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"Will Mario ever be toppled?- My Experience from the start."

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Mon 15/07/02 at 21:50
Posts: 787
Will we ever see a game that will topple the might of Mario's platforming exploits?

For years now we have seen the series come and go, with each evolution and each step after step.
We have seen many efforts after most Mario releases trying their best to emulate the Mario games qualities, but they have all failed!.

But way back then, with the release of Super Mario Bros on the NES, there wasn't that many around to follow the success, the game in itself wasn't really known from the onset. Not many people at that time knew of this relatively vague character either, sure we all saw him in other efforts in Donkey Kong arcade and the weird Mario Bros. But something miraculous happened that elevated him to stardom, the game Super Mario Bros became an instant success, spawning many to idolise the new hero Super Mario- a gaming icon known the world over today.

Miyamoto was fast on the verge of a sequel, the Lost Levels (Super Mario bros 2 in Japan) was released in the East and because of the games relative difficulty, a Western Release was ruled out, Doki Doki Panic in Japan however would fill the void, replaced with Super Mario characters and named Super Mario Bros 2, the game became an instant success in America and Europe, further propelling the name and Characters of the Super Mario fame to Stardom-the franchises popularity was sure to blossom.
Of course I, and along with every gamer on the planet think this game is the oddball in the relatively successful nest of "True" Mario games, it didn't stop people back then buying it though and furthering the success of Mario to continue.

And, If I can remember properly, a Childrens Film was released, around 1990 called "the Wizard", here we had a boy who entered Gaming tournaments featuring- lo and behold The sequel everyone has been waiting for- Super Mario Bros 3 where it was shown in all its glory. A genius advertising coup by Nintendo, that was shown to Millions.
I can never forget that time when I saw that, I never saw the actual film in the cinema, but watched it in School on video, shortly before the games release in Europe.
But yet, despite the video, like many others I had to get this game- and get it I did.
From what I can remember too, around this time (About 1991) another sequel was planned, but this time on Nintendo's new system-The Super Nintendo. And after looking at screenshots in Magazines of Sega's new system the Mega Drive, Sega would have a Mascot also, possibly the first instance were anyone tried to take Nintendo on with their own Platforming character seriously, aiming to take Mario from his lofty throne.

Back then, Sonic the Hedgehog was shown in all his graphical 16 bit glory, I have to admit, then I didn't know much about release dates and games in development like I do now, but that game really took me by surprise.
I will never forget making that journey to my 18 year old Cousin's house just to see Sonic, from what I saw in the shops, this game looked beautiful, and there is me thinking that there was nothing out there that could have beaten Super Mario Bros 3 in the visuals stake. But beat it in that department it did, seeing this little blue Hedgehog bouncing around on-screen, with 3-D back-drops, layered and everything! made me want to have this game, I wanted a Mega Drive!. And it seems, everyone felt that way- with Sega's system, the Blue Spiked mascots entrance to the Gaming world was a success. But toppling Mario from the Platforming throne, was going to be out of the question.
I didn't get my Mega Drive after all in those early stages, thankfully My cousin allowed me to play on the machine long enough to complete it. Although enjoyable as it was, the Game didn't better Super Mario Bros 3, not by a long shot.

But some other system was approaching, early 1992 My mates told me that an importer in town had a new Nintendo System in his window. Of course I thought it all a joke, but they where all right!. There in all its glory was a Super Famicom!, though there was no game running on the system, and yet I couldn't get over it, after various questions to the guy behind the counter he showed me a magazine (Zone I think it was called) pointed out various games here and there with a huge write up on a new Mario game for this system, it looked wonderful, and to me then the graphics where outstanding.
I had to get one of these things I thought, 'again'. With another nine months though, I eventually had the game and the new westernised name changed 'Super Nintendo'. From here it seems things where getting better. The Mega Drive I got also (Eventually but late), but for some reason the Super Nintendo was played the most.
Super Mario World was a godsend to me, from what I felt before about Sonic the Hedgehog all that was totally over shadowed to what I thought about this game.
Countless clones appeared on the SNES, trying to steal, this new Mario thunder.
On the Mega Drive too, realising that Mario was back on top, Sega releases a Sonic sequel, raking in the money further; and to make their pockets heavier- Sonic 3 was released as well and later-Sonic and Knuckles expansion Cartridge.
Naturally the Gaming world where crying out for a new Mario for the system, but typically Nintendo never released a True Mario sequel, to the annoyances of many, though opting for some excellent games based around the Character being Mario Kart and various others.

