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"A long unreal story"

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Wed 28/05/03 at 21:16
Posts: 787
“Who’s that?” shouted Athor. ‘Don’t shout’ scolded Touchfire, ‘they’ll hear us’. ‘Too late,’ whimpered Little John. ‘What’s the matt……’ - suddenly everyone including Athor who was talking heard at least ten soldiers hurrying this way. ‘They’re coming’ I whispered, ‘everyone get your weapons out’.

Just as the enemy turned the corner, we all got our weapons out and attacked. I strung my bow and aimed, I let loose and the arrow pierced the man’s heart, killing him on his feet. The clatter of battle was over in a few seconds, as all the soldiers lay on the floor dead.

We crept around the corner without a single word only to be met by 20 well-armed guards with their bows strung aiming at each of our hearts.

At that moment, I could see that all of my companions were filling with fear, even the wise Touchfire. The soldiers aiming at us somehow looked different, they were bigger and looked stronger. Perhaps they were Kraznir’s elite force. As quick as a flash I took an arrow out of my quiver, strung it then shot hitting a guard straight through the neck. ‘Good’ne’- applauded Little John, but before he could finish he was hit by an arrow in the leg. ‘Serves you right, you little blighter’ chuckled Athor wickedly. ‘Close your dwarf stinkin shutter’ shouted Little John. ‘Stressy stressy’ replied Athor calmly. ‘I’ll show you stressy you little………..‘ “Stop arguing or you two will get us killed” shouted the angry Touchfire.
In a blink of an eye an arrow came streaming through my hat knocking it off. Suddenly with a war like shout Doughty and Athor charged towards the enemy killing many, there was blood gushing and pouring onto the floor everywhere. I strung my bow and aimed for the last person’s heart but a bloodied rottweiler jumped in the way and took the shot. Quickly but decisively Athor killed the last man alive. ‘Where’d that come from’ I whispered to Touchfire. Before he could answer an army of about 20 guard dogs charged towards us. This battle I will not explain in detail as it was a very gory and gruesome fight. Finally all but one rottweiler was dead. The last dog was on top of Little John with an arrow in its stomach, trying to eat him. Little John was fending the fierce dog off with his arms. ‘Go on with out me’ he shouted in a dreamy voice. ‘Ok’ replied Athor and walked off. ‘NO, No that’s not supposed to happen, your supposed to save me like in movies. ‘That’s not in Dwarf movies, because it’s boring and ruins the film’ replied Athor firmly. ‘That’s just because Dwarfs are abnormal and strange, not to mention have a bad film taste. ‘WHY YOU LITTLE STUPID HOBBIT THING, GO BACK HOME TO YOUR CARDBOARD BOX AND STAY THERE’ SHOUTED ATHOR. ‘Stressy stressy’ replied Little John copying the way Athor had said it previously. We crept around the big cold stone castle for a while looking for an exit that which failed to appear. ‘It’s like a maze of stone’ said Doughty suddenly. ‘It is a maze’ replied Touchfire, ‘a never-ending one’ chirped in Little John.

‘Look, lets go that way, there’s a food store, we’ll need it’ I whispered. How’d you know it’s a food store’ asked Little John. ‘Because there’s a sign outside saying ‘Food Store’ replied Athor always trying to nag and pester the hobbit. When everyone got into the food store Touchfire whispered ‘is anyone hungry’. Everyone replied ‘no’ except the ignorant hobbit Little John. ‘We can’t have any food because were stocking up’ replied the angry hobbit hater dwarf.
‘What’s the point of stocking up if were not going to eat the bloomin’ grub’ shouted little John.
‘Just shut up, Little John’ replied Touchfire. ‘But’- ‘be quiet Little John for the last time, or I will turn you into stone’.
We then loaded as much food and drink as we could manage into two bags. We then made our way to the weapon store to get some better weapons. All the way there all we heard was the constant grumbling of Little John’s stomach or it may have been that he was bored, either one I could not tell. When we got into the large weapon filled room everyone rushed and picked up the best weapon they could find, except me and Touchfire, we kept our weapons. We inherited them so they were very precious to us.

