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"In A Land Far-...."

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Wed 26/02/03 at 12:33
Posts: 787
Myra awoke to a familiar setting, in her bed surrounded by thick walls; well guarded by her father's own guardsmen. In moments, she was bathed and dressed. Her shiny blonde hair quickly combed straight down then she tied it back into a ponytail. She ate a quick breakfast, packed some provisions then quietly made her way out of the house and down to the local armor shop. She had ordered a set of armor to be specifically made for her, light yet strong enough to ward off most attacks. The Blacksmith, Hans was pounding some plate mail on his anvil when she came into the forging area. He stopped, looked up for a moment and pointed at a set of chain-mail armor. He went back to pounding out the metal plate armor. She walked over and looked at a set of chain draped over a petite female statue. It was an exceptional suit of armor made to fit her small size. The Blacksmith's wife, Mary came out of their cottage and invited her in to try it on. It was a perfect fit. She fitted her green hooded cloak over it. A steel mace was also made for her and it hung from a ring at her side. She slung the pack over her shoulder then made her way toward Wizards tower.

Inside the Wizards tower sat Revanyn, a wise looking man, with silvery hair, dressed in a colorful robe. He spent most of his time with his nose in a book. At the moment, he was studying a map and the inscriptions on it intently. "The others will be here shortly," he said not taking his eyes off the parchment. She found a bench to sit on and waited for the others. Soon a loud knocking came from the door. Revanyn didn't get up or take his eyes off the parchment. She got up and opened the door to find two men standing out in the street. The first was tall and had dark, curly hair and a beard. He was clad in a mix of plate, chain and leather armor. Hung on his back was a large double-bladed axe. She thought to herself, "Definitely a warrior." He spoke in a loud and commanding voice, "My name is Toby and this is Nate. We are here at the request of Revanyn." Nate was much smaller and thin. He wore a black hooded cloak over darkened leather armor. He didn't say anything and even his footfalls were silent as he followed Toby inside. She looked at what little of his face she could see. She could tell he had a scar running down one cheek. At each of his sides, long daggers rested. "Thief," she thought to herself. Wrapped around his waist was a belt pouch, good for holding the tools of his trade, no doubt.

Revanyn got up, looked at them and said, "Good, your all here. What I offer is a full share of whatever treasure we should find. We have a map of a ruin in the west to start with. It is two-day journey into the old forest. There is much lore about the ruin, most of which you already know." The four gathered their things together and walked out into the street. Revanyn turn and pointed at the door, a clank sound came from the door and it was locked. Soon they where outside the city gates and headed into the forest. Myra looked back at the gate for a moment then continued on.

After traveling for hours, the company came into a clearing surrounded by dense forest. It had been raining and cloudy that day. It was difficult to see very far ahead or behind them. Toby had noticed that the woods suddenly grew quite as if something was wrong. He drew out his axe and prepared for battle, Myra and Revanyn stood still beside him. Myra could feel her heart beating faster in her chest. It was the first time away from the protection of city walls that she felt they were in danger. Nate had slipped into the shadow unseen. They heard what sounded like a bird calling, only not, in seemed different somehow. Out of the forest, several men, armed with swords, suddenly appeared. "Brigands!" shouted Toby. Revanyn, looking worried, began casting a spell. Toby planted his axe deep in the chest of the first one to charge him. Out of the shadow, Nate appeared behind a Brigand, stabbing him in the lower part of his back. The Brigand let out a shrill cry as he fell to the ground. Revanyn let loose his spell sending several magic missiles into another. Then out of the forest an arrow came flying, "Thump!" as it landed deep into the chest of a Brigand. He fell just in front of Myra, her heart beating even faster now after realizing just how close. The Brigands began to cower, looking as if in shock to each other. "Thump!" as another arrow landed perfectly placed into another man's chest. The remaining Brigands turned and ran as quickly as they could back into the dense forest.

'They will trouble you no more.' said a voice nearby. Out of the forest walked a young looking man with dark hair. He wielded a longbow and was wearing a leaf colored cloak over leather armor. At his side, a sword rested. Slung over his back was a quiver of arrows. "I'm Aelnin, a ranger," he said. "It is lucky chance that I happened upon you when I did." These fellows usually like to kill first and offer surrender later.

Revanyn gave a skeptical glance at Aelnin then spoke, "Lucky? I don't believe in luck. Nothing happens in this world without intent, and what are your intentions?"

Myra, gasping for breath clutched her chest and nearly fainted as she put her knees to the ground.

"Is she alright?" said Aelnin as he approached.

"I'm ok," she said, still breathing fast.

'Your wise to be cautious Wizard but I have no evil intent,' said Aelnin, looking at Myra with concern.

