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No more modders/cheaters etc.
It might need skill to get 28+ for a change.
Yeah, anyone who still plays it. Rejoice.
Everyone still has a level, it's just the top 1000 players aren't displayed anymore.
New playlist as well by the way, "Team Hardcore".
Sounds remotely pornographic, so I guess I'll end up checking it out.
And yes, OddToe, I have it working. You can suck my non-cheated level 28 if you want? :P
> hahaha
> Sorry I really don't mean to troll, but I remember the reason Live
> was the greatest (!!21one!) was because everyone was on even footing
> and there wouldn't be any cheating/hacking like CS...
It's the downloadable maps that caused the problem, the disc-based maps were fine.
As it happens both sides usually just want to have a fair game so they either team kill the modder until he leaves or simply leave themselves and leave the modder to face an entire team who just want to gib the modder over and over again for 12 mins.
Haven't seen any modders since the last update anyway, but the community's pretty good at dealing with them.
and anyone caught modding/standbying/even having a severely fluctuating connection is banned.
> People can mod the maps so that they have the abilities to spawn
> vehicles, turn invisible and run fast.
Sorry I really don't mean to troll, but I remember the reason Live was the greatest (!!21one!) was because everyone was on even footing and there wouldn't be any cheating/hacking like CS...
Trouble is, around a 1/3rd of the time you had cheats/annoying morons/totally imbalanced teams or something to that effect - and if you started as blue you were screwed.
Also, I never did understand how it worked out your rank. At least a feel a bit better knowing I wasn't being a spazzer when I thought I'd shotgunned someone in the face about 4 times and not killed them.
Sometimes on Halo 2 you can actually have a really good game. No one cheats and you're all a similar level so it's close = really good fun. I haven't had many of the screaming yanks you lot warned me about, maybe I've just been lucky...