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"Starwars Battlefront 2"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Star Wars: Battlefront II'.
Thu 03/11/05 at 17:09
Posts: 414
I've been looking at this, as its a new game which my pc can actually run and thinking about buying it as it looks quite nice (for such low minimum spec). But i've never tried anything like this or Battlefront 1, and would like to know if theyre any good before i go wasting £20 on it.

Has anyone got this or tried it? If so is it any good?

Thu 17/11/05 at 13:59
"Captain to you."
Posts: 4,609


Easy to get past most multiplayer things too (all-seeing-eye), just a limited number of servers you can use, but it means you end up playing the same people and get a bit of a community going.
Thu 17/11/05 at 13:51
"Lisan al-Gaib"
Posts: 7,093
Chippxero wrote:
> I own the internet, and i borrow games off it.
> If the games then really good i go out and buy it, like quake 4 or
> BF2.


True. I was thinking along the lines of stuff like Q4 for muliplayer (requires online verification)

Easy to bypass single player though. Just turn the modem off on loading.... :D
Thu 17/11/05 at 13:24
"Captain to you."
Posts: 4,609
I own the internet, and i borrow games off it.

If the games then really good i go out and buy it, like quake 4 or BF2.
Thu 17/11/05 at 08:29
"Lisan al-Gaib"
Posts: 7,093
Chippxero wrote:
> Stuff

How on earth do you afford each and every new PC release (well, seems like it)?

Are you loaded or are your parents loaded?
Wed 16/11/05 at 21:13
"Captain to you."
Posts: 4,609
I seem to be getting a short delay on sounds :( when i fire the lasers already gone and then the sound comes out, it's very off putting.

EDIT: fixed now it's because my settings wern't set to 5.1 silly me

EDIT:EDIT: The space battles arn't too bad but i would have liked a more freelancer feel to the control of the ship with turning as although it's full 3d it's slugish at times and i end up flying the whole battle upside down.

Ground battles still are really console-ie and the objectives a bit to easy to complete if you just ignore some enemies.

It's not terrible but it's by no means a great buy, some fun and i imagine with a large group of friends could be pretty damn good.
Wed 16/11/05 at 20:36
Posts: 414
It is actually getting quite a lot better now that i've got into it and out of counterstrike mode, vehicles are a lot of fun especially the space maps.
Wed 16/11/05 at 16:45
Posts: 414
It arrived this morning, (2 days late) and so far only had 30 mins time to have a go on it.
It seems okay, nothing special, the graphics are decent but dont at all compare to modern games such as HL2 or BF2.
The gameplay is a bit fast paces for my liking although it is the sort of game which is quite fun to just pick up and play.
Single player is quite good, you have the choice to do different things like Galactic Conquest, Instant action or just play through the game. So far have only played the first level where you have to try to complete the objectives without all your tickets getting to 0.

Having troubly with multiplayer though, first server i tried i had extreme lag, and couldnt even move. Second server wasnt too bad but the games would only last for about 5 mins which meant that you couldnt really get into it.
I'm hoping that when i play it a bit more i should start getting into it and liking it but so far it is definately not worth £25.
Sat 12/11/05 at 18:46
Posts: 414
Will do.
Sat 12/11/05 at 16:34
"Captain to you."
Posts: 4,609
Give us a run down once you get it.
Fri 11/11/05 at 16:02
Posts: 414
Ordered from play last night, should be here on monday.
Hopefully my £25 was spent well.

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