Sadly over the Super Nintendo's 5-6 year life- not one True Mario platformer materialised whatsoever. Nor was Mario toppled from its competitors.
To fill the platforming void we all played on our other system being the Mega Drive, by 1996 Sonic and co had all but gone too, on the Mega Drive, with shift focused upon the Mega Drive successor- the Saturn. It seemed, that if you where looking a Mario game, Nintendo's next System was your sure bet.

Then, there was only one Magazine for that info, Super Play (Pre-evolved N64 & NGC now) contained everything you wanted to know about Nintendos new 3D System- the Ultra 64.
Mario appeared eventually too in 3D form! At first I have to admit, it looked weird, naturally.
For over a decade, we where all used to the 2D Mario, but this looked different though and, month after after month it was starting to dawn on me that this Mario was the one to watch. In fact every one was watching this game. During this time it seemed Sega was getting a little worried, their Saturn Console couldn't churn out a game of that magnitude. And the 'Nintendo shy' Sony where upset with Nintendo under various indifferences and they were going alone with the CD 'Nintendo Playstation'-Renaming it to the 'Sony Playstation'.
This was really the start of a new era, the 3D era. And no one seen this new era coming. Nintendo heaped their new console upon the gaming world and Sony had already their relatively unpopular console out in the shops, various Companies though where not satisfied with Nintendo and their storage format of choice- The Cartrides, subsequently, they left Nintendo and joined forces with Sony and their new fangled Playstation, elevating the console to a mammoth success.

But at long last after a Mario starved 5 years, I finally got the Nintendo 64 upon release in 1997, with Mario 64. And from the intial moment of controlling the little plumber on-screen by the Anlogue stick, I was hooked! Never before has a platform game looked or felt like this, this was a new experience to countless millions, not just to me.
Mario 64, though despite Nintendo's internal upsets, was a huge success. The gaming press the world over hailed it as the greatest Game ever released, many developers knew this too.
With a Platform starved Playstation, many developers naturally thought that it was on this system, that they would try to copy Nintendos success, the inferior Playstation in most respects was given Mario clone after Mario Clone.
Many Platformers released for the system, where hailed as a "Mario 64 beater". From the then Playstation mascot- Crash Bandicoot to Spyro the Dragon, it didn't work though to topple Mario.
Sure the games where fun, I have them myself, but none shook Mario 64 from being the best Platformer out there. Companies even tried the same thing on the Nintendo 64 too, thinking it was the System for platforms, with releases of their own Mario Clones. Only one ever came close though of over-throwing Mario 64, and that was the Nintendo affiliated Rareware with the Nintendo owned Banjo Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64.

But those days have come and gone. Mario 64 is now a distant memory in the minds of gamers. Again, Nintendo have chosen a long time to starve us of a True sequel. Since 1997 to the N64 end days in 2001, Mario 64, like Mario World before it, was the only Mario Platformer to grace the system. Shortly after the release of Mario 64, many people where under the impression that we would have a sequel on our hands before long. Luigi was rumoured to be a playable character, for goodness sake. Miyamoto even told us back in 1999 that "Luigi was up and running" in a game he had prepared for the next in the series. But then for those expecting a Mario game any time soon would have to wait another 3 painstaking more years.

There was indeed a new system looming, one that had banished the ideas of Carts in favour of a DVD like disc, the Gamecube was born (Previously code-named Dolphin) welcoming many developers back into the fray such as Square (Due to Nintendo funds) and Namco.
Things where going to be 'oh so different', the newly fangled PS2(Emulating the successful PS console) will have a serious contender this time round, and things wont be so easy in Sony's camp at all.