'Luck often enough has saved me and your welcome to join us if you wish Ranger,' said Toby.

Toby glanced around to the rest of the party for approval. Except for Revanyn, all where eager to have him in the company.

'Perhaps for a while,' said Aelnin.

After seeing to the bodies, they found a safer place and made camp for the night. Toby went to work setting up camp. Aelnin foraged some roots and hunted up a few rabbits to cook over the campfire. Over dinner, they talked about the woods and the lore of the old forest ruin. After gathering wood for the fire, Nate sharpened his daggers and organized his gear but said little to anyone. Revanyn studied his Spellbook and a map of the ruin he bought off a stranger in town. Myra found it difficult to calm herself but with use of mediation she found peace and felt secure for the first time since leaving her home. Aelnin looked upon her much the same way as her father did she thought, as she went over the battle several times in her mind. "I didn't even draw out my weapon. I froze," she said, scolding herself. Finally, she fell asleep after a time.

The sunrise crept up over the treetops. Woodland creatures went about their daily activities. Birds perched in the branches of the trees were as woodland bards singing cheerfully their songs of spring. Squirrels chased each other around a large oak. Deer grazed peacefully in a nearby meadow. The old forest was a place of serenity and peace. The campfire had died down to a smoldering ash. One by one, they awoke from a peaceful slumber.

Aelnin had already been awakened by the early light of day. He began scouting the nearby woodlands but stayed within earshot of the camp. He knew that they where drawing near to the old forest ruin. Having been there before he also knew what evil things might still be lurking there. Any attempt at avoiding the place would be immediately detected by the Wizard. From the start, Revanyn questioned why he just happened to be there when they came under attack. In truth, he had been following them at the request of an old friend who also happened to be Myra's father. Lord Beryl Oakfist didn't fully trust anyone in the original company to keep his daughter from harm. He was once a seeker of fame but now he wielded a walking staff instead of a great sword. Aelnin, being a half-elf, still had the look of a young man as he did when he journeyed with Beryl, long ago, before Myra was born. Aelnin had sworn to Beryl not to tell her he was sent and so kept it secret. Soon he returned the camp ready to lead them to the ruin.

Toby and Revanyn both seemed excited that they finally found the place they sought. Nate was quiet and focused on the task ahead. Myra seemed somewhat nervous but was calmed by having Aelnin around. "The ruin was built by people who lived in this land long ago," said Aelnin. "Once it was a fortress and place of safe keeping. I know not what evil dwells there now, only rumors of strange creatures that come out at night. We must use caution. We do not know what traps may be waiting to be sprung," he said, with serious look on face. Nate took the lead but didn't seem to detect the slightest indication of a trap. Crumbling walls surrounded a crumbling castle keep. The place seemed deserted. The forest had grown reclaiming much of the original castle grounds and a tree had grown out of a corner of the castle keep. The wooden doors had long since rotted leaving an open view of the entryway. Not long after entering the keep, Nate found a passage, leading down, that had been covered up by debris. After it was cleared, they lit torches and made their way down the old staircase.

Stonewalls lined the sides and top the hallway, the ceiling was made of smooth stone slabs and the floor was covered in dust but it had once been paved with stones. They carefully made their way down the corridor. Myra felt an eerie presence as if something or someone didn't want them there but nothing was to be seen in either direction. Breath and heartbeats was all any of them could hear except for Aelnin. His ears could make out even the faintest whisper but still he could hear only them, their footfalls and the walls creaking as they passed by.

They came to an intersection of hallways. Nothing could easily be made out in either direction. Revanyn looked at his map, under the torchlight. It showed the staircase, the hallway and the intersection. "According to my map, East leads to a large room, West leads to another hallway." He said.

"We'll check out the room," said Toby, axe in hand. As Toby ended his sentence, something to east seemed to answer in a faint voice but none could make it out except for Aelnin. "Leave now, while you can," a faint voice said then was silent. "Did you hear something?" Myra asked. "Yes, but its quiet now" said Aelnin. "Whatever or whoever it is won't scare us away." Toby said in a loud and commanding voice. There was nothing in response, only silence.

Nate once again looked for sign of traps or pitfalls but saw nothing but empty hallway leading away into darkness. "To the east then?" He asked. "Yes but go slow." said Toby. Aelnin put his longbow over his shoulder and drew out his sword; it shined dimly against the torchlight. Inscribed into the blade, magic runes could be made out. Revanyn studied it briefly and was astonished. Magic blades are a rarity but more rare still is to see one in the hands of someone who had the look of a young man.

They slowly made their way to the entry of the large room. A faint glow seemed to emanate from it then diminished as they drew near. Myra got a chill as if something touched her lightly, gliding past her in the dark. She looked around but only could see darkness to the west and her friends to the east.

