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"what is the best GTA game."

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City'.
Sun 23/10/05 at 16:13
"i own groovy land"
Posts: 435
i think that vice city is the best, but thats only because i have only just started playing GTA San Andreas.

please tell me what you think.

please explean why it is so good.
Sat 05/11/05 at 13:03
"Was UW."
Posts: 395
San Andreas was the only one I have played and it is my favourite game of 2005.
Fri 04/11/05 at 20:56
"The alien"
Posts: 5
The best gta game is the new libertycity stories
Sun 23/10/05 at 17:51
"i own groovy land"
Posts: 435
just out of intrest, how do you do all that cool stuff
like how the hell do you go and rob a house or how do you get your gang together to do a drive by?
Sun 23/10/05 at 16:25
"i own groovy land"
Posts: 435
thanx for telling me.

sorry about it being a ANOTHER gta thread, i haven't been on for a long time and i forgot that every mounth somone puts a gta thread on here.

again sorry dudes.
Sun 23/10/05 at 16:17
Posts: 5,848
Sorry but I really cba with yet another "which GTA is best" thread.

Just search through the previous threads, you've started a few of them yourself anyway.

Just to give some answer, though, it would probably San Andreas - for sheer size and range of things to do. Vice City undoubtedly has a better plot and probably better missions, but for all the freedom that makes GTA, SA has it in spades.

You've got all the usual itenary, but with far more vehicles and the option of character customisation for the first time. You even gain experience with each weapon and vehicle type.

There you are.
Sun 23/10/05 at 16:13
"i own groovy land"
Posts: 435
i think that vice city is the best, but thats only because i have only just started playing GTA San Andreas.

please tell me what you think.

please explean why it is so good.

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