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"GTA San Andreas - Glitch"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas'.
Sat 10/09/05 at 14:44
Posts: 1
Afternoon all, I'm looking for a bit of help regarding Gta as ther appears to be a glitch which means i can't complete the game. On the Madd Dogg level where you have to rescue him for falling from the building with the pick up truck etc, well on my game you don't get a chance to walk 5 feet before he jumps off! Every time i try to do it this happens it is so annoying. Is there anyone else who has experienced this and is there anyone who can possible help me with the problem?
Tue 20/09/05 at 11:39
"Damn dirty apes!"
Posts: 552
That happens if you use too many cheat codes. Apparently it's Rockstar's way of stopping you using cheats. Bit strange, considering they put them in...
Sun 11/09/05 at 00:16
Posts: 33,481
I had a couple of crap memory cards when I got Turok 2, after my 8th time of losing 3 hours worth of play I gave up on the game.

I hate that.

Hard drives really are the nuts.
Sun 11/09/05 at 00:13
Posts: 5,848
I remember something like that in Pokemon Silver, in 's cave where once you jumped over a ledge you couldn't get back out without an escape rope.

And the best bit?

Loads of kiddies instantly saved after catching and so they had to restart the entire game.

Serves them right for owning it whilst I had Yellow :D
Sun 11/09/05 at 00:08
Posts: 33,481
Start the entire game again?

A what a crap thing.
Sun 11/09/05 at 00:00
"Hot Gun On Ma Waist"
Posts: 757
This happened on some of the ps2 versions aswell, its luck of the draw and unfortunatly you have to start the game again.
Sat 10/09/05 at 18:09
Posts: 33,481
Clearly I must bow to The Mob's originality.
Sat 10/09/05 at 18:08
Posts: 9,631
Sat 10/09/05 at 18:02
"Da num.01 rapper"
Posts: 503
I dontthink this might work but try this (shoot on his leg then he wont fall of the building).
Sat 10/09/05 at 15:40
Posts: 33,481
Hmmmm, do what Judge Dredd would do:

Shoot his knees caps off.

"You can't jump off now, citizen, take him to the cubes"
Sat 10/09/05 at 14:44
Posts: 1
Afternoon all, I'm looking for a bit of help regarding Gta as ther appears to be a glitch which means i can't complete the game. On the Madd Dogg level where you have to rescue him for falling from the building with the pick up truck etc, well on my game you don't get a chance to walk 5 feet before he jumps off! Every time i try to do it this happens it is so annoying. Is there anyone else who has experienced this and is there anyone who can possible help me with the problem?

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