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"I Have A Dream"

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Fri 10/05/02 at 23:55
Posts: 787
A blistered wall lies along a street near to the Notable’s home. Each of the twelve men line up near the wall, looking in disbelief at the damage caused by young skaters the following night.

“I hate the way these little punks just think they can come to my wall and kick it in” shouted Ant.

“Calm down Ant, these kids are punks, you know that, I know that, we know that and it’s not even your wall anyway? You know what it is don’t you…it’s all that Papa Roach stuff they’re listening to.” Exclaimed Goatboy,

“Could be” said Your Honour nodding his head whilst looking like half in a dream.

“Could be? It is! I heard this song by them the other day whilst at work staring at all the ladies bums…” Goatboy said with a cheeky grin on his face.

“You’re always looking at the female buttock area Goatboy, either that or your posting on the forums. Do you actually do any work?” intrupted Grix.

“Well, erm…Papa Roach, yes…well I heard this song by them and the lyrics kind of reminded me about this incident involving Ant’s wall”

“But it’s not even Ant’s wall” replied er-no.

“Yes, but I still don’t want it getting broken. I have feelings for it…man” said Ant as if he were attacking er-no. “Anyway…Goatboy” continued Ant “Are you sure it was Papa Roach, I mean, being a wrestling fan and all it could be the song that shouts ‘Break the Walls Down’ for Jericho’s theme music”. Goatboy started to clear his throat whilst the other notables looked on with doubt.

“Look, I know it was Papa Roach for sure, I know it so much to the extent that I will even sing the thing for you” Goatboy took a breath.

“All you kids,
Gone kicking down the walls,
Blame your Mum,
You don’t want her food,
Give her a slap,
It’s her fault,
It’s her fault!

After screaming the last line at the very top of his ability, Goatboy looked at the other men blurred in a daze. Sniper clapped slowly with a depressed look on his face whilst the others stood just staring in shock and disbelief.

“Well Goaty what can I say but ermmm it was interesting.” said Wookie Monster raising his eyebrows “You certainly looked as though you thoroughly enjoyed that”. Sheepy stepped forward, as if he were to make a speech.

“Basically Goaty we can see why you stuck to the drumming…now maybe if you sang like James Dean Bradfield of the Maniacs then I would let you in my band…” A look of disapproval grew on RastaBillySkanks face whilst Goatboy, still recovering, looked up, his eyes widening.

“Sorry guys, I think Sheepy meant to say Adam Duritz” corrected RastaBillySkank moving forward approving all present.

“NO!” shouted Sheepy pushing RastaBillySkank back “I did mean to say James Dean Bradfield”. Everyone continued watching whilst Sheepy and RastaBillySkank battled it out in a battle of the bands competition, Goatboy, on the other hand was still slowly rising when suddenly he gave a shout with a gasp of air he had managed to catch.

“Split it up! Split it up!” Everyone was silent, they looked at Goatboy struggling to hold himself up, breathing intensely, fighting to say another word. “I…I…I…” The others waited for Goatboy to finish whilst FantasyMeister offered a hand. “No, it’s ok FM” insured Goatboy “I…I…I…Ha…Have…A…”

”Come on Goaty spit it out, we haven’t got all day” said Sniper butting in.

“Just continue Goatboy” ensured FantasyMeister whilst holding him up, the others were getting bored now standing with their hands placed firmly in their hips. Goatboy pulled FantasyMeister off of him and rose himself on top of a dustbin placed behind him, at that he pointed his finger in the air towards the heavens.

“I HAVE A DREAM!” Goatboy then feel off the bin and onto the floor knocking himself out. The faint laughing of Sniper could be heard followed by a whack around the head, and then all Goatboy saw was darkness.

Goatboy lies angered on a hospital bed with the other Notables surrounding him, the whole atmosphere is full of laughter, fright and confusion.

“I mean, how could I get knocked out?” asked Goatboy and with a sense of pride in himself he continued “I’m a man…a real man, I listen to ROCK…real ROCK!”

“Ok, don’t get to carried away Goaty” said PB “You may knock yourself out again”. The others who were gathered around the hospital bed, some seated, some standing, started laughing under their breath. Goatboy hanged his head in shame.

