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Tue 11/03/03 at 13:24
Posts: 787
As rain clouds started to close in and empty their contents upon the landscape a man awakens on a dampened forest floor with no recollection of who he is or where he came from, as he looked down at his wet and muddy shirt he sees blood stains that are across his front and sides, as he examines the blood closely he notices it’s not fresh but old, what had happen to him? Who was he? And why was his shirt stained with blood? All these questions started to fill his mind. Without knowledge of his whereabouts he stands upon his feet and chooses a path through the woodland, maybe he will find the answers his seeks if he walks. As he stagers feebly through the thicket he forces his way through strong brambles until his foot gets tangled up and he looses his balance, he falls to the floor hard and lands on a rock that’s half buried in the earth, as he pulls himself up something suddenly falls out of he’s pocket and slides down the rock and into the brambles, he knees down to retrieve the object and as he dose so he discovers it’s a knife covered in blood. As the horror of finding a blood stained knife in his pocket slowly fades he starts to ask himself what must have happened and whose blood is on the knife, he inspects the knife and notices the blood is old just like the blood on his shirt, he also notices the knife is starting to rust around the blade maybe he had been on the forest floor for a sometime.

After walking through the forest for hours he makes a discovery, he spots a shack in the middle of the woodland so he gets closer to investigate, as he gets closer he notices the shack as been used recently, he sees bowls on a table that have scraps of food in them and a burnt out camp fire with ash and half burnt pieces of wood, as the man hasn’t eaten in a while he rushes to eat the scraps of food laid on the table.
As he eats a cackling laugh sounds from behind him making him jump, he turns around to see a grubby ugly looking old woman standing in a bent over posture holding a manky old walking stick looking straight at him “well well you have returned” said the disgusting old woman “err you know me?” asked the man “I don’t know you but I know of your fate, you always choose the wrong path which leads you back to your misery” replied the old woman, she slowly walks towards him and prods him with her stick “you killed my brother and will suffer your fate like you have been doing for the last nine years” cackled the old woman evilly “I killed your brother? I don’t remember that” shouts the man in a disturbed manner “but you did kill him nine years ago here in this very forest and because of your murderous actions a curse as been cast upon you” said the old woman “is it possible for me to break the curse?” asked the man “yes it’s possible but I’m not going to tell you how to do it” cackled the old woman, the man gets angry “tell me witch tell me how to release the curse now!” shouts the man, the witch cackles loudly “you do this every time you come here” said the old woman “what do you mean every time?” asked the man, the old woman starts to laugh “this is the sixth time you have visited me asking the same dumb questions since you killed my brother, no doubt there will be seventh” said the old woman as she walks off bursting into laughter.

The man chases after the old woman “what do you mean every time answer me old woman!” shouts the man in anger “it’s the nature of your curse, you awake not knowing who you are or where you are and you come here to my shake where you ask me the same stupid questions about yourself and then you mess up and disappear, after so many months you reappear and do the same again, a cruel fate for a cruel man” she says chuckling to herself, as he sees her laughing he takes the knife and kills her with it stabbing her repeatedly until she is almost dead. With her dieing breath the woman says “this is the sixth time you have killed me, now there will be a seventh”
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Tue 11/03/03 at 13:24
"For the horde!!!!"
Posts: 3,656
As rain clouds started to close in and empty their contents upon the landscape a man awakens on a dampened forest floor with no recollection of who he is or where he came from, as he looked down at his wet and muddy shirt he sees blood stains that are across his front and sides, as he examines the blood closely he notices it’s not fresh but old, what had happen to him? Who was he? And why was his shirt stained with blood? All these questions started to fill his mind. Without knowledge of his whereabouts he stands upon his feet and chooses a path through the woodland, maybe he will find the answers his seeks if he walks. As he stagers feebly through the thicket he forces his way through strong brambles until his foot gets tangled up and he looses his balance, he falls to the floor hard and lands on a rock that’s half buried in the earth, as he pulls himself up something suddenly falls out of he’s pocket and slides down the rock and into the brambles, he knees down to retrieve the object and as he dose so he discovers it’s a knife covered in blood. As the horror of finding a blood stained knife in his pocket slowly fades he starts to ask himself what must have happened and whose blood is on the knife, he inspects the knife and notices the blood is old just like the blood on his shirt, he also notices the knife is starting to rust around the blade maybe he had been on the forest floor for a sometime.

After walking through the forest for hours he makes a discovery, he spots a shack in the middle of the woodland so he gets closer to investigate, as he gets closer he notices the shack as been used recently, he sees bowls on a table that have scraps of food in them and a burnt out camp fire with ash and half burnt pieces of wood, as the man hasn’t eaten in a while he rushes to eat the scraps of food laid on the table.
As he eats a cackling laugh sounds from behind him making him jump, he turns around to see a grubby ugly looking old woman standing in a bent over posture holding a manky old walking stick looking straight at him “well well you have returned” said the disgusting old woman “err you know me?” asked the man “I don’t know you but I know of your fate, you always choose the wrong path which leads you back to your misery” replied the old woman, she slowly walks towards him and prods him with her stick “you killed my brother and will suffer your fate like you have been doing for the last nine years” cackled the old woman evilly “I killed your brother? I don’t remember that” shouts the man in a disturbed manner “but you did kill him nine years ago here in this very forest and because of your murderous actions a curse as been cast upon you” said the old woman “is it possible for me to break the curse?” asked the man “yes it’s possible but I’m not going to tell you how to do it” cackled the old woman, the man gets angry “tell me witch tell me how to release the curse now!” shouts the man, the witch cackles loudly “you do this every time you come here” said the old woman “what do you mean every time?” asked the man, the old woman starts to laugh “this is the sixth time you have visited me asking the same dumb questions since you killed my brother, no doubt there will be seventh” said the old woman as she walks off bursting into laughter.

The man chases after the old woman “what do you mean every time answer me old woman!” shouts the man in anger “it’s the nature of your curse, you awake not knowing who you are or where you are and you come here to my shake where you ask me the same stupid questions about yourself and then you mess up and disappear, after so many months you reappear and do the same again, a cruel fate for a cruel man” she says chuckling to herself, as he sees her laughing he takes the knife and kills her with it stabbing her repeatedly until she is almost dead. With her dieing breath the woman says “this is the sixth time you have killed me, now there will be a seventh”

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