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Mon 24/03/03 at 13:23
Posts: 787
She was perfect in almost every way…no, she was perfect in every way!

Just looking at her made his heart rise, and this was one of those moment as she stood in front of him. She was beautiful. Her long dark hair fell to her shoulders, and her thin, wet lips complimented her smooth, tanned face. She had a slender figure, and a medium-sizes breasts, not too big, not too small. Her long legs were half-covered by a skirt, and her small feet were inside red slippers. But what he really noticed about her was the eyes. They were a gorgeous sea-green, and he found himself becoming lost in them as he stared in awe at her.

And fortunately, her angelic looks were accompanied by an amazing personality. They shared a wonderful sense of humour – everything she said seemed to make him laugh, and it appeared to be the same for her too. She was caring and kind, and he loved the way she would innocently poke fun at his little quirks from time to time. She had her own little quirks too, and he loved her for them. He had no doubt that they were made for each-other…it was as though destiny had brought them together. For once in his life, he felt happy.

How had they met? That was something he often tried to remember…but strangely, he was never enlightened. But he didn’t really care, as long as they were together. And they were always together.

At times, this confused him too…didn’t she have any family? A job? But this didn’t trouble him either, he had no problem with her spending all her time with him. They were so in love it seemed almost…unreal. People gave them funny looks on the streets as they walked, hand-in-hand, talking and laughing with each-other. Why? Jealousy, no doubt.

His family didn’t seem too happy about them either…they found the relationship ‘weird’ and ‘disturbing,’ and were apparently worried about him. But he ignored them, and hadn’t seen any of them for months. Who cares? After all, he had her.

They hardly ever argued, but when they did, it was only minutes before they were back in each other’s arms. They couldn’t bear to be without each other…and this filled him with joy. He had been so lonely before she’d come along…that was the problem. That had always been the problem, but he’d never realised it.

He had been contemplating suicide when she arrived in his life…again, this made him wonder as to how exactly they met…surely he should be able to remember? But no, there was no point worrying about it. She came long, and saved him…it was her that his life had been missing. He wasn’t poor, ill, and he’d always had a pretty decent life – so why had he contemplated suicide? There was always something missing…but he couldn’t work out what it was. And it cut into him, so deeply that it brought him to tears. But now that she was here, he knew what the problem was…he’d been lonely.

And he never wanted to be lonely again. So today, he was going to ask her to marry him. He wasn’t worried about the answer, oh no, he was more apprehensive over the way he was going to ask her. He’d never been the most confident of people, and he was unsure of exactly how to do it. So he made himself a plan…and a back-up plan. Nothing could go wrong.

And it didn’t. It went perfectly, and in a matter of seconds he was on one knee, offering her the most expensive and beautiful ring he could afford. He lifted his head and stared into those sea-green eyes, a joyous smile spreading across his features, and asked her to marry him.

No, she replied.

No? No!? NO!? How could she say no…there was no reason not to, they’d been together for long enough! Everything had been so perfect the past few months or so…he’d just followed his instincts, and…well, he’d followed his instincts here too, it was perfect! PERFECT! There was no way she could reject him.

But she did. And she ran from him, tears streaming down her eyes. He chased her outside, and she ran into a busy road, where an oncoming lorry crashed into her. She was dead from the moment of impact.

He screamed out in anguish, tears now streaming down his face too, and watched as the lorry drove on as though nothing had happened. He screamed for the other drivers to stop, but they carried on too! They drove over her mangled body without a care in the world, ending any hope of her survival. In the end he ran inside and threw up, unable to contemplate what had just taken place before his very eyes. He didn’t want to go outside, but he managed to phone for help.

The ambulance and police arrived, and knocked on his door. He somehow managed to inform them of what had happened, confused as to why they hadn’t seen anything…after all, it had happened just outside his house! He pushed past them and pointed to her…

Nothing. There was nothing there. Where her body had been, there was just tarmac. The blood stains had vanished too. And it began to dawn on him…

He realised why people laughed at him on the streets…he realised why his family had been worried about him and scared for him.

There had been no accident, and that was because she’d never existed. He’d imagined her.

And to be honest, this didn’t surprise him. It hurt him, but didn’t surprise him…maybe it had all just been too perfect.

But at least now he knew what was missing from his life…and he set out to find it again. He set out to find her again. Because the day she disappeared from his life, was the day his life begun.
Tue 13/05/03 at 20:14
"Yours or Mine"
Posts: 300
Nice post and a very intresring story
Tue 13/05/03 at 00:54
"I'm Great."
Posts: 2,917
That was pretty good. I thought it was going to be a she-male though. Don't know why. Liked the whole not real thing.
Mon 12/05/03 at 09:35
Posts: 3,522
Was he clinging on to a vision from the past - a past relationship, or was he going through some kind of mental breakdown, or perhaps both. Interesting.
Sun 13/04/03 at 23:10
Posts: 9,848
Saw that twist coming a mile off! ;-)

Nice story though. :-)
Fri 04/04/03 at 18:39
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
POP for Mr Garlic. :D
Tue 25/03/03 at 21:20
"Far Beyond Metal"
Posts: 5,748
Yeah, good post.