After an hour of rummaging we left weapon and all. We ten suddenly saw the exit but were greeted by 10 soldiers. At that moment we turned the other way to another 10 soldiers, all together we faced 20 strong men. I was so terrified, I really thought I was going to die. I swiftly took an arrow from my quiver, strung my bow and killed a man. While that was happening Doughty and Little John charged at the front ten and Athor charged at the other ten. Touchfire stood by me firing fireballs at the oncoming enemy. I fired as fast as I could killing many. Suddenly an arrow shot through Little John’s leg so he screamed. At last all soldiers were dead except one which Athor swiftly dealt with by a chop in the head. All my bow training since I was 3 finally paid off now when I’m 25. For our victory we did suffer some consequences. Doughty had a dagger in his left leg and an arrow in his right arm, Athor had two arrows in his stomach and a light slice in his arm. Little John had two arrows in his arm. Touchfire had two arrows in his leg and I had an arrow in my back.

We went through the eternal darkness of the tunnel but to our dismay all we heard was the never-ending groan of Little John saying he was hungry. Touchfire kept trying to explain to him that we could not eat our supplies, as we hadn’t much and we could not go back inside, as we knew not of what was happening inside the great castle. When we came out of the tunnel we had to go across the cliff edge. As we turned the blood stained corner we saw a soldier armed with a longbow somehow not noticing us. A stab swiftly dealt with him in the back by Little John. Just as we were about to carry on a half snake half- human half-snake little monster jumped out of the gloom. It was drueling with its big disgusting mouth. Everyone suddenly charged with a ferocious war cry but it easily dodged us. It then jumped on Doughty and started to mangle him. I then took an arrow and strung my bow and aimed for the creature’s heart. It kept moving so fast that I could hardly see it let alone shoot at it. But eventually I saw my chance and let loose, the arrow piercing the creatures heart in mid air there forth being hurled off the cliff edge. ‘PHEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW, that was close, I could of been killed’ panted Doughty. We then made our way to the steep slope that led into the mountains. ‘Lets all take a well earned rest’ announced Touchfire. We then settled down to be what a sleepless night. Touchfire then announced ‘we will wake up tomorrow at dawn and carry on our way’. That night I had trouble sleeping, I had a constant pain in my back where I had been shot back near castle Krill. That arrow was no ordinary arrow, one before has hit me, and it did not hurt or sting as much as this one. Also this arrow burned and scolded my skin and had constant sharp jolts. After a few hours I fell into an extremely deep sleep. I did not know that later on the next day I would have a very unpleasant time, very unpleasant indeed.
Sun 08/06/03 at 02:40
"I love yo... lamp."
Posts: 19,577
It has potential.
Fri 06/06/03 at 15:14
"Plate of glue"
Posts: 5,183
®õwÐ¥ M©ƒãgƒåg wrote:
> MAD MUEL! wrote:
> “Who’s that?” shouted Athor. ‘Don’t shout’ scolded Touchfire,
> ‘they’ll hear us’. ‘Too late,’ whimpered Little John. ‘What’s the
> matt……’ - suddenly everyone including Athor who was talking heard at
> least ten soldiers hurrying this way. ‘They’re coming’ I whispered,
> ‘everyone get your weapons out’.
> Just as the enemy turned the corner, we all got our weapons out and
> attacked. I strung my bow and aimed, I let loose and the arrow
> pierced the man’s heart, killing him on his feet. The clatter of
> battle was over in a few seconds, as all the soldiers lay on the
> floor
> dead.
> We crept around the corner without a single word only to be met by
> 20
> well-armed guards with their bows strung aiming at each of our
> hearts.
> At that moment, I could see that all of my companions were filling
> with fear, even the wise Touchfire. The soldiers aiming at us
> somehow
> looked different, they were bigger and looked stronger. Perhaps
> they
> were Kraznir’s elite force. As quick as a flash I took an arrow out
> of my quiver, strung it then shot hitting a guard straight through
> the
> neck. ‘Good’ne’- applauded Little John, but before he could finish
> he
> was hit by an arrow in the leg. ‘Serves you right, you little
> blighter’ chuckled Athor wickedly. ‘Close your dwarf stinkin
> shutter’
> shouted Little John. ‘Stressy stressy’ replied Athor calmly. ‘I’ll
> show you stressy you little………..‘ “Stop arguing or you two will get
> us
> killed” shouted the angry Touchfire.
> In a blink of an eye an arrow came streaming through my hat knocking
> it off. Suddenly with a war like shout Doughty and Athor charged
> towards the enemy killing many, there was blood gushing and pouring
> onto the floor everywhere. I strung my bow and aimed for the last
> person’s heart but a bloodied rottweiler jumped in the way and took
> the shot. Quickly but decisively Athor killed the last man alive.
> ‘Where’d that come from’ I whispered to Touchfire. Before he could
> answer an army of about 20 guard dogs charged towards us. This
> battle
> I will not explain in detail as it was a very gory and gruesome
> fight.