“Come on guys, I meant to do that. To tell you the truth I quite like the taste of Hospital food” said Goatboy thinking he had made a comeback, the others just screwed their faces up.

“I quite like the mushy Peas here actually” said Sniper agreeing with Goatboy, then being met by FantasyMeister’s hand against his head.
“See” Goatboy said with more confidence. “I’m not the only one who likes the mushy Pea’s around here” a smile grew on his face. “You see that man over there, he has a bad back condition and he asks the Nurses if he can swap his Chicken for Mushy Pea’s every single night!”

“Yes” said Meka Dragon glancing at the man’s details by his bedside “But he is 85 and goes by the name of Alfred”.

“So what!” Goatboy said trying to assure Meka Dragon “To get the real taste for this place you have to try the Watermelons” Meka seemed to be getting tempted, then he realised he was in a hospital and so his face dropped again, Meka Dragons empty stomach was getting him. At that point two nurses walked in, everyone’s faces turned as the women were two of the most gorgeous you will ever see.

“Ok, Mr. Goatboy…it’s time for your check-up” the nurses said. Goatboy went to make a scream of joy but was put off by the envious faces that met him. The nurses pinned his arms down with their hands to perform a check-up.

“Looks as though you guys better be off.” Goatboy said hinting to the others. Your Honour went to say a word but was interrupted “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine” said Goatboy turning his head, grinning whilst looking at the nurses cleavage. The visitor’s eyes were peeled.

“You little…” Grix stopped himself from saying it, he wouldn’t want to say such a thing with such pretty ladies in the room. “No, we’re fine here Goaty” Grix said with his eyes still peeled on the nurses. “If there’s one thing you need right now it’s company” Grix took his eyes away from the Nurses chest and onto Goatboy constructing a grin in the process.

“Well if you have to stay do” Goatboy sighed “Here Sniper, throw us a Watermelon”. Sniper picked up a Watermelon from a side table and threw it towards Goatboy. The fruit flew through the air at a tremendous speed, Meka Dragon looked on licking his lips, Goatboy had no time to react and before he knew it the fruit was between his eyes. The faint laughing of Sniper could be heard followed by a whack around the head, and then all Goatboy saw was darkness.

A single bed lies in a room with the Notables too frightened to say a single word or ask a single question due to Goatboy’s accidents which has caused him more anger then ever.

“First I knock myself out by standing on a bin and falling off then I get whacked out by Sniper throwing a Watermelon at me!” shouted Goatboy with half of his head bandaged. “You guys are just trouble I tell you, I think you should just go and leave me to listen to Soil”. At that Goatboy places his headphones firmly over his ears.

“Goatboy” said er-no calmly, the only answer he received was the nodding of Goatboy’s head. He tried again “Goatboy”. No answer. “Goatboy!” No answer and so er-no signalled Sniper who was sitting in the corner away from Goatboy. Sniper lifted up a Watermelon and Goatboy freaked.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PUT THAT THING DOWN! NOW!” shouted Goatboy at the top of his voice holding his arms and legs up in defence.

“Only trying to get your attention” said er-no.

“Well, what is it you want and why are you still hanging around here?” said Goatboy who was now starting losing his temper.

“It’s just you told us all you had a dream, it’s what we are all still here for. We just didn’t want to remind you of the events”. er-no moved back slowly to make a better exit for Goatboys reaction.

“Ah yes, my dream. I remember now”. Luckily Goatboy was quite relaxed by the idea and er-no moved back in to his original position. “Well you know the damage which was caused to the wall?” A tear formed in Ant’s eye with his frown telling how he felt. “Well I know how to stop that kind of thing, not only in our neighbourhood but in everyone else’s too” Ant’s frown transformed slightly into a smile.

“How? How? How?” said Ant eagerly nearly running out of breath.

“It’s simple” Goatboy said “I want to make music unlike that of Papa Roach’s and teach those kids not to knock down mine, yours or anybody else’s wall. Ever”

“You and what band?” asked Grix with a sense of confusion.

