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"hi look at my rap hope i win plz"

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Sun 27/04/08 at 17:22
Posts: 1
umm dont no what to right
when i think above my head there is no light
when i look in the mirror i see a fright
the devils temtatin me to a fight
you may not beleive me but i know that im right
you can still see stuff even without sight
i see stuff to the left and stuff to the right
i can fly higher higher than any kite
im a just 12 year old gangsta boy who made this up on the spot


i live in brixton so i grow up stong
my dad smoke weed and my mum has a thong
my dad love his weed and a bit on bong
i dont know where he get this from maybe hong kong
we all have anger problems espiccily me
my little bro swears and hes not even 3
he wakes me up in the night so i dont do good at school
since hes been born ive been actin a fool
im not a poet im just a lyrical guy
makin movements and and so thers is no need to cry
see i made this up with out even thinkin
i just kept typin and my brother kept drinkin
i go to a school with loads of rats
in the lunch hall and wraped around the taps

well im over and out for now hope i win the prize lool plz
holla bk if ya think im good
Fri 26/04/13 at 08:16
Posts: 2
Dragonlance wrote:
R you all bein scamed? Ok........
Fri 26/04/13 at 08:14
Posts: 2
Cool but i could do better
Thu 26/06/08 at 18:02
"What's basketball?"
Posts: 379
It's funny
You say that kids shouldn't read your song
Yet you're a child yourself, so you are also in the wrong
If you really want to win something
Then I hope that you are listening
Don't ask for it in your rap
Dat's wack, you know? BRAP BRAP!
Maybe you understood that, maybe you did not
But you will not get anything by trying to be a hotshot
Anyway, time to wrap up this thing
And now I must go take off my bling
As it is time to give somebody else a chance to sing.

Sat 21/06/08 at 09:00
Posts: 3
Ladybird wrote:
> Um.. I don't know what to right, I mean write either..
> But, I thought I'd say something anyways just for the heck of
> it.
> Are your parents really that dysfunctional? Just wondering..

How rude of you to call this kid"s parents dysfunctional.
Wearing a thong or smoking weed does not make for being
dysfunctional. I think it is more your "class/ type" that is dysfunctional in a social sense.

Listen to 50 Cent or Eminem to get an idea of what is really going on.... Please don"t take undue offence as none was intendo
Magic Pixie o.g.
Fri 20/06/08 at 19:38
Posts: 3
I absolutely adored it . It was like real "sick" guy ya know what am sayen innit.?..Well Bad !!! (Shakespeare don"t even come close) I once lived in Tulse Hill, Brixton in 85 and got no probs ...... REE- SPECT going out to you BRO !! WRITE ON....
Magic Pixie o.g.

Wed 18/06/08 at 12:08
"previously phuzzy."
Posts: 3,487
He HAS to win.
Sun 25/05/08 at 20:09
"Feather edged ..."
Posts: 8,536
R you all bein scamed?
Sun 25/05/08 at 19:32
"Mooching around"
Posts: 4,248
I don't think you can be 12 and a "gangsta"
Wed 21/05/08 at 17:20
"I like turtles"
Posts: 5,368
Eye ope dey doynte deeduct poyntz 4 spelin miztaykes !!!!.
Sun 18/05/08 at 20:02
Posts: 4,686
t.bits wrote:

Don't worry, I don't let anybody see my computer screen. :p

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