> Finally all but one rottweiler was dead. The last dog was on top of
> Little John with an arrow in its stomach, trying to eat him. Little
> John was fending the fierce dog off with his arms. ‘Go on with out
> me’ he shouted in a dreamy voice. ‘Ok’ replied Athor and walked
> off.
> ‘NO, No that’s not supposed to happen, your supposed to save me like
> in movies. ‘That’s not in Dwarf movies, because it’s boring and
> ruins
> the film’ replied Athor firmly. ‘That’s just because Dwarfs are
> abnormal and strange, not to mention have a bad film taste. ‘WHY
> STAY THERE’ SHOUTED ATHOR. ‘Stressy stressy’ replied Little John
> copying the way Athor had said it previously. We crept around the
> big
> cold stone castle for a while looking for an exit that which failed
> to
> appear. ‘It’s like a maze of stone’ said Doughty suddenly. ‘It is
> a
> maze’ replied Touchfire, ‘a never-ending one’ chirped in Little
> John.
> ‘Look, lets go that way, there’s a food store, we’ll need it’ I
> whispered. How’d you know it’s a food store’ asked Little John.
> ‘Because there’s a sign outside saying ‘Food Store’ replied Athor
> always trying to nag and pester the hobbit. When everyone got into
> the food store Touchfire whispered ‘is anyone hungry’. Everyone
> replied ‘no’ except the ignorant hobbit Little John. ‘We can’t have
> any food because were stocking up’ replied the angry hobbit hater
> dwarf.
> ‘What’s the point of stocking up if were not going to eat the
> bloomin’ grub’ shouted little John.
> ‘Just shut up, Little John’ replied Touchfire. ‘But’- ‘be quiet
> Little John for the last time, or I will turn you into stone’.
> We then loaded as much food and drink as we could manage into two
> bags. We then made our way to the weapon store to get some better
> weapons. All the way there all we heard was the constant grumbling
> of
> Little John’s stomach or it may have been that he was bored, either
> one I could not tell. When we got into the large weapon filled room
> everyone rushed and picked up the best weapon they could find,
> except
> me and Touchfire, we kept our weapons. We inherited them so they
> were
> very precious to us.
> After an hour of rummaging we left weapon and all. We ten suddenly
> saw the exit but were greeted by 10 soldiers. At that moment we
> turned the other way to another 10 soldiers, all together we faced
> 20
> strong men. I was so terrified, I really thought I was going to
> die.
> I swiftly took an arrow from my quiver, strung my bow and killed a
> man. While that was happening Doughty and Little John charged at
> the
> front ten and Athor charged at the other ten. Touchfire stood by me
> firing fireballs at the oncoming enemy. I fired as fast as I could
> killing many. Suddenly an arrow shot through Little John’s leg so
> he
> screamed. At last all soldiers were dead except one which Athor
> swiftly dealt with by a chop in the head. All my bow training since
> I
> was 3 finally paid off now when I’m 25. For our victory we did
> suffer
> some consequences. Doughty had a dagger in his left leg and an
> arrow
> in his right arm, Athor had two arrows in his stomach and a light
> slice in his arm. Little John had two arrows in his arm. Touchfire
> had two arrows in his leg and I had an arrow in my back.
> We went through the eternal darkness of the tunnel but to our dismay
> all we heard was the never-ending groan of Little John saying he was
> hungry. Touchfire kept trying to explain to him that we could not
> eat
> our supplies, as we hadn’t much and we could not go back inside, as
> we
> knew not of what was happening inside the great castle. When we
> came
> out of the tunnel we had to go across the cliff edge. As we turned
> the blood stained corner we saw a soldier armed with a longbow
> somehow
> not noticing us. A stab swiftly dealt with him in the back by
> Little
> John. Just as we were about to carry on a half snake half- human
> half-snake little monster jumped out of the gloom. It was drueling
> with its big disgusting mouth. Everyone suddenly charged with a
> ferocious war cry but it easily dodged us. It then jumped on
> Doughty
> and started to mangle him. I then took an arrow and strung my bow
> and
> aimed for the creature’s heart. It kept moving so fast that I could
> hardly see it let alone shoot at it. But eventually I saw my chance
> and let loose, the arrow piercing the creatures heart in mid air
> there
> forth being hurled off the cliff edge. ‘PHEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW, that
> was close, I could of been killed’ panted Doughty. We then made our
> way to the steep slope that led into the mountains. ‘Lets all take
> a
> well earned rest’ announced Touchfire. We then settled down to be
> what a sleepless night. Touchfire then announced ‘we will wake up
> tomorrow at dawn and carry on our way’. That night I had trouble
> sleeping, I had a constant pain in my back where I had been shot
> back
> near castle Krill. That arrow was no ordinary arrow, one before has
> hit me, and it did not hurt or sting as much as this one. Also this
> arrow burned and scolded my skin and had constant sharp jolts.
> After
> a few hours I fell into an extremely deep sleep. I did not know
> that
> later on the next day I would have a very unpleasant time, very
> unpleasant indeed.
> wow that really is unreal :D