“You lot” announced Goatboy. RastaBillySkank’s eyes lit up, he had always dreamed of singing in a band like Adam Duritz and The Counting Crows. Sheepy’s eyes lit up also, he had always dreamed of singing in a band like James Dean Bradfield and The Manic Street Preachers. The two looked at each other in spite, whilst other mixed emotions spread through the room with the announcement.

“Us?!?” questioned Your Honour.

“Yes us” said Goatboy confidently. Then his mind seemed to change. “Oh, all but Sniper”. The group laughed, Sniper just commented back.

“I don’t care” said Sniper not looking too bothered “Your nothing without me”.

“I’m only joking Sniper you can come along to the trials” Goatboy said laughing.

“But what about Parker?” asked Grix. The others looked on in interest.

“Parker?” Goatboy tried to look confused at the question. “I don’t know what your talking about”.

“You know, Parker. Your band Goaty” said Your Honour.

“Ohhh you mean Park-er! Well, that’s over…so who wants to ask when I’m getting out of here?” Goatboy said trying to escape the situation.

“No, come on Goaty” Meka Dragon said “Tell us what happened with Parker, I’m interested.”

“You mean Park-er or Parker? asked Goatboy looking guilty.

“Park-er” Replied Meka Dragon quite simply.

“Well, let’s just say we all didn’t really get on very well…” as Goatboy finished his sentence he could see he was not being believed. “Oh ok, they threw me out. You happy now? Eh?”

“But why did they throw you out for? I thought you were pretty good on the drums…” Said PB looking puzzled.

“Well I was until…” the others waited for him to go on. “Until I slept with all their girlfriends” Goatboy gripped his teeth together and waited for the response.

“Did you really Goatboy?” asked Sheepy looking excited. “That’s pretty darn cool!”

“Yes, I know. I rule.” replied Goatboy looking smug.

“Don’t you mean you ruled?” said Sniper. “I mean you’ve been put in hospital by a Watermelon since then”. The anger could be seen in Goatboys face, the fright in Snipers. A gulp was heard from Snipers throat, Goatboy got ready to rage his fury.

“Just get out of here, band trials will be as soon as I get out of here” said Goatboy with the others nodding in agreement. “Until then, do something useful. Learn an instrument, teach yourself to sing, play the Triangle, whatever. Just do something. Sort it out yourselves, I want no mix up’s on the day”. A nod by the crowd confirmed this. “Now leave me to listen to Soil” and at that the others left.

To be continued…

First story I have ever written like this. I hope you enjoyed what was there of it, I know it was a bit of a long read that why I have posted this before the next piece which I will write soon if you enjoyed this. If you did, it's my pleasure. Now go rest your eyes, they must hurt.

Thanks for reading,
Thu 08/05/03 at 18:56
"Uzi Lover"
Posts: 7,403
Ah I know why it didn't get finished, was posted around GCSE time last year. When I was doing my GCSE's of course.
Thu 08/05/03 at 18:55
"Uzi Lover"
Posts: 7,403
Ineedsleep wrote:
> I was enjoying this - did it ever get an ending?

Ah cool, thanks for reading. This was so long ago.

No I don't think it did, maybe if I'm bored one day though ;-)
Fri 25/04/03 at 08:39
"Going nowhere fast"
Posts: 6,574
I was enjoying this - did it ever get an ending?
Sat 25/01/03 at 22:18
"Uzi Lover"
Posts: 7,403
the gerrid wrote:

You are man?!?
Wed 25/12/02 at 16:24
Posts: 3,893
Sat 11/05/02 at 22:43
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Monkey_With_Attitude wrote:
> Cheers for reading :-)

Pleasure to read.
Sat 11/05/02 at 22:26
"Uzi Lover"
Posts: 7,403
Thanks, RBS.

I though it looked longer when I wrote it in word so I just put it on here before I continued on to see if I should carry it on.

I will finish it soon and post this first part with the second part together to make a complete story.

Cheers for reading :-)
Sat 11/05/02 at 22:17
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Monkey_With_Attitude wrote:
> If you want to, you could carry it on...

