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Sat 07/09/02 at 12:58
Posts: 787
Here’s the final list. If you’re not on, you didn’t sign up. Tough luck!


Uncle Albert
Insane Bartender/Mr Ripper
Joe Dark
Tyranitar Master
Asher D
auf deutsch
Dr Duck
(.)Juicy Melons(.)
Elite Chaos
TOSH/rockin nanan
Meka Dragon

And just for fun…



Okay people, get writing…
Sat 14/09/02 at 18:48
Posts: 9,494
Ah, the truth.

I'm popular with the masses.

Don't argue with Uncle Albert :-)
Sat 14/09/02 at 18:37
"PC Gaming Founder"
Posts: 2,136
None of this 'great poster' crap from me. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. :)

Maverick42 - related to the great Solid Snake. What a legend (SS that is).
savatt1668 - who?
Whitestripes - rings a bell...
Strafex - comes up with decent topics on a regular basis, although can be a little unreasonable in his replies.

Uncle Albert - ah, that would be me. Not into gaming as much as I used to be (that ain't gonna stop me getting all the top GC titles though). Nowadays, I focus my interests mostly on cars, fitness and making money...and girls.
locky1133 - who?

phi11ip - posts a lot for sure. Seems decent enough.
MiCRoCHiþS - encourages those who try and comes up with decent topics himself. I like.
§Kerrañg!§ - hasn't been around much I think.
Nintendoid - prefers the shorter kind of reply, not that I'm suggesting there's anything wrong with that. :)
Mattyboy - rings a bell...
Insane Bartender/Mr Ripper - not a clue.
«-Wºªmd¢r«- - huh?!
Foreman/MMMiikkeeee - no opinion, I'm afraid.
GSMaster - something to do with G-Strings, perve. :P
Be@vis - dunno.
NaŠ†Ÿ_Nêighßoû® - leads a sad life, apparently.
Joe Dark - doesn't post so much nowadays. Shame really, as he's a good lad.
Tyranitar Master - likes getting his hands dirty...with ROMs.
Cubist - not sure, really.
BIGMAN - dunno, really.
Indian-DudeY2K - same as Joe, top bloke. Reasonable, valued posts. But that doesn't stop me hating him...damn you Rob for having Mazza Sunshine! ;)
Asher D - quite popular with the masses, I believe.
Cyclone - been around here for a while, but don't really know him/her.
RiCkOsS - another NintyUK'er. Hangs around more in Prime these days.
gamezfreak - who?
auf deutsch - rings a bell...
Syphonical - dunno.
Starlight - loved his topic about getting girls into gaming which, therefore, makes him a top poster. :)
Tiltawhirl - known for ages and renowned for agruments with him. Sorts out the men from the mice (decent posters from spammers) and has, quite possibly, the sickest sense of humour I know!
Dr Duck - top bloke. Considerate replies to posts and has my upmost sympathies for his bust-up arm/shoulder. :)
Cooky - insists on hanging around here and posting constant drivvle, enough though he hasn't got a clue what he's on about. ;)
Sibs - used to practically run this forum! Wrote decent, original posts, but doesn't seem to be around much at the mo.
AfroJoe - used to get on with him really well, but I think he's forgotten me now, with his newfound popularity. :P
WelshMiyamoto - dunno, really.
(.)Juicy Melons(.) - no comment.
Elite Chaos - should listen to others more.
TOSH/rockin nanan - absolutely no comment as they're not worth it.
Tribute - the quality of this guy's posts are improving by the day, as he aims for his first GAD. You show 'em, Matt. :)
Time_Warp - an oldie, but I can't say I know him/her too well.
RM18 - like Rick, posts most of his stuff in Prime, nowadays.
Badgerman - dunno.
Quinty - other people seem to think he's/she's really funny, but I don't know to comment.
Edgy - notable-worthy, apparently. 'Ya didn't get my vote. ;)
Meka Dragon - a true legend. Somehow find time to post regularly on here, win a GAD when he feels like it AND run a family.
Sat 14/09/02 at 18:35
Posts: 890
Entschuldigen Sie mich, microchips haben Sie ein Problem mit dem Deutschen?
Sat 14/09/02 at 18:29
"Jog on, sunshine"
Posts: 8,979
Ja, Danke Schon!