You really shouldnt try to boost your word count like that ®õwÐ¥ M©ƒãgƒåg!
I would never..e..e..e..ever do that!
Fri 06/06/03 at 14:21
"Dunemaul NE Hunter"
Posts: 549
CRUD! (no offence intended........)
Wed 04/06/03 at 16:49
Posts: 3,893
®õwÐ¥ M©ƒãgƒåg wrote:
> wow that really is unreal :D

Well that was annoying.
Mon 02/06/03 at 19:28
Posts: 3,937
Good story William. Even though you did this at school!
Fri 30/05/03 at 22:50
"Not a Jew"
Posts: 7,532
What I can't figure out is how the hell Little John carried on with 2 arrows in his arm and 2 in his leg. Are these people invincible or are the arrows the size of needles?
Wed 28/05/03 at 22:18
Posts: 151
MAD MUEL! wrote:
> “Who’s that?” shouted Athor. ‘Don’t shout’ scolded Touchfire,
> ‘they’ll hear us’. ‘Too late,’ whimpered Little John. ‘What’s the
> matt……’ - suddenly everyone including Athor who was talking heard at
> least ten soldiers hurrying this way. ‘They’re coming’ I whispered,
> ‘everyone get your weapons out’.
> Just as the enemy turned the corner, we all got our weapons out and
> attacked. I strung my bow and aimed, I let loose and the arrow
> pierced the man’s heart, killing him on his feet. The clatter of
> battle was over in a few seconds, as all the soldiers lay on the floor
> dead.
> We crept around the corner without a single word only to be met by 20
> well-armed guards with their bows strung aiming at each of our
> hearts.
> At that moment, I could see that all of my companions were filling
> with fear, even the wise Touchfire. The soldiers aiming at us somehow
> looked different, they were bigger and looked stronger. Perhaps they
> were Kraznir’s elite force. As quick as a flash I took an arrow out
> of my quiver, strung it then shot hitting a guard straight through the
> neck. ‘Good’ne’- applauded Little John, but before he could finish he
> was hit by an arrow in the leg. ‘Serves you right, you little
> blighter’ chuckled Athor wickedly. ‘Close your dwarf stinkin shutter’
> shouted Little John. ‘Stressy stressy’ replied Athor calmly. ‘I’ll
> show you stressy you little………..‘ “Stop arguing or you two will get us
> killed” shouted the angry Touchfire.
> In a blink of an eye an arrow came streaming through my hat knocking
> it off. Suddenly with a war like shout Doughty and Athor charged
> towards the enemy killing many, there was blood gushing and pouring
> onto the floor everywhere. I strung my bow and aimed for the last
> person’s heart but a bloodied rottweiler jumped in the way and took
> the shot. Quickly but decisively Athor killed the last man alive.
> ‘Where’d that come from’ I whispered to Touchfire. Before he could
> answer an army of about 20 guard dogs charged towards us. This battle
> I will not explain in detail as it was a very gory and gruesome fight.
> Finally all but one rottweiler was dead. The last dog was on top of
> Little John with an arrow in its stomach, trying to eat him. Little
> John was fending the fierce dog off with his arms. ‘Go on with out
> me’ he shouted in a dreamy voice. ‘Ok’ replied Athor and walked off.
> ‘NO, No that’s not supposed to happen, your supposed to save me like
> in movies. ‘That’s not in Dwarf movies, because it’s boring and ruins
> the film’ replied Athor firmly. ‘That’s just because Dwarfs are
> abnormal and strange, not to mention have a bad film taste. ‘WHY YOU
> STAY THERE’ SHOUTED ATHOR. ‘Stressy stressy’ replied Little John
> copying the way Athor had said it previously. We crept around the big
> cold stone castle for a while looking for an exit that which failed to
> appear. ‘It’s like a maze of stone’ said Doughty suddenly. ‘It is a
> maze’ replied Touchfire, ‘a never-ending one’ chirped in Little John.
> ‘Look, lets go that way, there’s a food store, we’ll need it’ I
> whispered. How’d you know it’s a food store’ asked Little John.
> ‘Because there’s a sign outside saying ‘Food Store’ replied Athor
> always trying to nag and pester the hobbit. When everyone got into
> the food store Touchfire whispered ‘is anyone hungry’. Everyone