The room was indeed large. The torchlight revealed only half of it from the doorway. Nate searched but could find so sign of traps. Still he felt it safer to error on the side of caution and let Toby enter first.

On the far wall, a rotting tapestry was draped. Toby made out a horse and rider after studying it a while. "Whoever the rider was must have died long ago," he thought. In the center of the room was a stone table and upon it a candelabra, covered in cobwebs. Stonework armchairs sat at each end of the table, covered in dust. Broken bits of rotting wood and stone were piled in one corner. Next to the candelabra was a leather bound book. Revanyn carefully drew back the cover. The pages made of parchment were beginning to crumble. "It is written in an old text but I will make out what I can." said Revanyn as he studied it. "It appears to be a history of this place." There were drawings among the pages of armored riders, beautiful women and the castle, as it once looked. The writing toward the end seemed hurried and scrawled. "There was a siege." Revanyn said. "They have breached the outer wall." And there it ended abruptly. Nate searched through the pile of rumble and found something round in shape. After pulling it out and dusting it off, he figured it to be a skull of some kind. It was of a creature that was not human but no animal, the eyes and nose sockets where round in shape. "Lore tells of a war and this place was among those that fell," said Aelnin. It was but a shadow of a distant past now. "Come on, we must get moving," said Toby. Revanyn carefully closed the book and left it lay on the table. As they turn toward the door echoes of something coming down the hallway from the west could be heard.

Toward the room, came hideous looking creatures with greenish skin, wielding crude weapons. They growled and snarled as they came, showing their fanged teeth. "Goblins! And there are many," Toby said as he drew back from the doorway. Aelnin and Toby took to cutting them down as they came through the doorway. It was like trying to hold back a flood. They were pushed back as more forced their way in. Revanyn showered one with several magic missiles. It cried out in pain as the missiles pierced into its hide. Myra began praying for protection and blessings for her companions. Toby let out a yell as he took a hard blow to the chest, falling backward. As the goblin came to finish him, Nate slipped behind it and stabbed deeply into its back with his daggers. It screamed then fell on top of Toby. He pushed it off him groaning in pain. Aelnin parried, countered and struck a deadly blow too each one that attacked him. Myra knelt down beside Toby examining the wound. She applied a bandage and said a prayer. He felt the warmth of her touch flowing into the wound healing him. She helped him back to his feet and again he took up his double-bladed axe. The goblins were smart enough to see that odds of winning this fight were now against them. The remaining few retreated out of the room and fled into the darkness. Aelnin counted seven dead goblins but didn't know for certain how many had retreated. On each of the bodies, Nate found some coin but nothing else aside from their crude weapons and armor. "They are gone, rest now," said Aelnin. Myra noticed how calm and peaceful she felt, during and after the fight. Aelnin smiled at her then went to stand by the doorway and listen.

Aelnin listened and could hear the goblin's footfalls, getting further and further away into the darkness until at last he could hear them no more. Then came a voice, a woman's voice, faint but steady, from somewhere in the darkness, "Is someone there? Someone please help me," it pleaded then was silent. "There is someone else down there, a captive maybe," he told the others. "We do don't know what new evils await us there," said Revanyn. "This is more than I bargained for already, it could be a trap," warned Nate. "We can't just leave them down there," said Myra, feeling more confident. "Ok then, lets go," said Toby, rubbing his wound.

Nate took the lead again, next to him Aelnin. At the end of the hall going west it opened into another hallway that went north and south. Aelnin listened and studied the goblin footprints in the dust. "The goblins went to the south," he said. Following the footprints, they came to an another old staircase leading down. They descended it with caution and stealth. It opened into what appeared to be a small prison. Barred windows were at the top of metal doors running along the west wall. Each one was fastened to a stonework frame. There was a hallway going east and another to the north, both leading into darkness. As their torchlight lit the room, a voice came from one of the cells, "Is someone there? Please help me." Nate carefully approached the cell looking for signs of a trap but found none. Aelnin came over, followed by Myra. "Is someone in there?" Ask Myra. A woman's face appeared in the window, "Yes, I'm here." she replied. "They captured me and put me in here. Please let me out." Revanyn gave a distrustful look then questioned, "Who are you? "How do we know we can trust you?" he asked. "My name is Jena, I'm a Druid of the old forest," she said. "For pete's sake, let's get her out of there," said Myra. Nate examined the lock then pulled a lock pick from his belt pouch. The lock was a fairly simple one, with few twist of the pick it unlocked. Nate grinned at the ease of it. There was a large pull ring on door but the door seemed to be stuck when he tried to open it. Toby walked over, grabbed the ring and gave it a jerk and the door opened with a loud clang. Out of the cell came a small female elf. She was clad in torn clothing and some battered leather armor. She had long, reddish brown hair, pointy ears and large green eyes that seemed to hold the wisdom of ages. "I've been in there for three days, Have you anything to eat?" she asked. Myra pulled a few rations from her pack and gave them to her. "Thank you," said Jena, taking them in hand. Within moments, Aelnin could hear footfalls coming from the east. They were heavy footfalls, larger than that of a goblin. "Something's coming, get ready," he warned, unsheathing his sword.

