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"So I pre-ordered Resi 4 today..."

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Resident Evil 4'.
Mon 31/10/05 at 11:51
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
Can't wait! :-)
Sat 05/11/05 at 14:24
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624

I'm loving it. That's why I've not been round here much for the last 2 days. Just checking my mail and a few other things, then I'm off to play it again.
Sat 05/11/05 at 00:15
"Catch it!"
Posts: 6,840
Is out now then?
Thu 03/11/05 at 22:57
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
Just a quickie...

It did arrive today, and I'm loving it!

Off to play more now... byeeeee!
Thu 03/11/05 at 17:52
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
Maxed Red-09 rocks the socks, as does the no-reload Striker.
I'd love to upgrade the mine launcher so you get homing mines for it, but really can't be arsed ... do you ever get any ammo for it?
Wed 02/11/05 at 23:24
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
I had an e-mail earlier telling me that it was dispatched at 10:40 this morning. With any luck it'll arrive tomorrow, a day early.
Wed 02/11/05 at 22:25
"The definitive tag"
Posts: 3,752
I always just went for the shotgun for the bog-standard enemies. It was by far the most satisfying weapon to use.
Wed 02/11/05 at 22:24
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
Don't want it too much, ruins the game.

Much more fun to have fully tooled up Striker/semi-auto rifle/handgun/mine launcher etc.

Or just the basic pistol on Pro.
Wed 02/11/05 at 22:19
"It's so,so cold"
Posts: 386
I'm on my second run through the game and only have 500,000 and I really want the Chicago Typewriter. Damn.
Wed 02/11/05 at 21:30
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
Never used the magnum, the ammo was too rare.

Striker + Red 09 FTW, with the gorgeous rifle being my mean weapon of choice.

Tell you what though, Chicago Typewriter on that huge room in the Castle, where you have a load of baddies coming straight at you, and you need to get Ashley to turn the cranks to raise up the that's fun.
Wed 02/11/05 at 20:58
"It's so,so cold"
Posts: 386
That whoop-ass magnum ruled. Screw you Saddler[or whatever that guys name is].

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