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"So simple really........"

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Mon 14/04/03 at 09:49
Posts: 787
Isabella had given Tom one of her usual gifts and it brought tears to my eyes as always. Tom always accepted these 'gifts' and never gave her anything back. This really annoyed me, it made my blood boil and we always had terrible rows about it. I told him he should reciprocate but he couldn't and never would, it just wasn't in his nature.

Tom and I had been best friends for as long as I could remember, we'd grown up together, played together, graduated together. Tom was an accountant, a good one, and I'd joined the Police, I was now Detective Quinnan.

Six years ago Tom met Isabella, within a year they were married and I was so very pleased for him. Isabella was a perfect foil to his personality. Whereas Tom was quiet and very laid back, Isabella was a redheaded fireball, with a temper to match and a hunger for power. It was only after they had been married several months that it became apparent that she was also a total control freak.

I knew the seedier side of the city and if Tom wasn't going to give Isabella what she deserved then I would. I'd been saving spare cash in a tin for approximately 9 months now, every since Tom 'fell' down the stairs and broke his leg, and I now had enough saved to carry out my intentions.

I bought the gun and silencer from a contact, this was the biggest risk I was taking but it couldn't be helped. I purchased a red wig and then bought a car, a banger well past it's prime, from an advert in the local paper. That was it, I was ready, so simple really.

Every Tuesday and Thursday Isabella told Tom she was working late and had meetings to chair or attend. In reality she was having an affair with Simon, nice enough chap according to everything she had told me, easy for her to control and manipulate, she always called the shots. They always met at the same motel, in the same room, at the same time - religiously.

So there I was, parked at the back where the room is, waiting for Simon to leave. I was wearing the red wig, black jog pants, t-shirt and black gloves. Simon always leaves first, approx. 7.00 pm, so Isabella can shower and dress before returning to Tom. When Simon had left the room and driven out of the car park, I strode swiftly to the room and opened the door.

"Hey, Isabella, you in the shower?" I yelled.

"Megan, is that you? What are you doing here, I though we were meeting at my house about 8.30?" she called back.

"I was here interviewing the hotel keeper and saw Simon leave" I responded.

She wandered into the bedroom just wrapped in a towel, fresh from the shower and stopped.

"What the hell have you done to your hair, red doesn't suit you. Is it a wig and what are you wearing?"

"Yes, it's a wig, I'm in disguise"

"Gods, you look ridiculous, why do you need a disguise?" she asking laughing.

"For this" I replied and shot her once, in the head.

I left the room, closing the door behind me and walked casually towards the banger I had parked at the darkest corner of the car park. This I drove quite deeply into the nearby trees where I stripped off the wig and threw it onto the front seat. I doused the car in petrol and then I changed the new trainers I was wearing, with a distinctive tread, for my old ones which I had left in the car in plastic bags. Setting fire to everything I angled away into the trees to reach a well traversed path which I knew was approximately 15 minutes jog away and just prayed that no one else was around. Reaching the path I removed the plastic bags from my feet and jogged to my car which was parked only 5 minutes away. That was it, I had done it, so simple really.

By 8.20 pm I was at Toms' house, freshly showered and changed, waiting for Isabella as arranged. Tom and I were discussing the movie that Isabella and I planned to go see this evening before we stopped for a meal when the doorbell rang.

"Megan, it's the police, they must be looking for you" he yelled back to me upon opening the door. "Not yet they're not, but they will be" I thought to myself, as Tom and the police walked back into the room.

"Hello, Detective Quinnan, didn't realise you had been assigned to the case" said Jeff, the first policeman who'd walked into the room.

"I'm waiting for Megan, we're going to see a movie" I replied. "What case?"

And then he told us. All about the motel, the shooting and the death of Isabella. Tom was devastated, he just broke down. I fielded questions on his behalf and eventually the police were finished for the time being and left.

"I don't understand" said Tom.

"Neither do I" I replied and gently wrapped him in my arms.

I knew there were unsolved cases all the time but also realised that I could have missed something and may eventually be caught. It had been a risk but as far as I was concerned it was a risk worth taking for the only man I truly loved.

I rocked him in my arms and kissed his cheek while slowly stroking the fading bruises under his left eye. The last vicious 'gift' Isabella would ever give my Tom.
Mon 14/04/03 at 15:18
"Going nowhere fast"
Posts: 6,574
Black Glove wrote:
> Murder again eh?

My writings do seem to lean that way. Think I'll change my name to Ripper :)
Mon 14/04/03 at 14:27
Posts: 3,522
Nice one Ineedsleep. Very enjoyable. It has a good tempo. Murder again eh? :)
Mon 14/04/03 at 13:40
"no longer El Blokey"
Posts: 4,471
Yes, but it was a bit off-handed. Maybe go into a bit of detail, like "he came round. Hes aid he limped all the way here" etc. for that actual event, and say during the description that it set you off.
Mon 14/04/03 at 12:42
"Going nowhere fast"
Posts: 6,574
Thanks for the comments and feedback regarding the gun purchase. Noted.

I did mention that she had been saving for 9 months, since Tom fell down the stairs and this was supposed to indicate when she had seriously begun planning to knock Isabella off - but possible this should have been extended upon as well


Happy to have made you laugh.
Mon 14/04/03 at 10:02
"Which one's pink?"
Posts: 12,152
I agree with El Blokey, about building up how he got the gun etc, but still it was a very good story.