Two large, manlike creatures entered from the east hallway. Their faces looked hideous and showed fanged teeth that resembled a dog's canines. They carried large clubs with spikes rammed into the ends. "Hobgoblins," said Toby. "Where do you think you are going with our prisoner," one growled, shaking his club at them. Aelnin slowly walked over toward it, then suddenly lunged and planted his sword into its neck. The other charged and was met with Toby's axe to its side. The axe struck hard but it was like chopping at a tree, the creature turned and hit him with its club knocking him backwards. Nate jumped in, stabbing at it from behind with his daggers. Revanyn cast a spell, which turned out to be a flash of light, blinding the creatures. Aelnin pulled his sword from the creature's throat as it collapsed to the floor dead. Two more of the creatures emerged from the north, pushing several goblins in front them. "Get in there you runts," one growled as it shoved them into the room. Aelnin rush over to meet them but it was more than he could hold back at once. Myra took the mace from her side and readied herself. Jena began casting a spell. To Myra, it sounded like a sweet melody. It caused a greenish glow to form around her and the rest of the group, a blessing of nature. A goblin snarled and growled in front of Myra, attacking her with its claws. She lifted her mace up and brought it down on the goblin's head. It fell backwards onto the floor, unconscious. Toby and Nate were still dealing with the one they had attacked; it was bleeding badly but still fighting. Finally, Toby brought his axe down on the creature's neck, severing it like a branch from a log. Revanyn began casting another spell; a jet of flame traveled from his hands and incinerated one of the hobgoblins. The remaining goblins and hobgoblin had no thoughts of fleeing even as the odds seemed to be turning against them. Toby and Nate ran over and entered into melee with the goblins. The last hobgoblin grinned as it stood, towering over Aelnin. It carried a large sword and acted is if it knew how to wield it. "I'm the captain of this lot and it will take more than a puny little man like you to kill me," he smirked. The hobgoblin captain lifted up his sword and swung down with a might that is seldom seen. Aelnin met the blade with his own and it made a spark as they clashed together. The captain lifted it up and swung it down again quickly. Aelnin used the captain's own strength against him and parried the blade down to the stone floor. Quickly, he brought his blade back up, slashing across the creature's forearm. The arm was severed and fell, still grasping tightly to the sword it lay twitching on the floor. With a quick turn and swing, Aelnin cut a gash across the creature's throat. A look of surprise flashed across the hobgoblin captain's face as it fell forward and crashed onto the floor dead. Aelnin breathed a sigh of relief and turned to see how the others where fairing. Toby and Nate had finished off the last goblin already and they were taking deep breaths recovering. Nate had taken a slash across one arm and was bleeding badly. Toby was bleeding where the spiked club had landed. Myra took out a bandage, and wrapped it around Nate's arm and prayed sending healing energies into the wound. Jena sang softly a druid spell, sending warmth and healing energy into Toby's wound. Revanyn sat in silent meditation. They all felt exhausted. They ate some of their rations while they rested and recounted their victory. Thirteen goblins, three hobgoblins and one hobgoblin captain lay dead within the old forest ruin.

With a few hours of quiet rest they recovered. Nate searched the corpses of the creatures; the hobgoblins had slightly more coin than the goblins, along with their weapons and armor. The captain had a good amount of gold on him and he also had the keys to each jail cell. His sword was also worth hanging onto. It seemed almost magical but was probably just made by a highly skilled smith. The east hallway led to a guardroom and the hallway to the north led to the hobgoblin captain's chambers. The guardroom was empty except for straw beds and a broken table. The captain's room had a large chest against one wall. Nate carefully looked it over carefully and discovered it had a poison dart trap inside. He disarmed it and picked the lock on it without much trouble. The chest held some more gold and a few valuable gems.

Unwilling to delve into other underground areas it might have, they left the old forest ruin.

They divided the treasure evenly among them.

"Come with me, to my people. There will be a celebration upon my return and your all welcome to come," said Jena.

"Sounds good," said Myra and the others nodded in agreement.