I know, I know, German *shuddder*

Sat 14/09/02 at 18:05
Posts: 13,611
Yeah, thanks for the comments everyone.
Fri 13/09/02 at 22:44
Posts: 23,695
Cheers everyone for the comments.
Fri 13/09/02 at 22:23
Posts: 4,199
er....I meant 'smelled'

Fri 13/09/02 at 21:36
"Chavez, just hush.."
Posts: 11,080
mikelar wrote:
> phi11ip - Good poster, Got his first GAD a bit back, smiled alot no
> doubt.

I can't smile anymore, I think I've snapped the muscles in my cheeks...


Fri 13/09/02 at 21:25
"[SE] Shadow Elite"
Posts: 953
RM18 wrote:
> And what position are you to judge what I do?
> I must remember to make a mental note in future to make sure you
> approve of my posts before I write them.

Wow man, surely everyone is entitled to their own opinion and this is mine. The world doesn't evolve around you, so don't worry about that mental note. I said i enjoyed some of your posts, but i do belive that some of your posts are not GAD worthy. It's like Nintendo saying "We must make a mental note that Ben only like this genre of game so we can only make this type of game from so on". Now that would just be dumb (not to me ofcourse but hey), i might not like all of your posts but i'm sure alot of other people love them.
Fri 13/09/02 at 21:05
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
Maverick42 wrote:
> > ----------

Maverick42 - Made this thread - Don't really know him
savatt1668 - IS A BIG FAT SMELLY **** :) (Good guy)
Whitestripes - Nintendo fan = Cool
Strafex - Ditto
Uncle Albert - Don't really know
locky1133- Likes punk. Me too.
phi11ip - Still haven;t talked to on MSN.......
MiCRoCHiþS - Good guy, talk to him on MSN
§Kerrañg!§ - depends on what he likes on Kerrang....... ;)
Nintendoid - Name says it all
Mattyboy - Good poster from what I 'ave seen
Insane Bartender/Mr Ripper - Probably the best poster on forums bar a few (me included ;)
«-Wºªmd¢r«- - Don't know
Foreman/MMMiikkeeee - Good guy
> GSMaster - Ditto
> Be@vis - ?
> NaŠ†Ÿ_Nêighßoû® - Decent enough ;)
> Joe Dark - Don't relly know
> Tyranitar Master - " " "
> Cubist - Good name, good posts
> BIGMAN - Nice posts
> Indian-DudeY2K - Ditto
> Asher D - Prolific and from what I've seen, pretty good
> Cyclone - Ruler, master of all, Billy Corgans Lyrics writer, Pumpkins fan, the bst poster of all time, deserves a GADfor all his posts, modest etc etc etc ;) Te-He!
> RiCkOsS - Good guy
> gamezfreak - Grrrrr.......XBox ;)
> auf deutsch - Don't know
> Syphonical - Ditto
> Starlight - Good guy
> Tiltawhirl - Great poster, informative etc
> Dr Duck - Complimented me, so I'll do the same...... :)
> Cooky - Another Nintendo stalwart = Good
> Sibs - Also likes good music
> AfroJoe - Good poster - prolific
> WelshMiyamoto - ?
> (.)Juicy Melons(.)- Name says it all
> Elite Chaos - Chaotic.....errrrrrr ;)
> TOSH/rockin nanan - TOSH!
> Tribute - Don't really know
> Time_Warp - Good poster
> RM18 - Seems to be everybodies fav.....good guy
> Badgerman - Good poster
> Quinty - Nice name, good poster
> Edgy - Indeed. I owe him that word. :)
> Meka Dragon - Excellent poster. Along with IB/Mr. Ripper, hes on of the best. (Bar me of course)

Excuse the extreme modesty on my part. I know I rule, but hey.

>Oh and
> ~Resurrection~/~Res~ - Hmmmmmmmmm..............*****!

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