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"Worms Armageddon Decades"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Worms Armageddon'.
Wed 25/02/09 at 22:07
Posts: 15,681
It looks like Worms Armageddon is coming to Xbox 360 Live Arcade.

The original Live Arcade game was popular. Worms Armagedon was popular in its time. So hopefully, if this is ported right, Armageddon decades will be great too!

No wormy gimmicks and 8 worms a team please!

Fri 27/02/09 at 16:01
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
hippyman wrote:

> I like the time-limits when playing as I always know it'll be my
> turn soon. The last minute acts of desperation, as Edgy
> mentioned, are absolutely hilarious. As are the "accidently
> pressing fire instead of jump/weapon select etc, whilst using the
> bazooka" or the "lets throw a banana bomb over that
> ledge and *&^!£ I've made it rebound towards me"
> bits that appear throughout the game!

That's true, i suppose. But I'd still like the option...

Anyway, I really hope this might get them thinking about another 3D one like Forts for the current generation.

In fact, the Wii remote would be great for some weapons, they could have an aim into the screen weapon and a coke can or something that you need to shake to work.
Fri 27/02/09 at 15:50
Posts: 4,686
Great news, will more than likely download it. Funny concept and a simple game to pick up and play

Edgy wrote:
> The option to turn off time limits would work great in a console
> version, and would be great as an option if not over-used on PC
> versions - but I did like the desperate acts to fire a rocket on
> time resulting in hilarity and calamity.

I like the time-limits when playing as I always know it'll be my turn soon. The last minute acts of desperation, as Edgy mentioned, are absolutely hilarious. As are the "accidently pressing fire instead of jump/weapon select etc, whilst using the bazooka" or the "lets throw a banana bomb over that ledge and *&^!£ I've made it rebound towards me" bits that appear throughout the game!
Thu 26/02/09 at 23:08
Posts: 15,681
I thought Worms Forts was the better of the 3D worms games...but I still don't think you can beat the PC original or the PC 2D 'sequels' (though they didn't really have a sequence)...

The Wii game felt even more limited than the XBLA game!

The option to turn off time limits would work great in a console version, and would be great as an option if not over-used on PC versions - but I did like the desperate acts to fire a rocket on time resulting in hilarity and calamity.
Thu 26/02/09 at 09:08
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
The only thing I didn't like about all the worms sequels is that they never had the option to turn time limits off. Other than that, the games are all good fun and I even liked the 3D ones.

I've had great online games on Worms Forts on the Xbox.
Wed 25/02/09 at 22:07
Posts: 15,681
It looks like Worms Armageddon is coming to Xbox 360 Live Arcade.

The original Live Arcade game was popular. Worms Armagedon was popular in its time. So hopefully, if this is ported right, Armageddon decades will be great too!

No wormy gimmicks and 8 worms a team please!


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