Together they journeyed through the old forest to the Druid's Grove.
Wed 26/02/03 at 17:33
""It's me u want""
Posts: 724
well written mate!
this was a very long interesting story!
well done
Wed 26/02/03 at 12:33
Posts: 0
Myra awoke to a familiar setting, in her bed surrounded by thick walls; well guarded by her father's own guardsmen. In moments, she was bathed and dressed. Her shiny blonde hair quickly combed straight down then she tied it back into a ponytail. She ate a quick breakfast, packed some provisions then quietly made her way out of the house and down to the local armor shop. She had ordered a set of armor to be specifically made for her, light yet strong enough to ward off most attacks. The Blacksmith, Hans was pounding some plate mail on his anvil when she came into the forging area. He stopped, looked up for a moment and pointed at a set of chain-mail armor. He went back to pounding out the metal plate armor. She walked over and looked at a set of chain draped over a petite female statue. It was an exceptional suit of armor made to fit her small size. The Blacksmith's wife, Mary came out of their cottage and invited her in to try it on. It was a perfect fit. She fitted her green hooded cloak over it. A steel mace was also made for her and it hung from a ring at her side. She slung the pack over her shoulder then made her way toward Wizards tower.

Inside the Wizards tower sat Revanyn, a wise looking man, with silvery hair, dressed in a colorful robe. He spent most of his time with his nose in a book. At the moment, he was studying a map and the inscriptions on it intently. "The others will be here shortly," he said not taking his eyes off the parchment. She found a bench to sit on and waited for the others. Soon a loud knocking came from the door. Revanyn didn't get up or take his eyes off the parchment. She got up and opened the door to find two men standing out in the street. The first was tall and had dark, curly hair and a beard. He was clad in a mix of plate, chain and leather armor. Hung on his back was a large double-bladed axe. She thought to herself, "Definitely a warrior." He spoke in a loud and commanding voice, "My name is Toby and this is Nate. We are here at the request of Revanyn." Nate was much smaller and thin. He wore a black hooded cloak over darkened leather armor. He didn't say anything and even his footfalls were silent as he followed Toby inside. She looked at what little of his face she could see. She could tell he had a scar running down one cheek. At each of his sides, long daggers rested. "Thief," she thought to herself. Wrapped around his waist was a belt pouch, good for holding the tools of his trade, no doubt.

Revanyn got up, looked at them and said, "Good, your all here. What I offer is a full share of whatever treasure we should find. We have a map of a ruin in the west to start with. It is two-day journey into the old forest. There is much lore about the ruin, most of which you already know." The four gathered their things together and walked out into the street. Revanyn turn and pointed at the door, a clank sound came from the door and it was locked. Soon they where outside the city gates and headed into the forest. Myra looked back at the gate for a moment then continued on.

After traveling for hours, the company came into a clearing surrounded by dense forest. It had been raining and cloudy that day. It was difficult to see very far ahead or behind them. Toby had noticed that the woods suddenly grew quite as if something was wrong. He drew out his axe and prepared for battle, Myra and Revanyn stood still beside him. Myra could feel her heart beating faster in her chest. It was the first time away from the protection of city walls that she felt they were in danger. Nate had slipped into the shadow unseen. They heard what sounded like a bird calling, only not, in seemed different somehow. Out of the forest, several men, armed with swords, suddenly appeared. "Brigands!" shouted Toby. Revanyn, looking worried, began casting a spell. Toby planted his axe deep in the chest of the first one to charge him. Out of the shadow, Nate appeared behind a Brigand, stabbing him in the lower part of his back. The Brigand let out a shrill cry as he fell to the ground. Revanyn let loose his spell sending several magic missiles into another. Then out of the forest an arrow came flying, "Thump!" as it landed deep into the chest of a Brigand. He fell just in front of Myra, her heart beating even faster now after realizing just how close. The Brigands began to cower, looking as if in shock to each other. "Thump!" as another arrow landed perfectly placed into another man's chest. The remaining Brigands turned and ran as quickly as they could back into the dense forest.

'They will trouble you no more.' said a voice nearby. Out of the forest walked a young looking man with dark hair. He wielded a longbow and was wearing a leaf colored cloak over leather armor. At his side, a sword rested. Slung over his back was a quiver of arrows. "I'm Aelnin, a ranger," he said. "It is lucky chance that I happened upon you when I did." These fellows usually like to kill first and offer surrender later.

Revanyn gave a skeptical glance at Aelnin then spoke, "Lucky? I don't believe in luck. Nothing happens in this world without intent, and what are your intentions?"

Myra, gasping for breath clutched her chest and nearly fainted as she put her knees to the ground.

"Is she alright?" said Aelnin as he approached.

"I'm ok," she said, still breathing fast.