But after the waiting and the constant rumours of a new Mario offering, Now though (At long last) we only have to wait 2 and a half months to the next groundbreaker in gaming.
Super Mario Sunshine, going by what I have saw in magazines, the Internet and magazine DVD videos, looks like it is going to emulate the success of the prequels before it.
Already we have seen games that are due for release trying to steal it's thunder before the game is even out! Ratchet and Clank is one, pencilled in for release on all formats, Jak and Daxter was another, with the developers later admitting that Mario 64 was a HUGE inspiration for the development of that game. It seems that Mario 64 is still being milked, even to this day. Developers know that if you are to make a good platformer, 'following the set-up and ideas of Mario 64' you should be on to a winner. And indeed, that has worked already. Jak and Daxter for Playstation 2 has already gained a lot of praise and it was a huge success, bringing in great sales to this day. But yet, all that wouldn't have been possible, if it hadn't have been for Mario 64!.
Super Mario Sunshine though has its excuses to emulate the success of Mario 64. The game is a direct sequel and a worthwhile sequel too, not some Annually rehashed effort.
Come Late September, when this game is supposedly released, watch how many companies will try to release something of the same standard.
Watch also when you will see them blatantly ripping off ideas left right and centre, like Mario 64 before it.
Super Mario Sunshine though is going one better, instead of sticking to the Mario 64 formula that every developer these days are sticking to, the game has a few tricks up its sleeves, with things that we have never saw before.
To put it bluntly, Mario games will never be toppled.
With the ingenious ideas of the water pump, and the cleaning expeditions plus the fact that Yoshi will make a welcome return (Since 1992), this is the game that will put many contenders to shame and have many developers going back to the drawing board.
You'll see!
Wed 17/07/02 at 18:37
"Nasty Fat Hobbit!"
Posts: 1,193
I knew about it, but it wasn't really a true Mario game to mention.
I also knew about Mario Land 1 and 2 on Gameboy, but I was merely highlighting Tv Consoles and the true course of the series itself.
Wed 17/07/02 at 10:22
"Well hit on me..."
Posts: 1,169
Did you miss Super Mario World 2, released in the end days of the SNES, OK it wasn't a 'true' mario platformer, but was definetly worthy of being one of the Mario series
Mon 15/07/02 at 21:50
"Nasty Fat Hobbit!"
Posts: 1,193
Will we ever see a game that will topple the might of Mario's platforming exploits?

For years now we have seen the series come and go, with each evolution and each step after step.
We have seen many efforts after most Mario releases trying their best to emulate the Mario games qualities, but they have all failed!.

But way back then, with the release of Super Mario Bros on the NES, there wasn't that many around to follow the success, the game in itself wasn't really known from the onset. Not many people at that time knew of this relatively vague character either, sure we all saw him in other efforts in Donkey Kong arcade and the weird Mario Bros. But something miraculous happened that elevated him to stardom, the game Super Mario Bros became an instant success, spawning many to idolise the new hero Super Mario- a gaming icon known the world over today.

Miyamoto was fast on the verge of a sequel, the Lost Levels (Super Mario bros 2 in Japan) was released in the East and because of the games relative difficulty, a Western Release was ruled out, Doki Doki Panic in Japan however would fill the void, replaced with Super Mario characters and named Super Mario Bros 2, the game became an instant success in America and Europe, further propelling the name and Characters of the Super Mario fame to Stardom-the franchises popularity was sure to blossom.
Of course I, and along with every gamer on the planet think this game is the oddball in the relatively successful nest of "True" Mario games, it didn't stop people back then buying it though and furthering the success of Mario to continue.

