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"People you don't know"

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Sun 06/10/02 at 20:23
Posts: 787
I went on Geography Trip the other day with some people in my year who I haven't spoken two words to in about six years of school, but know their names as they did me.

Now the way the days worked... many were kind of forced into groups to do work and to share rooms with. I usually hate this as the worst thing about me is when I meet new people I can never start a conversation with them and start to get nervous and sound like a general moron. I have a theory that I can only talk to people when I know them... so I would start conversations on what I know about them etc. When I was younger I had a gift of making new friends at school and on holidays but many turned out to be gits and not real friends which means I'm scared to open up to people I don't really know and it takes a lot of effort for me to do this.

Which is annoying because when I'm around people I trust and know I am always usually the person who talks the most, make jokes, organises things etc and being modest I think I am a nice person to be around.

So anyway, for some reason I was in a chatty mood and thought I would just keep talking, which I did. And I got to know some new people which now I kind of like and I'm sure I'll talk more to them over the year.

Now the point of this post really is that we base people so much on appearance... clothes, hair, facial expression, tone of voice etc which I know is the wrong thing to do but we all do it. This is why I like talking to people on the internet, because you can only judge them on what they type which is their intelligence, humour, morals etc.

Now these days I'm going through the moany, life sucks, annoying teenage angst period, which I know I am and can't wait to get out of it. Which makes me paranoid on how I act around people and what I do sub-conscienously, even though I say I don't care what people think about me.

I'm away at a tangent here... forgot where I was going with this. I guess I'll just ramble some more. I kind of like who I am... I seem to be an indivdual these days, days pass by in a blur and I can't think clear of what I want or want to do, wondering about life and things. I like to think to myself, walking to school on bus and such. Everyone around me isn't concerned about anyone but themselves, about trying to show off and impress people when really nobody cares for anything but them. You get all these fake people who you don't know what they're really like... they could actually be like me but are hiding it to fit in or they are really just braindead and have nothing in their minds.

Mon 07/10/02 at 13:00
"Back from the dead!"
Posts: 4,615
What makes that kind of thing more tricky is the way that people try and portray themselves to other people that they don't know. You meet someone for the first time, and occasionally they have something inside them that makes them act in a different way to who they are.

Either it's to try and represent themselves to you in a short space of time, represent themselves on how they want to be, represent themselves on how they want you to see them, or scare you away.

People are generally ok once you're through this, I've found. I make an effort to meet many people, and it's really interesting how people portray themselves. There was this party a while back and this guy came in with 2 drugged up birds under his arms, and he really ommitted this aura that he was a player, deep in the underground scene. You know the kind. Anyway, a few J's went around and I got chatting to him, and then it all started to fade and the real person came out. It turned out that he just wanted the image of a player so people gave him respect.

I respect that it's tough to be yourself when you meet someone new, I certainly don't feel I act the way I really am, as I tend to keep info about me to a minimum while meeting new people, yet my close friends know just as much about me as i do them.

Thing is, is that all these people I meet have all these different images, and they hold themselves in such various ways, yet underneath it all they are either good guys or not, and I only associate myself with the good guys. It's a shame that you have to fight through the portrayed layer to find this out, but unless they are true freaks, it allways turns out good in the end.
Sun 06/10/02 at 20:49
Posts: 15,579
I agree with you totally.

I'm a pretty good example of this actually.

I look like a complete nutter. I shave my head weekly, and usually have a few mm's of stubble on my face. Not the type of person you wanna approach and make friends with. Really increases my "nutter" image by wearing my Argentina shirts...


Anyways, back when I started college (two years ago) I remember this girl sitting down next to me ( it was the only seat available) in my Business studies class. Didnt say a single word to me ( I had jsut shaved my head and was wearing my Argentina shirt). Anyways, made friends with her a few weeks later as she was a friend of a friend (still pretty good friends with her now, she goes to the same UNI as me as well :)). And she told me that she was proper scared of me when she had to sit next to me in that first class! :)

Anyways, thats just a little example there of why you shoudnt *always* judge people on thier appearence. Although life would be a lot easier if people expressed themselves more clearly through thier general appearence.

I suppose you may wonder why I choose to look like a nutter? I guess it scares people off, gives off a "hard" image. So no one will try and mess with me. So no one will try and rob me etc...Bit of a paranoid take on life I guess...
Sun 06/10/02 at 20:47
Posts: 3,110
Well, this weekend I was on a History trip to France and Belgium, which was alright, but a bit boring. The problem was, when it came to sitting next to people on the coach/sharing rooms, I was always left with somebody I didn't really know or like. This was because of odd numbers and because I was late getting there in the first place so was sat right at the front. And so I could never pair myself with somebody because they were all right at the back. A petty matter I suppose, but it meant the whole 4 days I'd been looking forward to was spent with people I didn't know, during free time. I had to share a room in the first hotel with a guy who catches my bus, who is a real idiot and whose parents are farmers. I used to think he was really g@y, but we talked for ages and it turns out he's quite cool and deep, not just an idiot. The second night I was in a room with somebody else who is friends with my friends but not really with me. He was alright as well, and I guess I made friends with him. The fact is, both of those people were alright even though I initially thought they were @sses. I guess the moral is that you shouldn't stick with your own friends, and try to get to know lots of people.
Sun 06/10/02 at 20:43
"~a Libertine~"
Posts: 215
Yeah, i getcha completely. It's good to open up to people.
Hard to tell if they are braindead or not, heck, sometimes i fake stupidity to talk to the pigs, just for something to do. And what the hell's wrong with NI? They're evrywhere. cant move without a yokel or slutwantin a piece of you. brrrrr. Good post
Sun 06/10/02 at 20:23
Posts: 23,284
I went on Geography Trip the other day with some people in my year who I haven't spoken two words to in about six years of school, but know their names as they did me.

Now the way the days worked... many were kind of forced into groups to do work and to share rooms with. I usually hate this as the worst thing about me is when I meet new people I can never start a conversation with them and start to get nervous and sound like a general moron. I have a theory that I can only talk to people when I know them... so I would start conversations on what I know about them etc. When I was younger I had a gift of making new friends at school and on holidays but many turned out to be gits and not real friends which means I'm scared to open up to people I don't really know and it takes a lot of effort for me to do this.

Which is annoying because when I'm around people I trust and know I am always usually the person who talks the most, make jokes, organises things etc and being modest I think I am a nice person to be around.

So anyway, for some reason I was in a chatty mood and thought I would just keep talking, which I did. And I got to know some new people which now I kind of like and I'm sure I'll talk more to them over the year.

Now the point of this post really is that we base people so much on appearance... clothes, hair, facial expression, tone of voice etc which I know is the wrong thing to do but we all do it. This is why I like talking to people on the internet, because you can only judge them on what they type which is their intelligence, humour, morals etc.

Now these days I'm going through the moany, life sucks, annoying teenage angst period, which I know I am and can't wait to get out of it. Which makes me paranoid on how I act around people and what I do sub-conscienously, even though I say I don't care what people think about me.

I'm away at a tangent here... forgot where I was going with this. I guess I'll just ramble some more. I kind of like who I am... I seem to be an indivdual these days, days pass by in a blur and I can't think clear of what I want or want to do, wondering about life and things. I like to think to myself, walking to school on bus and such. Everyone around me isn't concerned about anyone but themselves, about trying to show off and impress people when really nobody cares for anything but them. You get all these fake people who you don't know what they're really like... they could actually be like me but are hiding it to fit in or they are really just braindead and have nothing in their minds.


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