'Your wise to be cautious Wizard but I have no evil intent,' said Aelnin, looking at Myra with concern.

'Luck often enough has saved me and your welcome to join us if you wish Ranger,' said Toby.

Toby glanced around to the rest of the party for approval. Except for Revanyn, all where eager to have him in the company.

'Perhaps for a while,' said Aelnin.

After seeing to the bodies, they found a safer place and made camp for the night. Toby went to work setting up camp. Aelnin foraged some roots and hunted up a few rabbits to cook over the campfire. Over dinner, they talked about the woods and the lore of the old forest ruin. After gathering wood for the fire, Nate sharpened his daggers and organized his gear but said little to anyone. Revanyn studied his Spellbook and a map of the ruin he bought off a stranger in town. Myra found it difficult to calm herself but with use of mediation she found peace and felt secure for the first time since leaving her home. Aelnin looked upon her much the same way as her father did she thought, as she went over the battle several times in her mind. "I didn't even draw out my weapon. I froze," she said, scolding herself. Finally, she fell asleep after a time.

The sunrise crept up over the treetops. Woodland creatures went about their daily activities. Birds perched in the branches of the trees were as woodland bards singing cheerfully their songs of spring. Squirrels chased each other around a large oak. Deer grazed peacefully in a nearby meadow. The old forest was a place of serenity and peace. The campfire had died down to a smoldering ash. One by one, they awoke from a peaceful slumber.

Aelnin had already been awakened by the early light of day. He began scouting the nearby woodlands but stayed within earshot of the camp. He knew that they where drawing near to the old forest ruin. Having been there before he also knew what evil things might still be lurking there. Any attempt at avoiding the place would be immediately detected by the Wizard. From the start, Revanyn questioned why he just happened to be there when they came under attack. In truth, he had been following them at the request of an old friend who also happened to be Myra's father. Lord Beryl Oakfist didn't fully trust anyone in the original company to keep his daughter from harm. He was once a seeker of fame but now he wielded a walking staff instead of a great sword. Aelnin, being a half-elf, still had the look of a young man as he did when he journeyed with Beryl, long ago, before Myra was born. Aelnin had sworn to Beryl not to tell her he was sent and so kept it secret. Soon he returned the camp ready to lead them to the ruin.

Toby and Revanyn both seemed excited that they finally found the place they sought. Nate was quiet and focused on the task ahead. Myra seemed somewhat nervous but was calmed by having Aelnin around. "The ruin was built by people who lived in this land long ago," said Aelnin. "Once it was a fortress and place of safe keeping. I know not what evil dwells there now, only rumors of strange creatures that come out at night. We must use caution. We do not know what traps may be waiting to be sprung," he said, with serious look on face. Nate took the lead but didn't seem to detect the slightest indication of a trap. Crumbling walls surrounded a crumbling castle keep. The place seemed deserted. The forest had grown reclaiming much of the original castle grounds and a tree had grown out of a corner of the castle keep. The wooden doors had long since rotted leaving an open view of the entryway. Not long after entering the keep, Nate found a passage, leading down, that had been covered up by debris. After it was cleared, they lit torches and made their way down the old staircase.

Stonewalls lined the sides and top the hallway, the ceiling was made of smooth stone slabs and the floor was covered in dust but it had once been paved with stones. They carefully made their way down the corridor. Myra felt an eerie presence as if something or someone didn't want them there but nothing was to be seen in either direction. Breath and heartbeats was all any of them could hear except for Aelnin. His ears could make out even the faintest whisper but still he could hear only them, their footfalls and the walls creaking as they passed by.

They came to an intersection of hallways. Nothing could easily be made out in either direction. Revanyn looked at his map, under the torchlight. It showed the staircase, the hallway and the intersection. "According to my map, East leads to a large room, West leads to another hallway." He said.

"We'll check out the room," said Toby, axe in hand. As Toby ended his sentence, something to east seemed to answer in a faint voice but none could make it out except for Aelnin. "Leave now, while you can," a faint voice said then was silent. "Did you hear something?" Myra asked. "Yes, but its quiet now" said Aelnin. "Whatever or whoever it is won't scare us away." Toby said in a loud and commanding voice. There was nothing in response, only silence.

Nate once again looked for sign of traps or pitfalls but saw nothing but empty hallway leading away into darkness. "To the east then?" He asked. "Yes but go slow." said Toby. Aelnin put his longbow over his shoulder and drew out his sword; it shined dimly against the torchlight. Inscribed into the blade, magic runes could be made out. Revanyn studied it briefly and was astonished. Magic blades are a rarity but more rare still is to see one in the hands of someone who had the look of a young man.