No dammit, you carry it on :-D

Damn fine story. thing is, I love the Manics too... just not as much as the Crows :-D

Well done, Ryan.
Sat 11/05/02 at 12:00
"Uzi Lover"
Posts: 7,403
If you want to, you could carry it on...
Fri 10/05/02 at 23:55
"Uzi Lover"
Posts: 7,403
A blistered wall lies along a street near to the Notable’s home. Each of the twelve men line up near the wall, looking in disbelief at the damage caused by young skaters the following night.

“I hate the way these little punks just think they can come to my wall and kick it in” shouted Ant.

“Calm down Ant, these kids are punks, you know that, I know that, we know that and it’s not even your wall anyway? You know what it is don’t you…it’s all that Papa Roach stuff they’re listening to.” Exclaimed Goatboy,

“Could be” said Your Honour nodding his head whilst looking like half in a dream.

“Could be? It is! I heard this song by them the other day whilst at work staring at all the ladies bums…” Goatboy said with a cheeky grin on his face.

“You’re always looking at the female buttock area Goatboy, either that or your posting on the forums. Do you actually do any work?” intrupted Grix.

“Well, erm…Papa Roach, yes…well I heard this song by them and the lyrics kind of reminded me about this incident involving Ant’s wall”

“But it’s not even Ant’s wall” replied er-no.

“Yes, but I still don’t want it getting broken. I have feelings for it…man” said Ant as if he were attacking er-no. “Anyway…Goatboy” continued Ant “Are you sure it was Papa Roach, I mean, being a wrestling fan and all it could be the song that shouts ‘Break the Walls Down’ for Jericho’s theme music”. Goatboy started to clear his throat whilst the other notables looked on with doubt.

“Look, I know it was Papa Roach for sure, I know it so much to the extent that I will even sing the thing for you” Goatboy took a breath.

“All you kids,
Gone kicking down the walls,
Blame your Mum,
You don’t want her food,
Give her a slap,
It’s her fault,
It’s her fault!

After screaming the last line at the very top of his ability, Goatboy looked at the other men blurred in a daze. Sniper clapped slowly with a depressed look on his face whilst the others stood just staring in shock and disbelief.

“Well Goaty what can I say but ermmm it was interesting.” said Wookie Monster raising his eyebrows “You certainly looked as though you thoroughly enjoyed that”. Sheepy stepped forward, as if he were to make a speech.

“Basically Goaty we can see why you stuck to the drumming…now maybe if you sang like James Dean Bradfield of the Maniacs then I would let you in my band…” A look of disapproval grew on RastaBillySkanks face whilst Goatboy, still recovering, looked up, his eyes widening.

“Sorry guys, I think Sheepy meant to say Adam Duritz” corrected RastaBillySkank moving forward approving all present.

“NO!” shouted Sheepy pushing RastaBillySkank back “I did mean to say James Dean Bradfield”. Everyone continued watching whilst Sheepy and RastaBillySkank battled it out in a battle of the bands competition, Goatboy, on the other hand was still slowly rising when suddenly he gave a shout with a gasp of air he had managed to catch.

“Split it up! Split it up!” Everyone was silent, they looked at Goatboy struggling to hold himself up, breathing intensely, fighting to say another word. “I…I…I…” The others waited for Goatboy to finish whilst FantasyMeister offered a hand. “No, it’s ok FM” insured Goatboy “I…I…I…Ha…Have…A…”

”Come on Goaty spit it out, we haven’t got all day” said Sniper butting in.

“Just continue Goatboy” ensured FantasyMeister whilst holding him up, the others were getting bored now standing with their hands placed firmly in their hips. Goatboy pulled FantasyMeister off of him and rose himself on top of a dustbin placed behind him, at that he pointed his finger in the air towards the heavens.

“I HAVE A DREAM!” Goatboy then feel off the bin and onto the floor knocking himself out. The faint laughing of Sniper could be heard followed by a whack around the head, and then all Goatboy saw was darkness.

Goatboy lies angered on a hospital bed with the other Notables surrounding him, the whole atmosphere is full of laughter, fright and confusion.

“I mean, how could I get knocked out?” asked Goatboy and with a sense of pride in himself he continued “I’m a man…a real man, I listen to ROCK…real ROCK!”

