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"Star Wars Battlefront 2: Open Beta"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Star Wars: Battlefront II'.
Sat 01/10/05 at 13:18
Posts: 1,688
Anyone got it yet? Im downloading it right now:

Sat 01/10/05 at 16:10
"Captain to you."
Posts: 4,609
First battlefront was so poo i can't be bothered with the demo. They need to take the feel of republic commando and do it on a huge scale.
Sat 01/10/05 at 16:07
Posts: 1,688
Argh, your not missing much, other than a big lag fest. Constantly telling me my cord isnt in - uh. 4 games i tried, and most was just team killing crapness.

Ill stick with battlefield thankyouverymuch
Sat 01/10/05 at 15:54
"Pouch Ape"
Posts: 14,499
I stopped mine before it started - 40 minute wait to download a 1Gig file. Nah.
Sat 01/10/05 at 15:45
Posts: 1,688
not too sure if i like the idea of having a player controlling a jedi/sith just seems like they will have a massive advantage.
Sat 01/10/05 at 15:33
"Lisan al-Gaib"
Posts: 7,093
Hmm. The first was Battlefield done bad. I hope this one is an improvement.
Sat 01/10/05 at 15:20
"Dunemaul NE Hunter"
Posts: 549
I think you have to update it after installing it. Mine just crashed straight away. Downloading the patches now...

EDIT: ignore me :D dling bf1 patch by mistake!
Sat 01/10/05 at 15:04
Posts: 1,688
mines is still downloading after queing in a line of 500 people. 0.98gig the file is and im surprisingly downloading at 300kb/s give or take 5kb.
Sat 01/10/05 at 13:46
"Pouch Ape"
Posts: 14,499
Queued up now, been waiting for this.
Sat 01/10/05 at 13:18
Posts: 1,688
Anyone got it yet? Im downloading it right now:


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