They slowly made their way to the entry of the large room. A faint glow seemed to emanate from it then diminished as they drew near. Myra got a chill as if something touched her lightly, gliding past her in the dark. She looked around but only could see darkness to the west and her friends to the east.

The room was indeed large. The torchlight revealed only half of it from the doorway. Nate searched but could find so sign of traps. Still he felt it safer to error on the side of caution and let Toby enter first.

On the far wall, a rotting tapestry was draped. Toby made out a horse and rider after studying it a while. "Whoever the rider was must have died long ago," he thought. In the center of the room was a stone table and upon it a candelabra, covered in cobwebs. Stonework armchairs sat at each end of the table, covered in dust. Broken bits of rotting wood and stone were piled in one corner. Next to the candelabra was a leather bound book. Revanyn carefully drew back the cover. The pages made of parchment were beginning to crumble. "It is written in an old text but I will make out what I can." said Revanyn as he studied it. "It appears to be a history of this place." There were drawings among the pages of armored riders, beautiful women and the castle, as it once looked. The writing toward the end seemed hurried and scrawled. "There was a siege." Revanyn said. "They have breached the outer wall." And there it ended abruptly. Nate searched through the pile of rumble and found something round in shape. After pulling it out and dusting it off, he figured it to be a skull of some kind. It was of a creature that was not human but no animal, the eyes and nose sockets where round in shape. "Lore tells of a war and this place was among those that fell," said Aelnin. It was but a shadow of a distant past now. "Come on, we must get moving," said Toby. Revanyn carefully closed the book and left it lay on the table. As they turn toward the door echoes of something coming down the hallway from the west could be heard.

Toward the room, came hideous looking creatures with greenish skin, wielding crude weapons. They growled and snarled as they came, showing their fanged teeth. "Goblins! And there are many," Toby said as he drew back from the doorway. Aelnin and Toby took to cutting them down as they came through the doorway. It was like trying to hold back a flood. They were pushed back as more forced their way in. Revanyn showered one with several magic missiles. It cried out in pain as the missiles pierced into its hide. Myra began praying for protection and blessings for her companions. Toby let out a yell as he took a hard blow to the chest, falling backward. As the goblin came to finish him, Nate slipped behind it and stabbed deeply into its back with his daggers. It screamed then fell on top of Toby. He pushed it off him groaning in pain. Aelnin parried, countered and struck a deadly blow too each one that attacked him. Myra knelt down beside Toby examining the wound. She applied a bandage and said a prayer. He felt the warmth of her touch flowing into the wound healing him. She helped him back to his feet and again he took up his double-bladed axe. The goblins were smart enough to see that odds of winning this fight were now against them. The remaining few retreated out of the room and fled into the darkness. Aelnin counted seven dead goblins but didn't know for certain how many had retreated. On each of the bodies, Nate found some coin but nothing else aside from their crude weapons and armor. "They are gone, rest now," said Aelnin. Myra noticed how calm and peaceful she felt, during and after the fight. Aelnin smiled at her then went to stand by the doorway and listen.

Aelnin listened and could hear the goblin's footfalls, getting further and further away into the darkness until at last he could hear them no more. Then came a voice, a woman's voice, faint but steady, from somewhere in the darkness, "Is someone there? Someone please help me," it pleaded then was silent. "There is someone else down there, a captive maybe," he told the others. "We do don't know what new evils await us there," said Revanyn. "This is more than I bargained for already, it could be a trap," warned Nate. "We can't just leave them down there," said Myra, feeling more confident. "Ok then, lets go," said Toby, rubbing his wound.

Nate took the lead again, next to him Aelnin. At the end of the hall going west it opened into another hallway that went north and south. Aelnin listened and studied the goblin footprints in the dust. "The goblins went to the south," he said. Following the footprints, they came to an another old staircase leading down. They descended it with caution and stealth. It opened into what appeared to be a small prison. Barred windows were at the top of metal doors running along the west wall. Each one was fastened to a stonework frame. There was a hallway going east and another to the north, both leading into darkness. As their torchlight lit the room, a voice came from one of the cells, "Is someone there? Please help me." Nate carefully approached the cell looking for signs of a trap but found none. Aelnin came over, followed by Myra. "Is someone in there?" Ask Myra. A woman's face appeared in the window, "Yes, I'm here." she replied. "They captured me and put me in here. Please let me out." Revanyn gave a distrustful look then questioned, "Who are you? "How do we know we can trust you?" he asked. "My name is Jena, I'm a Druid of the old forest," she said. "For pete's sake, let's get her out of there," said Myra. Nate examined the lock then pulled a lock pick from his belt pouch. The lock was a fairly simple one, with few twist of the pick it unlocked. Nate grinned at the ease of it. There was a large pull ring on door but the door seemed to be stuck when he tried to open it. Toby walked over, grabbed the ring and gave it a jerk and the door opened with a loud clang. Out of the cell came a small female elf. She was clad in torn clothing and some battered leather armor. She had long, reddish brown hair, pointy ears and large green eyes that seemed to hold the wisdom of ages. "I've been in there for three days, Have you anything to eat?" she asked. Myra pulled a few rations from her pack and gave them to her. "Thank you," said Jena, taking them in hand. Within moments, Aelnin could hear footfalls coming from the east. They were heavy footfalls, larger than that of a goblin. "Something's coming, get ready," he warned, unsheathing his sword.

