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"Euro-Continental Title; Brock Lesnar (DW) Vs Eddie Guerrero (Cong Man) Vs Booker T (RM19)"

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Wed 15/01/03 at 12:36
Posts: 787
“Eh-oh and welcome to this SRW title unification match where the SRW European and Intercontinental titles will be unified in a huge high profile triple threat match with three of Special Reserve Wrestling biggest stars.”

The crowd goes wild for Brock (DW) as this huge, huge machine walks out from the back and down the isle, the SRW King Of The Ring Champion is looking to add to the number of titles to his name and become the first ever SRW Euro-Continental champion by simultaneously destroying his opponents, this may not be as easy though as a Triple Threat match is too unpredictable.

A low cheer begins for the current European champion Eddie Guerrero (Cong Man), Eddie is looking as calm and cocky as ever as he flaunts his stuff as he parades toward the ring and an awaiting Brock Lesnar, Eddie approaches the ring but doesn’t enter and intelligently waits for the final competitor.

“Hmmmmm that hair of his isn’t just a hat rag then.”

And finally Booker T (RM19) comes out to a huge reception! Booker T gets that weird goggle eyed, euphoric look as he raises his arms and fire pyros explode in their usual over the top manner. Booker T then storms the ring and locks up with Brock Lesnar as the crowd go crazy! Guerrero slides in too as the bell rings and the match begins.

Brock whips Booker into the ropes but Eddie chop blocks Brock leaving Booker to drop an elbow on a rising Guerrero, Brock is soon up however and stomps away on Guerrero, Booker joins in and the two kick the hell out of Eddie. This unification lasts about three seconds though as Booker turns and nails a beautiful side jumping heel kick to the temple of Brock sending him crashing to the mat! The crowd cheer! Booker quickly takes advantage and picks up Guerrero and scoop slams him on top of Brock! Argh! Booker then heads for the top rope! Booker is going for something big already!

But wait! Brock is moving, oh my! He’s picked up Guerrero who was laying on top and has him held up high above his head! What strength! Eddie Guerrero face is white for fear of this giant! WHAM!! Eddie is sent into the canvas, Brock turns to a top rope Booker T and grabs him too! CRASH!! OH NO!! He threw him on top of Guerrero! What an insult! Brock flex’s and psyches himself up as the crowd go crazy! Slowly Eddie tries to get up, an impatient Brock Lesnar gives him a hand and puts him on his feet for him, shocked Guerrero is confused but swings for Brock and hits a right hand but no effect! Brock didn’t even budge! He hits home with another but again nothing! Guerrero hesitates and looks around the arena, Brocks face is filled with anger and he swings for a closeline but Guerrero ducks under him and goes behind, he nails a forearm smash to the lower back, Brock spins around but Eddie is too fast and slides under his legs, Eddie now spins him around himself and nails a neckbreaker on a dazed Lesnar.

Guerrero (Cong Man) goes outside the ropes onto the apron and launches himself up for a springboard somersault attack! Beautifully done, standing alone in the ring Eddie celebrates and builds on his ego a little but wait! Booker T! School boy! 1,2......kick out! Guerrero and Booker (RM19) are up and face to face, Irish whip by Booker, reversed by Eddie and Eddie nails a dropkick, Eddie capitalises by mounting and punching Booker but Booker shakes him off and whips him off the far ropes and on his way back uses his speed to send him hurtling over the top rope! And crashing to the floor outside. Meanwhile however Brock (DW) has gotten up and throws a closeline to Booker who ducks and hooks his arm around Brocks huge neck! BOOK END!? No! He couldn’t trip Brock, he elbow smashes him to the back of the head Brock then kicks Booker in the stomach sending him down and throws him in between his legs going for a powerbomb, Booker falls right down and wiggles his way out of it, Brock then sends Booker into the ropes simply by pushing him then.. WHAM!! POWERSLAM! A hard knock down by Brock.

Guerrero slides back into the ring and sets about on a mission to dodge very attack the KOTR champ throws at him, Eddie ducks and dives then manages a kick to the stomach and...... DDT!! CRACK!! Eddie is proud of taking the big man down and throws kisses to the crowd but Booker T is back up! Eddie turns around, kick to the stomach and WHAM!! SCISSOR KICK! Booker falls to one knee, oh no here it is!! The crowd go absolutely crazy! There’s the wandering look, the one hand up, head and hair shaking it’s the SPINAROONIE!!! (Wahoo!) Perfectly executed, but wait, no! Brock is up and lifts Booker onto his shoulders! OH NO!! F5!!! BOOM!! ARGH!! WHAT IMPACT!! Eddie is top rope, how has he managed to compose himself so quick, Brock is still on the mat for taking Booker out with the F5, Eddie jumps! FROG SPLASH TO AN UNSUSPECTING BROCK LESNAR!! OH MY GOD! The European Champion want’s both belts, 1, 2............... 3! He’s got them! Guerrero wins! Guerrero wins! We have a new Euro-Continental champion! Brock kicks out but it’s too late the match is over, Brock is furious!! Eddie stole one, Lesnar grabs Eddie by the hair and drags him into the centre of the ring, the bell rings again signifying the end but Brock takes no notice, he sets Guerrero up who is kicking and squirming........ F5!! CRASH!! Eddie feels Brocks disappointment full force! Guerrero wins here tonight but he doesn’t look like the winner as Brock steams off into the back leaving the crowd cheering on wildly. What an abrupt ending!

Congrats Eddie Guerrero (Cong Man) our new champion.

Thanks for reading/skipping to the end
Sarlight :)
Thu 16/01/03 at 15:48
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Reaver (Ant) quickly peeks his head out of the curtain with a mic.

"Jackal (RM19), you'll get your Hardcore Title shot in the unification match next week...I have some special plans for it."
Thu 16/01/03 at 10:48
Posts: 5,630
Thu 16/01/03 at 10:40
Posts: 9,808
Ah well, if it's any consolation mate, you lost out to a better man :-D
Thu 16/01/03 at 07:39
Posts: 0

This sucks. First I just ost out in HiaC, then I lost the non-title match, then I had my title shot refused, now Booker loses his one week old title.

Great match though Starlight, well written and entertaining as usual.
Wed 15/01/03 at 21:55
"I'm not Orgazmo"
Posts: 9,159
Cheers guys, I wrote that quite quickly actually seeing I'm really behind with my coursework, hence my absence which will probably still be to a minimum for a while.

P.S. The sole reason it's early because it was an excuse to not be doing my coursework. My lateness and ability to repeatedly miss deadlines will resume next time. :)
Wed 15/01/03 at 18:36
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918

Great way of describing the F5, Andy. :D

Short but sweet, it was action-packed and full of great in-ring action, I didn't have a clue as to who was going to win. A very interesting winner indeed, I thought Lesnar (DW) was going to win the Congster has surprised us all with his victory. Congrats to both Andy and Cong Man.

The NEW SRW Euro-Continental Champion...Eddie Guerrero (Cong Man)!
Wed 15/01/03 at 18:18
Posts: 5,135
Anyway, Great match there Sarlight :)

Lots of high paced and high flying action that kept the match exciting.
Wed 15/01/03 at 18:16
Posts: 5,135
no u can't if u speek like dis.
Wed 15/01/03 at 17:52
Posts: 1,317
can i b a srw plz
Wed 15/01/03 at 17:35
"Too Orangy For Crow"
Posts: 15,844
Heh, Booker won the Inter title at Spun Out and now has no title. Oh well, Eddie, the new Euro-Continental champion!

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