Something I have never ever done on these forums is actually laugh out loud at something I've read.
Not even some wonder joke would make me do it, however, this did;


"What the hell have you done to your hair, red doesn't suit you. Is it a wig and what are you wearing?"

"Yes, it's a wig, I'm in disguise"

"Gods, you look ridiculous, why do you need a disguise?" she asking laughing.

"For this" I replied and shot her once, in the head.


I honestly did just burst out laughing at that. I dunno why, it was just the line of "For this". Well done mate, first person to make me laugh on SR. A lot of things are funny, yeah, but none actually make me laugh.
Again, good story.
Mon 14/04/03 at 09:54
"no longer El Blokey"
Posts: 4,471
I liked that. Maybe you could have spent a bit longer building up how you got the gun, when you decided to kill her etc. but apart from that I thought it was very good. Well done.
Mon 14/04/03 at 09:49
"Going nowhere fast"
Posts: 6,574
Isabella had given Tom one of her usual gifts and it brought tears to my eyes as always. Tom always accepted these 'gifts' and never gave her anything back. This really annoyed me, it made my blood boil and we always had terrible rows about it. I told him he should reciprocate but he couldn't and never would, it just wasn't in his nature.

Tom and I had been best friends for as long as I could remember, we'd grown up together, played together, graduated together. Tom was an accountant, a good one, and I'd joined the Police, I was now Detective Quinnan.

Six years ago Tom met Isabella, within a year they were married and I was so very pleased for him. Isabella was a perfect foil to his personality. Whereas Tom was quiet and very laid back, Isabella was a redheaded fireball, with a temper to match and a hunger for power. It was only after they had been married several months that it became apparent that she was also a total control freak.

I knew the seedier side of the city and if Tom wasn't going to give Isabella what she deserved then I would. I'd been saving spare cash in a tin for approximately 9 months now, every since Tom 'fell' down the stairs and broke his leg, and I now had enough saved to carry out my intentions.

I bought the gun and silencer from a contact, this was the biggest risk I was taking but it couldn't be helped. I purchased a red wig and then bought a car, a banger well past it's prime, from an advert in the local paper. That was it, I was ready, so simple really.

Every Tuesday and Thursday Isabella told Tom she was working late and had meetings to chair or attend. In reality she was having an affair with Simon, nice enough chap according to everything she had told me, easy for her to control and manipulate, she always called the shots. They always met at the same motel, in the same room, at the same time - religiously.

So there I was, parked at the back where the room is, waiting for Simon to leave. I was wearing the red wig, black jog pants, t-shirt and black gloves. Simon always leaves first, approx. 7.00 pm, so Isabella can shower and dress before returning to Tom. When Simon had left the room and driven out of the car park, I strode swiftly to the room and opened the door.

"Hey, Isabella, you in the shower?" I yelled.

"Megan, is that you? What are you doing here, I though we were meeting at my house about 8.30?" she called back.

"I was here interviewing the hotel keeper and saw Simon leave" I responded.

She wandered into the bedroom just wrapped in a towel, fresh from the shower and stopped.

"What the hell have you done to your hair, red doesn't suit you. Is it a wig and what are you wearing?"

"Yes, it's a wig, I'm in disguise"

"Gods, you look ridiculous, why do you need a disguise?" she asking laughing.

"For this" I replied and shot her once, in the head.

I left the room, closing the door behind me and walked casually towards the banger I had parked at the darkest corner of the car park. This I drove quite deeply into the nearby trees where I stripped off the wig and threw it onto the front seat. I doused the car in petrol and then I changed the new trainers I was wearing, with a distinctive tread, for my old ones which I had left in the car in plastic bags. Setting fire to everything I angled away into the trees to reach a well traversed path which I knew was approximately 15 minutes jog away and just prayed that no one else was around. Reaching the path I removed the plastic bags from my feet and jogged to my car which was parked only 5 minutes away. That was it, I had done it, so simple really.

By 8.20 pm I was at Toms' house, freshly showered and changed, waiting for Isabella as arranged. Tom and I were discussing the movie that Isabella and I planned to go see this evening before we stopped for a meal when the doorbell rang.

"Megan, it's the police, they must be looking for you" he yelled back to me upon opening the door. "Not yet they're not, but they will be" I thought to myself, as Tom and the police walked back into the room.

"Hello, Detective Quinnan, didn't realise you had been assigned to the case" said Jeff, the first policeman who'd walked into the room.

"I'm waiting for Megan, we're going to see a movie" I replied. "What case?"

And then he told us. All about the motel, the shooting and the death of Isabella. Tom was devastated, he just broke down. I fielded questions on his behalf and eventually the police were finished for the time being and left.

"I don't understand" said Tom.

"Neither do I" I replied and gently wrapped him in my arms.

I knew there were unsolved cases all the time but also realised that I could have missed something and may eventually be caught. It had been a risk but as far as I was concerned it was a risk worth taking for the only man I truly loved.

I rocked him in my arms and kissed his cheek while slowly stroking the fading bruises under his left eye. The last vicious 'gift' Isabella would ever give my Tom.

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