> replied ‘no’ except the ignorant hobbit Little John. ‘We can’t have
> any food because were stocking up’ replied the angry hobbit hater
> dwarf.
> ‘What’s the point of stocking up if were not going to eat the
> bloomin’ grub’ shouted little John.
> ‘Just shut up, Little John’ replied Touchfire. ‘But’- ‘be quiet
> Little John for the last time, or I will turn you into stone’.
> We then loaded as much food and drink as we could manage into two
> bags. We then made our way to the weapon store to get some better
> weapons. All the way there all we heard was the constant grumbling of
> Little John’s stomach or it may have been that he was bored, either
> one I could not tell. When we got into the large weapon filled room
> everyone rushed and picked up the best weapon they could find, except
> me and Touchfire, we kept our weapons. We inherited them so they were
> very precious to us.
> After an hour of rummaging we left weapon and all. We ten suddenly
> saw the exit but were greeted by 10 soldiers. At that moment we
> turned the other way to another 10 soldiers, all together we faced 20
> strong men. I was so terrified, I really thought I was going to die.
> I swiftly took an arrow from my quiver, strung my bow and killed a
> man. While that was happening Doughty and Little John charged at the
> front ten and Athor charged at the other ten. Touchfire stood by me
> firing fireballs at the oncoming enemy. I fired as fast as I could
> killing many. Suddenly an arrow shot through Little John’s leg so he
> screamed. At last all soldiers were dead except one which Athor
> swiftly dealt with by a chop in the head. All my bow training since I
> was 3 finally paid off now when I’m 25. For our victory we did suffer
> some consequences. Doughty had a dagger in his left leg and an arrow
> in his right arm, Athor had two arrows in his stomach and a light
> slice in his arm. Little John had two arrows in his arm. Touchfire
> had two arrows in his leg and I had an arrow in my back.
> We went through the eternal darkness of the tunnel but to our dismay
> all we heard was the never-ending groan of Little John saying he was
> hungry. Touchfire kept trying to explain to him that we could not eat
> our supplies, as we hadn’t much and we could not go back inside, as we
> knew not of what was happening inside the great castle. When we came
> out of the tunnel we had to go across the cliff edge. As we turned
> the blood stained corner we saw a soldier armed with a longbow somehow
> not noticing us. A stab swiftly dealt with him in the back by Little
> John. Just as we were about to carry on a half snake half- human
> half-snake little monster jumped out of the gloom. It was drueling
> with its big disgusting mouth. Everyone suddenly charged with a
> ferocious war cry but it easily dodged us. It then jumped on Doughty
> and started to mangle him. I then took an arrow and strung my bow and
> aimed for the creature’s heart. It kept moving so fast that I could
> hardly see it let alone shoot at it. But eventually I saw my chance
> and let loose, the arrow piercing the creatures heart in mid air there
> forth being hurled off the cliff edge. ‘PHEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW, that
> was close, I could of been killed’ panted Doughty. We then made our
> way to the steep slope that led into the mountains. ‘Lets all take a
> well earned rest’ announced Touchfire. We then settled down to be
> what a sleepless night. Touchfire then announced ‘we will wake up
> tomorrow at dawn and carry on our way’. That night I had trouble
> sleeping, I had a constant pain in my back where I had been shot back
> near castle Krill. That arrow was no ordinary arrow, one before has
> hit me, and it did not hurt or sting as much as this one. Also this
> arrow burned and scolded my skin and had constant sharp jolts. After
> a few hours I fell into an extremely deep sleep. I did not know that
> later on the next day I would have a very unpleasant time, very
> unpleasant indeed.

