladders, double powerbomb destroying our third announcer's table here at Free-Fall, Booker T (RM18) whooping some bWo butt - but in the end the numbers game worked again and RVD (AfroJoe) retains - can this guy be beaten?

I'm looking forward to Benoit (Grandprix) and Booker (RM18) combining their efforts, maybe a triple threat title match still to come?

Excellent stuff Jae.
Tue 29/07/03 at 23:25
Posts: 11,373
Ooooooh Benoit is gonna get revenge!
Tue 29/07/03 at 23:22
"Too Orangy For Crow"
Posts: 15,844
Benoit should have won! That bWo will get destroyed if it's the last thing Benoit does. The fact that RVD needed his cohorts means Benoit is better than him! :P

Top match. Enjoyed it immensely.
Tue 29/07/03 at 21:44
Posts: 11,373
Well what can I say? I'm speechless, that match was great :D That was more like a 4 on 2, I knew Benoit wasn't gonna win it when Booker got knocked out, unlucky Grandprix, well done Jae and AJ. Great match m8ey :D

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