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"My fun day out"

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Sat 28/09/02 at 17:40
Posts: 787
A strange day, I hath had today. Well, sorta. I went into town, the usual 'Saturday thing'. It was kinda fun. Here's what happened...

My mum bought me some wellies in my local town in the morning because I'm going on a school trip next weekend which requires them. Then, me and a mate both got our haircut. Now, my hair was quite long, I was gonna grow it then changed my mind. Anyway, I got the sides taken off first, and it looked like I had a good ol' mullet. Then the rest got cut off and it's way too short :(. I'm going to be mocked on Monday at school :(. Oh well, can't win 'em all.

Then I ate a pizza thing for brekkie, and caught the train with some other mates into town. Wandered around town looking for a cheap GameCube for one of my mates and eventually gave up ont he idea. Then I bought a controller S for my beloved Xbox from CEX, and I tells ya, they're great! They're much smaller and feel really good. It's a wonder that it isn't the standard Xbox controller... oh well.

Then after Subway, buying CDs and what not, I caught the train home. Except we got on the wrong train. Because the timetable was messed and said the next train was to Romsey but it wasn't. So we ended up waiting for an hour at a station in the middle of the New Forest for the next train back to Romsey, all the while my mum was waiting in Romsey for us.

And we got back. What a fun day. Not very fun, actually, but I bought a Smash Mouth CD and it's very nice :).
Mon 30/09/02 at 20:20
Posts: 3,110
Smash Mouth are bwilliant. I love the CD I bought :) Ahhh... "Hey now..."...
Mon 30/09/02 at 18:09
"allardini's tagline"
Posts: 3,396
½pint wrote:

Not very fun, actually, but I
> bought a Smash Mouth CD and it's very nice :)


No day is fun without Smash Mouth!

Go Smash Mouth!
Mon 30/09/02 at 17:18
Posts: 3,110
Electrum wrote:
> Oh ive got it. You've mistaken this forum for a diary of some sort.
> Grrr. :$

Actually, no, and you'll find yourself to be incredibly unpopular if you keep walking round as if you own the place. Probably be banned before the week's out.
Sun 29/09/02 at 23:40
"Cigar smoker"
Posts: 7,885
MoJoJoJo wrote:
> Well, that's what you get for living out in the middle of nowhere

Hehe, the funny thing is, I actually know where he's talking about :D

I go past Subway and Cex almost everyday.....oh and the trains from town to Romsey are a nightmare.
Sun 29/09/02 at 21:17
"~a Libertine~"
Posts: 215
Oh ive got it. You've mistaken this forum for a diary of some sort.
Grrr. :$
Sat 28/09/02 at 17:42
"That's right!"
Posts: 10,645
Well, that's what you get for living out in the middle of nowhere

I have a metro station at the end of my street, and by metro it's only 15/20 minutes into town. I'm in town every weekday, because of college, so I often stop in at HMV or whatever on a Wednesday afternoon to purchase a DVD... which my brother steals, curse him
Sat 28/09/02 at 17:40
Posts: 3,110
A strange day, I hath had today. Well, sorta. I went into town, the usual 'Saturday thing'. It was kinda fun. Here's what happened...

My mum bought me some wellies in my local town in the morning because I'm going on a school trip next weekend which requires them. Then, me and a mate both got our haircut. Now, my hair was quite long, I was gonna grow it then changed my mind. Anyway, I got the sides taken off first, and it looked like I had a good ol' mullet. Then the rest got cut off and it's way too short :(. I'm going to be mocked on Monday at school :(. Oh well, can't win 'em all.

Then I ate a pizza thing for brekkie, and caught the train with some other mates into town. Wandered around town looking for a cheap GameCube for one of my mates and eventually gave up ont he idea. Then I bought a controller S for my beloved Xbox from CEX, and I tells ya, they're great! They're much smaller and feel really good. It's a wonder that it isn't the standard Xbox controller... oh well.

Then after Subway, buying CDs and what not, I caught the train home. Except we got on the wrong train. Because the timetable was messed and said the next train was to Romsey but it wasn't. So we ended up waiting for an hour at a station in the middle of the New Forest for the next train back to Romsey, all the while my mum was waiting in Romsey for us.

And we got back. What a fun day. Not very fun, actually, but I bought a Smash Mouth CD and it's very nice :).

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