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"The Rare Situation"

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Wed 04/09/02 at 16:29
Posts: 787
Could it be true? Are Rare going multiformat? Are Rare going to Sony to become exclusive producers? Are they travelling over to America to join Microsoft? Are Rare ditching games altogether? Well, that answer to all of these cannot be answered by anyone but Rare themselves, who seem to have shut themselves inside their HQs across Europe, beavering away at something: whether it be new games for GC, plans to join Sony or Microsoft or completely nothing at all... ok, so maybe not the latter, but why is it Rare have been dormant for the last few months?

Nintendo fans will certainly hope they're just simply taking up their time on making new, wonderful and incredible games for the GC and GBA, but rumours flying about are suggesting that Rare will go multiformat and are currently bringing some of their top quality games series' such as Perfect Dark, Conker and Banjo Kazooie across to the PS2 and to the X-Box. If these rumours are true then plenty of Ninty fans will be unhappy bunnies and might even ditch their GCs. Most won't as we all know Nintendo can still deliver the goods, but there are a fair few people that would give up on their GCs if Rare decided to leave.

Few Ninty fans only bought their GCs simply for the Rare games, and so far they've had nothing from the great Rareware, and only a couple of games looking to be released in the next couple of years. If Rare were to pack their bags and join Nintendo's rivals or simply fly off to some magical island refusing to create any more games then these true Rare fans would be distraught, and could even possibly lose faith in Nintendo themselves. Hopefully Rareware won't leave Nintendo, but there's a strong possibility that they could go multiformat, which would be just as bad, both for Nintendo and it's supporters.

Sure, Rare going multiformat would be great for some people, as PS2 and X-Box owners would be able to enjoy Rare's masterful games without having to buy a GC, but many of the franchises Rare own are attached to Nintendo as well, and Nintendo would never let their great exclusives such as Donkey Kong, Perfect Dark and Banjo Kazooie jump ship to Sony or Microsoft, so would there be any point in them going multiformat? If they did they'd have to try and impress us with new and original games, and although Rare can create innovative masterpieces, it's not likely that they'd let all their creations go to waste.

Perfect Dark Zero, the most hihgly anticipated game on GC's rumours have not been cleared up by Rare either, as they chose to block out the outside world yet again. Many PD0 rumours having been spreading through various internet sites and Rare haven't said anything to do with them - as a matter of fact, the only things Rare have said in the last couple of months are "We have 2 GC games in development!", which weren't including Kameo or Starfox, but are probably PD Zero and Conker 2.

Rare have been known to be very secret in the past, but recently they've just put new meanings into the phrase 'Keeping it buttoned'. When will Rare decide to spill the beans on Perfect Dark Zero and reply to the rumours of them going multiformat or joining one particular company? Hopefully all this will be cleared up in the next few weeks, as GC fans might not be able to take all this Rare being quiet business much longer. Come on Rare - say something!

Wed 04/09/02 at 18:30
"previously phuzzy."
Posts: 3,487
Doesn't bother me if RARE go multi, just as long as Nintendo still gets a great selection of games, whether or not they're on other consoles is not an issue for me.

If I save up £350 million though I could buy them myself..

Wed 04/09/02 at 18:24
"Sex On Wheels"
Posts: 3,526
I suppose RARE have the insentive of getting a lot more money if they go multi format I mean they can only make so many games for one console this way they get to employ lots more people (save me a space!) and get payed by lots of company's to bring the same quality games to more people I mean not everyone has a Gamecube :D
Wed 04/09/02 at 18:14
Posts: 23,695
Rare probably will go multiformat sometime, possibly if there isn't a console following up the GC, because then they'd just be developing for the same console and wouldn't be able to 'expand' their ideas to a full extent.

Then could be the time they could move onto PS3 and X-Box 2.
Wed 04/09/02 at 17:54
Posts: 10,364
Meh, I'm quite looking forward to seeing some nice Rare games on the Xbox along with many others.

I reckon Rare will go Multiformat, they've got Starfox Adventures in dev for the GC at the mo, so some Rare titles will come out on the Xbox and GC (which are obviously the next gen consoles to develop on)

We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Wed 04/09/02 at 17:27
"Sex On Wheels"
Posts: 3,526
Strafex wrote:
> Cubist wrote:
> i'll be working for RARE and i'll tell you all
> ;D
> You'll be fired! :-D
> I'll be keeping my mouth shut and keeping my job.
> Besides, I don't want the world ruining the surprises I have lined up
> for them! ;-)

Too true you probably have to take a pledge of silence when they employ you. Legal contracts aren't enough ;D
Wed 04/09/02 at 17:22
Posts: 1,150
Strafex wrote:
> If the rumour is true, it'll be announced later this month at some MS
> convention.

If i was bill gates id be telling everyone as soon as possible.

But if it is a rumour gates must be in his office looking at all the companies he has just payed for, unsure if he has or not.

Oh and good post too.

If they go to xbox ill be ok as i have one, due to a lot of luck, but if i didnt id wait until the end of these consoles and buy it on the cheap, like i did with PS1.

I wouldnt buy a console becuase of one developer.
Wed 04/09/02 at 17:14
Posts: 9,848
Cubist wrote:
> i'll be working for RARE and i'll tell you all
> ;D

You'll be fired! :-D

I'll be keeping my mouth shut and keeping my job.

Besides, I don't want the world ruining the surprises I have lined up for them! ;-)
Wed 04/09/02 at 16:39
"Sex On Wheels"
Posts: 3,526
Yeah they are some interesting points I think we all want answered but if you wait 6 years i'll be working for RARE and i'll tell you all ;Dlol I hope anyway Personally I want RARE to stay exclusive or at least just go with Nintendo and Sony I really think Microsoft are being very flashy gits right now trying to buy up the market so it would be nice for something to be out of thier reach lol ;D
Wed 04/09/02 at 16:38
Posts: 9,848
The latest rumour about an MS buyout will soon come to light.

If the rumour is true, it'll be announced later this month at some MS convention.

I wouldn't be too fussed if MS bought out Rare for exclusive games (the Xbox is dropping it's price so fast now...), but if they took Rare to America with them...

Rare rule the west, but will be crap if they leave Twycross! :-D
Wed 04/09/02 at 16:36
"Jog on, sunshine"
Posts: 8,979
Do you know what's rare AJ? Rare making a comment about a game. They must be the developer everyone thinks of when 'secrecy' is mentioned.

Nice post.


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