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"The Soul Stealers"

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Fri 06/06/03 at 15:04
Posts: 787
Something has disturbed my sleep again and I cannot pinpoint what. There are no 'out of place' sounds, it is more of an instinctive awareness of suddenly realising that I am not alone anymore. As I strain my eyesight into the darkness I glimpse two small orange glows and my subconscious screams at me that I have seen these before. Memories come flooding back of that moment, a whole lifetime ago.

I was so tired in those days that sometimes I could not string together a coherent sentence. The tiredness was also affecting my concentration and balance but I could not understand why as I regularly went to bed early. Then one night I awoke to the realisation that there was a presence in the room other than my wife and I.

I sat upright and glanced around the room but could see nothing untoward. However, my heart was beating rapidly as adrenaline flooded my system and my instincts told me to run. Run where and from what I did not know but it took several moments before I could control the urge to flee. I watched my wife for a few minutes but she was undisturbed and sleeping peacefully, whatever had awoken me had not affected her.

I struggled to control my breathing and calm my racing heart. I convinced myself that I'd had a nightmare and was just about to lie back down when I saw them. Tiny slits of green and orange light, two of each, enveloped in a darkness so black it was visible in the gloom of the room. As I concentrated on the blackness the slits opened to reveal what I can only describe as eyes. Feral, hungry, two bright orange ones like warming firelight and two cheap emerald green eyes. Whatever was hovering in the corner of the room, there was definitely two of them.

Orange eyed blackness flowed towards me and I was seized by a total paralysing fear never before experienced. I sat immobile and silent, incapable of warning my wife of the horror that was approaching us, when the apparition passed through her to lay its hands on me. The second apparition quickly followed and duplicated the movement of the first. It must have been then that my heart stopped.

The next thing I remember is being aware of a third presence but this presence radiated a serenity that no language has yet found a word to describe. It was stood by my side as I looked down at my old body and my sleeping wife. I expected my expression to be one of abject horror but, actually, I had surprisingly died with a slight smile on my face and the black shapes became shadowy figures that hunched away and fled from my new companion.

In reply to my enquiringly look the serene presence told me that she was my escort and was there to guide me once again to rejoin the circle of life. The shadows were manifestations of mans evil works, the ones that refuse to let go of this existence. The darker the world, the stronger and more populous they become. They feed off the souls of the living and the brightest souls are the easiest to find. Occasionally they approach the serene presence and are taken to rejoin the circle of life but this happens rarely.

So back again to the present day where my earlier recollections forewarn of what is going to happen and I am no longer afraid. I turned the light on to write these memories down and, of course, the darkness seems to have been driven from the room but I know they are still there, I can still sense them. When I turn off the light they will return again to feast off my soul but I find comfort in knowing that it still shines brightly.

I look forward to rejoining the circle of life as there is no one here who I would miss anymore. I revel in knowing that I will taste new delights and new experiences once I have been reborn. They will always be new to me as memories of any past life have never, before tonight, been remembered. I leave these writings in the hope that they will give comfort to the reader and wish you well on your journey as I hope you have wished me well on mine.

Mon 09/06/03 at 08:17
"Going nowhere fast"
Posts: 6,574
Thank yea both.
Fri 06/06/03 at 21:51
"Not a Jew"
Posts: 7,532
Dark. Dark, but good.
Fri 06/06/03 at 20:55
Posts: 3,522
Nice. Kind of a metaphysical theory/story wrapped into one.
Fri 06/06/03 at 15:04
"Going nowhere fast"
Posts: 6,574
Something has disturbed my sleep again and I cannot pinpoint what. There are no 'out of place' sounds, it is more of an instinctive awareness of suddenly realising that I am not alone anymore. As I strain my eyesight into the darkness I glimpse two small orange glows and my subconscious screams at me that I have seen these before. Memories come flooding back of that moment, a whole lifetime ago.

I was so tired in those days that sometimes I could not string together a coherent sentence. The tiredness was also affecting my concentration and balance but I could not understand why as I regularly went to bed early. Then one night I awoke to the realisation that there was a presence in the room other than my wife and I.

I sat upright and glanced around the room but could see nothing untoward. However, my heart was beating rapidly as adrenaline flooded my system and my instincts told me to run. Run where and from what I did not know but it took several moments before I could control the urge to flee. I watched my wife for a few minutes but she was undisturbed and sleeping peacefully, whatever had awoken me had not affected her.

I struggled to control my breathing and calm my racing heart. I convinced myself that I'd had a nightmare and was just about to lie back down when I saw them. Tiny slits of green and orange light, two of each, enveloped in a darkness so black it was visible in the gloom of the room. As I concentrated on the blackness the slits opened to reveal what I can only describe as eyes. Feral, hungry, two bright orange ones like warming firelight and two cheap emerald green eyes. Whatever was hovering in the corner of the room, there was definitely two of them.

Orange eyed blackness flowed towards me and I was seized by a total paralysing fear never before experienced. I sat immobile and silent, incapable of warning my wife of the horror that was approaching us, when the apparition passed through her to lay its hands on me. The second apparition quickly followed and duplicated the movement of the first. It must have been then that my heart stopped.

The next thing I remember is being aware of a third presence but this presence radiated a serenity that no language has yet found a word to describe. It was stood by my side as I looked down at my old body and my sleeping wife. I expected my expression to be one of abject horror but, actually, I had surprisingly died with a slight smile on my face and the black shapes became shadowy figures that hunched away and fled from my new companion.

In reply to my enquiringly look the serene presence told me that she was my escort and was there to guide me once again to rejoin the circle of life. The shadows were manifestations of mans evil works, the ones that refuse to let go of this existence. The darker the world, the stronger and more populous they become. They feed off the souls of the living and the brightest souls are the easiest to find. Occasionally they approach the serene presence and are taken to rejoin the circle of life but this happens rarely.

So back again to the present day where my earlier recollections forewarn of what is going to happen and I am no longer afraid. I turned the light on to write these memories down and, of course, the darkness seems to have been driven from the room but I know they are still there, I can still sense them. When I turn off the light they will return again to feast off my soul but I find comfort in knowing that it still shines brightly.

I look forward to rejoining the circle of life as there is no one here who I would miss anymore. I revel in knowing that I will taste new delights and new experiences once I have been reborn. They will always be new to me as memories of any past life have never, before tonight, been remembered. I leave these writings in the hope that they will give comfort to the reader and wish you well on your journey as I hope you have wished me well on mine.


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