wow that really is unreal :D
Wed 28/05/03 at 21:16
"Gracia senoir"
Posts: 430
“Who’s that?” shouted Athor. ‘Don’t shout’ scolded Touchfire, ‘they’ll hear us’. ‘Too late,’ whimpered Little John. ‘What’s the matt……’ - suddenly everyone including Athor who was talking heard at least ten soldiers hurrying this way. ‘They’re coming’ I whispered, ‘everyone get your weapons out’.

Just as the enemy turned the corner, we all got our weapons out and attacked. I strung my bow and aimed, I let loose and the arrow pierced the man’s heart, killing him on his feet. The clatter of battle was over in a few seconds, as all the soldiers lay on the floor dead.

We crept around the corner without a single word only to be met by 20 well-armed guards with their bows strung aiming at each of our hearts.

At that moment, I could see that all of my companions were filling with fear, even the wise Touchfire. The soldiers aiming at us somehow looked different, they were bigger and looked stronger. Perhaps they were Kraznir’s elite force. As quick as a flash I took an arrow out of my quiver, strung it then shot hitting a guard straight through the neck. ‘Good’ne’- applauded Little John, but before he could finish he was hit by an arrow in the leg. ‘Serves you right, you little blighter’ chuckled Athor wickedly. ‘Close your dwarf stinkin shutter’ shouted Little John. ‘Stressy stressy’ replied Athor calmly. ‘I’ll show you stressy you little………..‘ “Stop arguing or you two will get us killed” shouted the angry Touchfire.
In a blink of an eye an arrow came streaming through my hat knocking it off. Suddenly with a war like shout Doughty and Athor charged towards the enemy killing many, there was blood gushing and pouring onto the floor everywhere. I strung my bow and aimed for the last person’s heart but a bloodied rottweiler jumped in the way and took the shot. Quickly but decisively Athor killed the last man alive. ‘Where’d that come from’ I whispered to Touchfire. Before he could answer an army of about 20 guard dogs charged towards us. This battle I will not explain in detail as it was a very gory and gruesome fight. Finally all but one rottweiler was dead. The last dog was on top of Little John with an arrow in its stomach, trying to eat him. Little John was fending the fierce dog off with his arms. ‘Go on with out me’ he shouted in a dreamy voice. ‘Ok’ replied Athor and walked off. ‘NO, No that’s not supposed to happen, your supposed to save me like in movies. ‘That’s not in Dwarf movies, because it’s boring and ruins the film’ replied Athor firmly. ‘That’s just because Dwarfs are abnormal and strange, not to mention have a bad film taste. ‘WHY YOU LITTLE STUPID HOBBIT THING, GO BACK HOME TO YOUR CARDBOARD BOX AND STAY THERE’ SHOUTED ATHOR. ‘Stressy stressy’ replied Little John copying the way Athor had said it previously. We crept around the big cold stone castle for a while looking for an exit that which failed to appear. ‘It’s like a maze of stone’ said Doughty suddenly. ‘It is a maze’ replied Touchfire, ‘a never-ending one’ chirped in Little John.