And, If I can remember properly, a Childrens Film was released, around 1990 called "the Wizard", here we had a boy who entered Gaming tournaments featuring- lo and behold The sequel everyone has been waiting for- Super Mario Bros 3 where it was shown in all its glory. A genius advertising coup by Nintendo, that was shown to Millions.
I can never forget that time when I saw that, I never saw the actual film in the cinema, but watched it in School on video, shortly before the games release in Europe.
But yet, despite the video, like many others I had to get this game- and get it I did.
From what I can remember too, around this time (About 1991) another sequel was planned, but this time on Nintendo's new system-The Super Nintendo. And after looking at screenshots in Magazines of Sega's new system the Mega Drive, Sega would have a Mascot also, possibly the first instance were anyone tried to take Nintendo on with their own Platforming character seriously, aiming to take Mario from his lofty throne.

Back then, Sonic the Hedgehog was shown in all his graphical 16 bit glory, I have to admit, then I didn't know much about release dates and games in development like I do now, but that game really took me by surprise.
I will never forget making that journey to my 18 year old Cousin's house just to see Sonic, from what I saw in the shops, this game looked beautiful, and there is me thinking that there was nothing out there that could have beaten Super Mario Bros 3 in the visuals stake. But beat it in that department it did, seeing this little blue Hedgehog bouncing around on-screen, with 3-D back-drops, layered and everything! made me want to have this game, I wanted a Mega Drive!. And it seems, everyone felt that way- with Sega's system, the Blue Spiked mascots entrance to the Gaming world was a success. But toppling Mario from the Platforming throne, was going to be out of the question.
I didn't get my Mega Drive after all in those early stages, thankfully My cousin allowed me to play on the machine long enough to complete it. Although enjoyable as it was, the Game didn't better Super Mario Bros 3, not by a long shot.

But some other system was approaching, early 1992 My mates told me that an importer in town had a new Nintendo System in his window. Of course I thought it all a joke, but they where all right!. There in all its glory was a Super Famicom!, though there was no game running on the system, and yet I couldn't get over it, after various questions to the guy behind the counter he showed me a magazine (Zone I think it was called) pointed out various games here and there with a huge write up on a new Mario game for this system, it looked wonderful, and to me then the graphics where outstanding.
I had to get one of these things I thought, 'again'. With another nine months though, I eventually had the game and the new westernised name changed 'Super Nintendo'. From here it seems things where getting better. The Mega Drive I got also (Eventually but late), but for some reason the Super Nintendo was played the most.
Super Mario World was a godsend to me, from what I felt before about Sonic the Hedgehog all that was totally over shadowed to what I thought about this game.
Countless clones appeared on the SNES, trying to steal, this new Mario thunder.
On the Mega Drive too, realising that Mario was back on top, Sega releases a Sonic sequel, raking in the money further; and to make their pockets heavier- Sonic 3 was released as well and later-Sonic and Knuckles expansion Cartridge.
Naturally the Gaming world where crying out for a new Mario for the system, but typically Nintendo never released a True Mario sequel, to the annoyances of many, though opting for some excellent games based around the Character being Mario Kart and various others.

Sadly over the Super Nintendo's 5-6 year life- not one True Mario platformer materialised whatsoever. Nor was Mario toppled from its competitors.
To fill the platforming void we all played on our other system being the Mega Drive, by 1996 Sonic and co had all but gone too, on the Mega Drive, with shift focused upon the Mega Drive successor- the Saturn. It seemed, that if you where looking a Mario game, Nintendo's next System was your sure bet.

Then, there was only one Magazine for that info, Super Play (Pre-evolved N64 & NGC now) contained everything you wanted to know about Nintendos new 3D System- the Ultra 64.
Mario appeared eventually too in 3D form! At first I have to admit, it looked weird, naturally.
For over a decade, we where all used to the 2D Mario, but this looked different though and, month after after month it was starting to dawn on me that this Mario was the one to watch. In fact every one was watching this game. During this time it seemed Sega was getting a little worried, their Saturn Console couldn't churn out a game of that magnitude. And the 'Nintendo shy' Sony where upset with Nintendo under various indifferences and they were going alone with the CD 'Nintendo Playstation'-Renaming it to the 'Sony Playstation'.
This was really the start of a new era, the 3D era. And no one seen this new era coming. Nintendo heaped their new console upon the gaming world and Sony had already their relatively unpopular console out in the shops, various Companies though where not satisfied with Nintendo and their storage format of choice- The Cartrides, subsequently, they left Nintendo and joined forces with Sony and their new fangled Playstation, elevating the console to a mammoth success.

