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Anyone got a save game close to the mission where you bury the site foreman in his portaloo in the pit?
Quite frankly I can't be arsed to go through the whole lot again.
> Err, yeah you can
I was under the impression cheats broke the savegames ala GTA3. Oh well. I still can't be bothered to play back through.
> I suppose you could cheat up until that point and then turn the cheats
> off.
> Might be fun.
Once you start a cheat on PC, you can't turn it off. :(
> And shepherds have all the ram.
That was super-amazingly Hedfix-erific. Feel proud.
Might be fun.
> You'd probably have better luck asking on a GTA-specific message board
> on Gamespot or IGN.
Aye. I didn't hold out much hope to be honest. I've already trawled the boards on gamespot.