‘Look, lets go that way, there’s a food store, we’ll need it’ I whispered. How’d you know it’s a food store’ asked Little John. ‘Because there’s a sign outside saying ‘Food Store’ replied Athor always trying to nag and pester the hobbit. When everyone got into the food store Touchfire whispered ‘is anyone hungry’. Everyone replied ‘no’ except the ignorant hobbit Little John. ‘We can’t have any food because were stocking up’ replied the angry hobbit hater dwarf.
‘What’s the point of stocking up if were not going to eat the bloomin’ grub’ shouted little John.
‘Just shut up, Little John’ replied Touchfire. ‘But’- ‘be quiet Little John for the last time, or I will turn you into stone’.
We then loaded as much food and drink as we could manage into two bags. We then made our way to the weapon store to get some better weapons. All the way there all we heard was the constant grumbling of Little John’s stomach or it may have been that he was bored, either one I could not tell. When we got into the large weapon filled room everyone rushed and picked up the best weapon they could find, except me and Touchfire, we kept our weapons. We inherited them so they were very precious to us.

After an hour of rummaging we left weapon and all. We ten suddenly saw the exit but were greeted by 10 soldiers. At that moment we turned the other way to another 10 soldiers, all together we faced 20 strong men. I was so terrified, I really thought I was going to die. I swiftly took an arrow from my quiver, strung my bow and killed a man. While that was happening Doughty and Little John charged at the front ten and Athor charged at the other ten. Touchfire stood by me firing fireballs at the oncoming enemy. I fired as fast as I could killing many. Suddenly an arrow shot through Little John’s leg so he screamed. At last all soldiers were dead except one which Athor swiftly dealt with by a chop in the head. All my bow training since I was 3 finally paid off now when I’m 25. For our victory we did suffer some consequences. Doughty had a dagger in his left leg and an arrow in his right arm, Athor had two arrows in his stomach and a light slice in his arm. Little John had two arrows in his arm. Touchfire had two arrows in his leg and I had an arrow in my back.

We went through the eternal darkness of the tunnel but to our dismay all we heard was the never-ending groan of Little John saying he was hungry. Touchfire kept trying to explain to him that we could not eat our supplies, as we hadn’t much and we could not go back inside, as we knew not of what was happening inside the great castle. When we came out of the tunnel we had to go across the cliff edge. As we turned the blood stained corner we saw a soldier armed with a longbow somehow not noticing us. A stab swiftly dealt with him in the back by Little John. Just as we were about to carry on a half snake half- human half-snake little monster jumped out of the gloom. It was drueling with its big disgusting mouth. Everyone suddenly charged with a ferocious war cry but it easily dodged us. It then jumped on Doughty and started to mangle him. I then took an arrow and strung my bow and aimed for the creature’s heart. It kept moving so fast that I could hardly see it let alone shoot at it. But eventually I saw my chance and let loose, the arrow piercing the creatures heart in mid air there forth being hurled off the cliff edge. ‘PHEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW, that was close, I could of been killed’ panted Doughty. We then made our way to the steep slope that led into the mountains. ‘Lets all take a well earned rest’ announced Touchfire. We then settled down to be what a sleepless night. Touchfire then announced ‘we will wake up tomorrow at dawn and carry on our way’. That night I had trouble sleeping, I had a constant pain in my back where I had been shot back near castle Krill. That arrow was no ordinary arrow, one before has hit me, and it did not hurt or sting as much as this one. Also this arrow burned and scolded my skin and had constant sharp jolts. After a few hours I fell into an extremely deep sleep. I did not know that later on the next day I would have a very unpleasant time, very unpleasant indeed.

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