Two large, manlike creatures entered from the east hallway. Their faces looked hideous and showed fanged teeth that resembled a dog's canines. They carried large clubs with spikes rammed into the ends. "Hobgoblins," said Toby. "Where do you think you are going with our prisoner," one growled, shaking his club at them. Aelnin slowly walked over toward it, then suddenly lunged and planted his sword into its neck. The other charged and was met with Toby's axe to its side. The axe struck hard but it was like chopping at a tree, the creature turned and hit him with its club knocking him backwards. Nate jumped in, stabbing at it from behind with his daggers. Revanyn cast a spell, which turned out to be a flash of light, blinding the creatures. Aelnin pulled his sword from the creature's throat as it collapsed to the floor dead. Two more of the creatures emerged from the north, pushing several goblins in front them. "Get in there you runts," one growled as it shoved them into the room. Aelnin rush over to meet them but it was more than he could hold back at once. Myra took the mace from her side and readied herself. Jena began casting a spell. To Myra, it sounded like a sweet melody. It caused a greenish glow to form around her and the rest of the group, a blessing of nature. A goblin snarled and growled in front of Myra, attacking her with its claws. She lifted her mace up and brought it down on the goblin's head. It fell backwards onto the floor, unconscious. Toby and Nate were still dealing with the one they had attacked; it was bleeding badly but still fighting. Finally, Toby brought his axe down on the creature's neck, severing it like a branch from a log. Revanyn began casting another spell; a jet of flame traveled from his hands and incinerated one of the hobgoblins. The remaining goblins and hobgoblin had no thoughts of fleeing even as the odds seemed to be turning against them. Toby and Nate ran over and entered into melee with the goblins. The last hobgoblin grinned as it stood, towering over Aelnin. It carried a large sword and acted is if it knew how to wield it. "I'm the captain of this lot and it will take more than a puny little man like you to kill me," he smirked. The hobgoblin captain lifted up his sword and swung down with a might that is seldom seen. Aelnin met the blade with his own and it made a spark as they clashed together. The captain lifted it up and swung it down again quickly. Aelnin used the captain's own strength against him and parried the blade down to the stone floor. Quickly, he brought his blade back up, slashing across the creature's forearm. The arm was severed and fell, still grasping tightly to the sword it lay twitching on the floor. With a quick turn and swing, Aelnin cut a gash across the creature's throat. A look of surprise flashed across the hobgoblin captain's face as it fell forward and crashed onto the floor dead. Aelnin breathed a sigh of relief and turned to see how the others where fairing. Toby and Nate had finished off the last goblin already and they were taking deep breaths recovering. Nate had taken a slash across one arm and was bleeding badly. Toby was bleeding where the spiked club had landed. Myra took out a bandage, and wrapped it around Nate's arm and prayed sending healing energies into the wound. Jena sang softly a druid spell, sending warmth and healing energy into Toby's wound. Revanyn sat in silent meditation. They all felt exhausted. They ate some of their rations while they rested and recounted their victory. Thirteen goblins, three hobgoblins and one hobgoblin captain lay dead within the old forest ruin.

With a few hours of quiet rest they recovered. Nate searched the corpses of the creatures; the hobgoblins had slightly more coin than the goblins, along with their weapons and armor. The captain had a good amount of gold on him and he also had the keys to each jail cell. His sword was also worth hanging onto. It seemed almost magical but was probably just made by a highly skilled smith. The east hallway led to a guardroom and the hallway to the north led to the hobgoblin captain's chambers. The guardroom was empty except for straw beds and a broken table. The captain's room had a large chest against one wall. Nate carefully looked it over carefully and discovered it had a poison dart trap inside. He disarmed it and picked the lock on it without much trouble. The chest held some more gold and a few valuable gems.

Unwilling to delve into other underground areas it might have, they left the old forest ruin.

They divided the treasure evenly among them.

"Come with me, to my people. There will be a celebration upon my return and your all welcome to come," said Jena.

"Sounds good," said Myra and the others nodded in agreement.

Together they journeyed through the old forest to the Druid's Grove.

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