But at long last after a Mario starved 5 years, I finally got the Nintendo 64 upon release in 1997, with Mario 64. And from the intial moment of controlling the little plumber on-screen by the Anlogue stick, I was hooked! Never before has a platform game looked or felt like this, this was a new experience to countless millions, not just to me.
Mario 64, though despite Nintendo's internal upsets, was a huge success. The gaming press the world over hailed it as the greatest Game ever released, many developers knew this too.
With a Platform starved Playstation, many developers naturally thought that it was on this system, that they would try to copy Nintendos success, the inferior Playstation in most respects was given Mario clone after Mario Clone.
Many Platformers released for the system, where hailed as a "Mario 64 beater". From the then Playstation mascot- Crash Bandicoot to Spyro the Dragon, it didn't work though to topple Mario.
Sure the games where fun, I have them myself, but none shook Mario 64 from being the best Platformer out there. Companies even tried the same thing on the Nintendo 64 too, thinking it was the System for platforms, with releases of their own Mario Clones. Only one ever came close though of over-throwing Mario 64, and that was the Nintendo affiliated Rareware with the Nintendo owned Banjo Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64.

But those days have come and gone. Mario 64 is now a distant memory in the minds of gamers. Again, Nintendo have chosen a long time to starve us of a True sequel. Since 1997 to the N64 end days in 2001, Mario 64, like Mario World before it, was the only Mario Platformer to grace the system. Shortly after the release of Mario 64, many people where under the impression that we would have a sequel on our hands before long. Luigi was rumoured to be a playable character, for goodness sake. Miyamoto even told us back in 1999 that "Luigi was up and running" in a game he had prepared for the next in the series. But then for those expecting a Mario game any time soon would have to wait another 3 painstaking more years.

There was indeed a new system looming, one that had banished the ideas of Carts in favour of a DVD like disc, the Gamecube was born (Previously code-named Dolphin) welcoming many developers back into the fray such as Square (Due to Nintendo funds) and Namco.
Things where going to be 'oh so different', the newly fangled PS2(Emulating the successful PS console) will have a serious contender this time round, and things wont be so easy in Sony's camp at all.

But after the waiting and the constant rumours of a new Mario offering, Now though (At long last) we only have to wait 2 and a half months to the next groundbreaker in gaming.
Super Mario Sunshine, going by what I have saw in magazines, the Internet and magazine DVD videos, looks like it is going to emulate the success of the prequels before it.
Already we have seen games that are due for release trying to steal it's thunder before the game is even out! Ratchet and Clank is one, pencilled in for release on all formats, Jak and Daxter was another, with the developers later admitting that Mario 64 was a HUGE inspiration for the development of that game. It seems that Mario 64 is still being milked, even to this day. Developers know that if you are to make a good platformer, 'following the set-up and ideas of Mario 64' you should be on to a winner. And indeed, that has worked already. Jak and Daxter for Playstation 2 has already gained a lot of praise and it was a huge success, bringing in great sales to this day. But yet, all that wouldn't have been possible, if it hadn't have been for Mario 64!.
Super Mario Sunshine though has its excuses to emulate the success of Mario 64. The game is a direct sequel and a worthwhile sequel too, not some Annually rehashed effort.
Come Late September, when this game is supposedly released, watch how many companies will try to release something of the same standard.
Watch also when you will see them blatantly ripping off ideas left right and centre, like Mario 64 before it.
Super Mario Sunshine though is going one better, instead of sticking to the Mario 64 formula that every developer these days are sticking to, the game has a few tricks up its sleeves, with things that we have never saw before.
To put it bluntly, Mario games will never be toppled.
With the ingenious ideas of the water pump, and the cleaning expeditions plus the fact that Yoshi will make a welcome return (Since 1992), this is the game that will put many contenders to shame and have many developers going back to the drawing board.
You'll see!

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