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"Two Sugars Please..."

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Tue 22/04/03 at 20:36
Posts: 787
Two Sugars Please…

As she folded the last napkin and placed it delicately on the coffee table a sharp ringing noise filled the house. Monica frantically brushed her creased skirt as she quickly strolled to the door. It was the first time she had seen her sister Jill in many, many years and she wanted everything to looks it's best. Although she did not remember much about her older sister, she remembered a few of the times they spent together as children. They used to be the best of friends before her parents died but after their untimely death Jill was a changed woman. She had always been a slave to her parents needs, Jill had stayed inside her parent’s house to help them with their illnesses since she was a little girl and after they died it was like she had lost all-purpose in life. She became consumed by her work in London and left Monica to fend for herself, and now, after so many years, they would finally be reunited as sisters.

As the door swung open with the help of a summers breeze the figure of a stick thin woman could be perceived against the power of the blinding sunshine.

"Good morning" said the woman at the door. Monica barely recognised her, Jill had always looked tired and worn out because of her many duties at home but time had taken its toll on her once warm and comforting face in a way no one could have ever guessed.

"Welcome! Welcome to my home Jill" said Monica in an inviting tone and with a smile on her face. "Come in come in, Let me take your coat" Offered Monica as the wafer thin woman that was her sister entered through the wooden doorframe. As the sisters exchanged compliments on their way through into the living room Jill could only help but stare at the splendour that was her sister’s home.

"I'm glad you agreed to meet with me on such short notice," Jill said in an apologetic tone "I was so pleased to be able to meet you one last time." Monica stopped for a second to take in what Jill had just said...what did she mean "one last time"? Was she going somewhere? Was she ill? Something troubled Monica about Jill but she was too blinded by her own hopes of having a pleasant time with her sister to enquire her suspicious statement.

As they both sat down to have a long over due talk it soon became apparent that something was severely troubling Jill.

"I remember when we were kids you know, I remember watching you from Mother's bedroom as you played with your friends..." said Jill in a monotone voice. She was almost in a trance, she looked like a woman on a mission and nothing was going to stop her. "I could have had friends too," said Jill as her voice started to quake "I was the most popular girl in school before our parents got sick." Her voice was no longer calm as it used to be, she was starting to snap at Monica like a viper finishing its kill.

"I remember Jill, no one was more appreciative of your help than me. I always admire your determination to see our parents through even the worst of times and always hoped to help one day too.,” said Monica. She had become uncomfortable in her own home, she no longer felt secure but continued with idle chat about their child hood. "Would you like some tea? Or maybe some coffee?" said Monica as she waved her hand over her coffee table in a proud fashion. Jill cracked a miniscule smile as she slowly nodded her head. She no longer looked tense, Monica had succeeded in breaking the ice and it filled her with happiness. "I'll just go and get the good china. I only use it for special occasions and this definitely qualifies as one." said Monica as she shuffled into the kitchen in her best summer outfit.

As Jill sat alone in the brightly painted living room her eyes were drawn away from the perfectly presented vase of tulips, the proudly framed pictures of Monica's loved ones and the sleeping ginger cat in the corner of the room. She quickly noticed the bowl of sugar cubes placed neatly on the coffee table and before her unsuspecting sister could return she placed two sugar cubes of her own into the bowl...

"Here we go," exclaimed Monica in a gleeful tone of voice. She had two fine china cups on a tray accompanied by two steaming kettles, presumably one with tea and the other with coffee.

"Please, you've been so hospitable why don't you let me serve the beverages?" said Jill with a grin and an assertive tone.

"Why of course, that's so nice of you. I'll have some coffee please."

"Good, one sugar or two?"

"Two sugars please." said Monica, as the look on Jill's face became that of a sinister person. As Jill finished pouring the brown, rich liquid into the delicate cups Monica could only watch as the two foreign sugar cubes were dropped into her drink.

"Here we go, just wait for the coffee to cool." said Jill as she handed the tampered beverage to her victim. As Monica took hold of the now warm china cup she started to drink her coffee. She started to shake and shiver as a twisted smile of triumph appeared on Jill’s face. As the beverage was finished the china hit the ground with a smash. Monica started to feel weak all over, she didn't know what was going on but could see from the sadistic grin on her sister’s face that it was her who had done it.

"What have you done!?!" Said Monica in a weak and shaky voice.

"Oh don't pretend you don't know, your ignorance sickens me!" Shouted Jill as her face became red. "Let me enlighten you my dear sister," she exclaimed in a patronising voice. She watched as her sister lay on the ground struggling to take in her last few breaths. "You were always Mother and Fathers favourite daughter! I worked myself into the ground, sacrificed my child hood so you could have one of your own! And did I get a thank you? NO! Did our parents ever speak of me? NO! To them I was nothing more than a servant and you were their popular, perfect daughter." Jill’s ranting was the last thing Monica would ever hear and she could feel it inside her, the end was near, her vision became blurred and she heard these final words. "I could have been popular you know! I was popular once! I had a life outside this house but you stole it from me! You stole my life from me and now I'm going to steal yours!" As Jill turned to reach the door however she encountered an unexpected surprise as a loud ring filled the house with the sound of the doorbell ringing.
Wed 30/04/03 at 22:43
"four horsemen"
Posts: 5
why oh why do we need to have virtually the entire text of Friends episode 175258 (season 9, no less) posted here????
Wed 23/04/03 at 22:19
Posts: 9,631
My minds eyes!!!! theyre enjoying it!