Tue 25/03/03 at 08:09
"Which one's pink?"
Posts: 12,152
Yeah, read this in Life, and read it again.
Still as good as it was, quality post, nice one.
Mon 24/03/03 at 13:23
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
She was perfect in almost every way…no, she was perfect in every way!

Just looking at her made his heart rise, and this was one of those moment as she stood in front of him. She was beautiful. Her long dark hair fell to her shoulders, and her thin, wet lips complimented her smooth, tanned face. She had a slender figure, and a medium-sizes breasts, not too big, not too small. Her long legs were half-covered by a skirt, and her small feet were inside red slippers. But what he really noticed about her was the eyes. They were a gorgeous sea-green, and he found himself becoming lost in them as he stared in awe at her.

And fortunately, her angelic looks were accompanied by an amazing personality. They shared a wonderful sense of humour – everything she said seemed to make him laugh, and it appeared to be the same for her too. She was caring and kind, and he loved the way she would innocently poke fun at his little quirks from time to time. She had her own little quirks too, and he loved her for them. He had no doubt that they were made for each-other…it was as though destiny had brought them together. For once in his life, he felt happy.

How had they met? That was something he often tried to remember…but strangely, he was never enlightened. But he didn’t really care, as long as they were together. And they were always together.

At times, this confused him too…didn’t she have any family? A job? But this didn’t trouble him either, he had no problem with her spending all her time with him. They were so in love it seemed almost…unreal. People gave them funny looks on the streets as they walked, hand-in-hand, talking and laughing with each-other. Why? Jealousy, no doubt.

His family didn’t seem too happy about them either…they found the relationship ‘weird’ and ‘disturbing,’ and were apparently worried about him. But he ignored them, and hadn’t seen any of them for months. Who cares? After all, he had her.

They hardly ever argued, but when they did, it was only minutes before they were back in each other’s arms. They couldn’t bear to be without each other…and this filled him with joy. He had been so lonely before she’d come along…that was the problem. That had always been the problem, but he’d never realised it.

He had been contemplating suicide when she arrived in his life…again, this made him wonder as to how exactly they met…surely he should be able to remember? But no, there was no point worrying about it. She came long, and saved him…it was her that his life had been missing. He wasn’t poor, ill, and he’d always had a pretty decent life – so why had he contemplated suicide? There was always something missing…but he couldn’t work out what it was. And it cut into him, so deeply that it brought him to tears. But now that she was here, he knew what the problem was…he’d been lonely.

And he never wanted to be lonely again. So today, he was going to ask her to marry him. He wasn’t worried about the answer, oh no, he was more apprehensive over the way he was going to ask her. He’d never been the most confident of people, and he was unsure of exactly how to do it. So he made himself a plan…and a back-up plan. Nothing could go wrong.

And it didn’t. It went perfectly, and in a matter of seconds he was on one knee, offering her the most expensive and beautiful ring he could afford. He lifted his head and stared into those sea-green eyes, a joyous smile spreading across his features, and asked her to marry him.

No, she replied.

No? No!? NO!? How could she say no…there was no reason not to, they’d been together for long enough! Everything had been so perfect the past few months or so…he’d just followed his instincts, and…well, he’d followed his instincts here too, it was perfect! PERFECT! There was no way she could reject him.

But she did. And she ran from him, tears streaming down her eyes. He chased her outside, and she ran into a busy road, where an oncoming lorry crashed into her. She was dead from the moment of impact.

He screamed out in anguish, tears now streaming down his face too, and watched as the lorry drove on as though nothing had happened. He screamed for the other drivers to stop, but they carried on too! They drove over her mangled body without a care in the world, ending any hope of her survival. In the end he ran inside and threw up, unable to contemplate what had just taken place before his very eyes. He didn’t want to go outside, but he managed to phone for help.

The ambulance and police arrived, and knocked on his door. He somehow managed to inform them of what had happened, confused as to why they hadn’t seen anything…after all, it had happened just outside his house! He pushed past them and pointed to her…

Nothing. There was nothing there. Where her body had been, there was just tarmac. The blood stains had vanished too. And it began to dawn on him…

He realised why people laughed at him on the streets…he realised why his family had been worried about him and scared for him.

There had been no accident, and that was because she’d never existed. He’d imagined her.

And to be honest, this didn’t surprise him. It hurt him, but didn’t surprise him…maybe it had all just been too perfect.

But at least now he knew what was missing from his life…and he set out to find it again. He set out to find her again. Because the day she disappeared from his life, was the day his life begun.

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