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"American Pizza Cheese"

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Tue 27/05/03 at 18:40
Posts: 787
When in Florida on a trip to see Mickey Mouse I was unfortunate enough to be distgusted by the way Americans make there Pizzas.

The cheese is not motzoreela - it is cottage cheese :p

The base? It is full of sugar!

The toppings? They range from the distgusting to 'lots of distgusting'

All of it is rather unpleasent. Anybody know WHY they do this? I have no idea...How can they eat so much of this...this..(Very hard for a Pizza fan to say)..crap!

Also - buffets. Why, oh why is EVERY single resturant a buffet. Do they know what a menu is? And they are not your normal buffets. They are filled with what we would consider set courses. Spegehti Bollonagse, Pies, Pizzas...everything - what we would call a whole meal, all you can eat. But again - its all full of sugar. Its quite piculiar. Even there suaces are worryingly sweet.

And not to even mention how wastefull they are. With all these buffets you see Americans stack up piles, and piles of food, only to eat 1/2 and repile, eating 4 times as much as I ever could (And I eat a LOT, but thankfully never seem to show thanks to my super human teenage metabolism) and then thorwing another lot 4 times as much as I could eat away.

And the packaging - everything is disposable plastic. EVERYTHING! And again, it never gets reycycled.

I am not a stereotype either, but I have to say...some are worryingly fat. I mean 'Cant walk around Disney Land without an electric wheel cahir' fat which Disney rent out.

And political correctness? Its gone crazy. Every rollercoaster now has an 'Example' seat at the gate of the ride. They get every single person to sit in this chair, just to see if they can fit in it before quewing up for the ride! Now, I am officailly underweight no matter how much I eat. And they asked me. The cahir in fact was so big, I was quite worried on the loops I might fall out! But for the yanks, I saw several who would not fit and compalined to the park technisions.

However - saying all this - It was EASILY the best holiday of my life, and virtually all of the Americans where very kind and helpfull, if not slightly too 'bubbley' for my likings.

America is a bizzare place...but back on topic - WHY do they use cottage cheese on pizza - why?!?
Wed 28/05/03 at 15:42
"Going nowhere fast"
Posts: 6,574
People do go round fingering food. Especially finger buffets where some people don't bother with utensils, if any, provided but grap sarnies, chicken etc. and just dig in.

- on the way back from the loo or after just having a fag.
Wed 28/05/03 at 13:28
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
Unless people go around fingering the food, I don't think it matters if they wash their hands or not.
Wed 28/05/03 at 11:21
"Going nowhere fast"
Posts: 6,574
You'd actually eat from a buffet - do you know how many people don't wash their hands?

Wed 28/05/03 at 10:40
Posts: 10,759
Looking down on New York State was as if I was playing somone's Sim City save file.

To geometric for me.
Tue 27/05/03 at 20:56
"Light of the world"
Posts: 4,763
he he he *thinks whether topretend american*

Hun i not! I am also sorry I was outraged by what i thought was an axe to the american food industry...when i didnt give myself the chance to read on further
Tue 27/05/03 at 19:37
"Light of the world"
Posts: 4,763
You simply disgust me!!!

I got to about halfway through of your abuse hailing the US then I thought....WHAT!?

The kids meals are bigger than adult meals here. Its so cheap - and large!

The mcdonalds etc....size of plates! Why moan about buffet's?? large quantities of food at your beckon call!! Plus not every restaurant is a buffet - steak houses YUM, perkins, chinese restaurants not always buffet!

Chequers??(dunno how to spell it) anybody who has been will know how gorgeous these are why arent they in britain???

tut tut america was the food daddy!
Tue 27/05/03 at 19:22
Posts: 2,774
back to the pizza cheese topic. if you think the americans are bad at pizza, just check out the dry, mangled thing that turned up on my plate in a spanish restaurant. it was so bad that when i cut it up a small spider scuttled from underneath the plate and ran off across the table!
i think that spider was partial to cold but dry climates, because the pizza was stone cold, was as dry as chilli powder, and had the texture of a cardboard box. one bite almost made me spit it back out. then we knew why the place was so empty. what topped it all off was the fact that it took nearly half an hour for the pizza to cook!

needless to say, i didnt eat it.....
Tue 27/05/03 at 19:00
"Jog on, sunshine"
Posts: 8,979
Hulk Coaster

Duelling Dragons

Rock and rollacoaster

Magnum XL



They all rock, the latter 3 are in Cedar Point, OH.
Tue 27/05/03 at 18:49
"+34 Intellect"
Posts: 21,334
TGMbloke wrote:
> And political correctness? Its gone crazy. Every rollercoaster now has
> an 'Example' seat at the gate of the ride. They get every single
> person to sit in this chair, just to see if they can fit in it before
> quewing up for the ride! Now, I am officailly underweight no matter
> how much I eat. And they asked me. The cahir in fact was so big, I was
> quite worried on the loops I might fall out! But for the yanks, I saw
> several who would not fit and compalined to the park technisions.

Have they changed the rules? The last time i was there you could try the seat out if you wanted but it wasnt compulsory, as long as you met the height restriction and didnt have a body like a bus, no questions were asked.

Hulk coaster ROCKS!

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