Wed 23/04/03 at 17:21
"Sex On Wheels"
Posts: 3,526
MY MINDS EYE!!! AGHHHHHHHH!! :'( **Drinks Hydrochloric Acid X Molar**
Tue 22/04/03 at 23:06
Posts: 3,893
And thinking about me naked.
Tue 22/04/03 at 21:48
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
This is good, buuuuuuut;
Tue 22/04/03 at 20:58
"Jog on, sunshine"
Posts: 8,979
Nice idea. Though, granted, it would be pretty hard to stel someone's life...

Well, except for the Olsen twins.
Tue 22/04/03 at 20:36
"Sex On Wheels"
Posts: 3,526
Two Sugars Please…

As she folded the last napkin and placed it delicately on the coffee table a sharp ringing noise filled the house. Monica frantically brushed her creased skirt as she quickly strolled to the door. It was the first time she had seen her sister Jill in many, many years and she wanted everything to looks it's best. Although she did not remember much about her older sister, she remembered a few of the times they spent together as children. They used to be the best of friends before her parents died but after their untimely death Jill was a changed woman. She had always been a slave to her parents needs, Jill had stayed inside her parent’s house to help them with their illnesses since she was a little girl and after they died it was like she had lost all-purpose in life. She became consumed by her work in London and left Monica to fend for herself, and now, after so many years, they would finally be reunited as sisters.

As the door swung open with the help of a summers breeze the figure of a stick thin woman could be perceived against the power of the blinding sunshine.

"Good morning" said the woman at the door. Monica barely recognised her, Jill had always looked tired and worn out because of her many duties at home but time had taken its toll on her once warm and comforting face in a way no one could have ever guessed.

"Welcome! Welcome to my home Jill" said Monica in an inviting tone and with a smile on her face. "Come in come in, Let me take your coat" Offered Monica as the wafer thin woman that was her sister entered through the wooden doorframe. As the sisters exchanged compliments on their way through into the living room Jill could only help but stare at the splendour that was her sister’s home.

"I'm glad you agreed to meet with me on such short notice," Jill said in an apologetic tone "I was so pleased to be able to meet you one last time." Monica stopped for a second to take in what Jill had just said...what did she mean "one last time"? Was she going somewhere? Was she ill? Something troubled Monica about Jill but she was too blinded by her own hopes of having a pleasant time with her sister to enquire her suspicious statement.

As they both sat down to have a long over due talk it soon became apparent that something was severely troubling Jill.

"I remember when we were kids you know, I remember watching you from Mother's bedroom as you played with your friends..." said Jill in a monotone voice. She was almost in a trance, she looked like a woman on a mission and nothing was going to stop her. "I could have had friends too," said Jill as her voice started to quake "I was the most popular girl in school before our parents got sick." Her voice was no longer calm as it used to be, she was starting to snap at Monica like a viper finishing its kill.

"I remember Jill, no one was more appreciative of your help than me. I always admire your determination to see our parents through even the worst of times and always hoped to help one day too.,” said Monica. She had become uncomfortable in her own home, she no longer felt secure but continued with idle chat about their child hood. "Would you like some tea? Or maybe some coffee?" said Monica as she waved her hand over her coffee table in a proud fashion. Jill cracked a miniscule smile as she slowly nodded her head. She no longer looked tense, Monica had succeeded in breaking the ice and it filled her with happiness. "I'll just go and get the good china. I only use it for special occasions and this definitely qualifies as one." said Monica as she shuffled into the kitchen in her best summer outfit.

As Jill sat alone in the brightly painted living room her eyes were drawn away from the perfectly presented vase of tulips, the proudly framed pictures of Monica's loved ones and the sleeping ginger cat in the corner of the room. She quickly noticed the bowl of sugar cubes placed neatly on the coffee table and before her unsuspecting sister could return she placed two sugar cubes of her own into the bowl...

"Here we go," exclaimed Monica in a gleeful tone of voice. She had two fine china cups on a tray accompanied by two steaming kettles, presumably one with tea and the other with coffee.

"Please, you've been so hospitable why don't you let me serve the beverages?" said Jill with a grin and an assertive tone.

"Why of course, that's so nice of you. I'll have some coffee please."

"Good, one sugar or two?"

"Two sugars please." said Monica, as the look on Jill's face became that of a sinister person. As Jill finished pouring the brown, rich liquid into the delicate cups Monica could only watch as the two foreign sugar cubes were dropped into her drink.

"Here we go, just wait for the coffee to cool." said Jill as she handed the tampered beverage to her victim. As Monica took hold of the now warm china cup she started to drink her coffee. She started to shake and shiver as a twisted smile of triumph appeared on Jill’s face. As the beverage was finished the china hit the ground with a smash. Monica started to feel weak all over, she didn't know what was going on but could see from the sadistic grin on her sister’s face that it was her who had done it.

"What have you done!?!" Said Monica in a weak and shaky voice.

"Oh don't pretend you don't know, your ignorance sickens me!" Shouted Jill as her face became red. "Let me enlighten you my dear sister," she exclaimed in a patronising voice. She watched as her sister lay on the ground struggling to take in her last few breaths. "You were always Mother and Fathers favourite daughter! I worked myself into the ground, sacrificed my child hood so you could have one of your own! And did I get a thank you? NO! Did our parents ever speak of me? NO! To them I was nothing more than a servant and you were their popular, perfect daughter." Jill’s ranting was the last thing Monica would ever hear and she could feel it inside her, the end was near, her vision became blurred and she heard these final words. "I could have been popular you know! I was popular once! I had a life outside this house but you stole it from me! You stole my life from me and now I'm going to steal yours!" As Jill turned to reach the door however she encountered an unexpected surprise as a loud ring filled the house with the sound of the doorbell ringing.

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