“Ok, don’t get to carried away Goaty” said PB “You may knock yourself out again”. The others who were gathered around the hospital bed, some seated, some standing, started laughing under their breath. Goatboy hanged his head in shame.

“Come on guys, I meant to do that. To tell you the truth I quite like the taste of Hospital food” said Goatboy thinking he had made a comeback, the others just screwed their faces up.

“I quite like the mushy Peas here actually” said Sniper agreeing with Goatboy, then being met by FantasyMeister’s hand against his head.
“See” Goatboy said with more confidence. “I’m not the only one who likes the mushy Pea’s around here” a smile grew on his face. “You see that man over there, he has a bad back condition and he asks the Nurses if he can swap his Chicken for Mushy Pea’s every single night!”

“Yes” said Meka Dragon glancing at the man’s details by his bedside “But he is 85 and goes by the name of Alfred”.

“So what!” Goatboy said trying to assure Meka Dragon “To get the real taste for this place you have to try the Watermelons” Meka seemed to be getting tempted, then he realised he was in a hospital and so his face dropped again, Meka Dragons empty stomach was getting him. At that point two nurses walked in, everyone’s faces turned as the women were two of the most gorgeous you will ever see.

“Ok, Mr. Goatboy…it’s time for your check-up” the nurses said. Goatboy went to make a scream of joy but was put off by the envious faces that met him. The nurses pinned his arms down with their hands to perform a check-up.

“Looks as though you guys better be off.” Goatboy said hinting to the others. Your Honour went to say a word but was interrupted “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine” said Goatboy turning his head, grinning whilst looking at the nurses cleavage. The visitor’s eyes were peeled.

“You little…” Grix stopped himself from saying it, he wouldn’t want to say such a thing with such pretty ladies in the room. “No, we’re fine here Goaty” Grix said with his eyes still peeled on the nurses. “If there’s one thing you need right now it’s company” Grix took his eyes away from the Nurses chest and onto Goatboy constructing a grin in the process.

“Well if you have to stay do” Goatboy sighed “Here Sniper, throw us a Watermelon”. Sniper picked up a Watermelon from a side table and threw it towards Goatboy. The fruit flew through the air at a tremendous speed, Meka Dragon looked on licking his lips, Goatboy had no time to react and before he knew it the fruit was between his eyes. The faint laughing of Sniper could be heard followed by a whack around the head, and then all Goatboy saw was darkness.

A single bed lies in a room with the Notables too frightened to say a single word or ask a single question due to Goatboy’s accidents which has caused him more anger then ever.

“First I knock myself out by standing on a bin and falling off then I get whacked out by Sniper throwing a Watermelon at me!” shouted Goatboy with half of his head bandaged. “You guys are just trouble I tell you, I think you should just go and leave me to listen to Soil”. At that Goatboy places his headphones firmly over his ears.

“Goatboy” said er-no calmly, the only answer he received was the nodding of Goatboy’s head. He tried again “Goatboy”. No answer. “Goatboy!” No answer and so er-no signalled Sniper who was sitting in the corner away from Goatboy. Sniper lifted up a Watermelon and Goatboy freaked.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PUT THAT THING DOWN! NOW!” shouted Goatboy at the top of his voice holding his arms and legs up in defence.

“Only trying to get your attention” said er-no.

“Well, what is it you want and why are you still hanging around here?” said Goatboy who was now starting losing his temper.

“It’s just you told us all you had a dream, it’s what we are all still here for. We just didn’t want to remind you of the events”. er-no moved back slowly to make a better exit for Goatboys reaction.

“Ah yes, my dream. I remember now”. Luckily Goatboy was quite relaxed by the idea and er-no moved back in to his original position. “Well you know the damage which was caused to the wall?” A tear formed in Ant’s eye with his frown telling how he felt. “Well I know how to stop that kind of thing, not only in our neighbourhood but in everyone else’s too” Ant’s frown transformed slightly into a smile.

“How? How? How?” said Ant eagerly nearly running out of breath.

“It’s simple” Goatboy said “I want to make music unlike that of Papa Roach’s and teach those kids not to knock down mine, yours or anybody else’s wall. Ever”

“You and what band?” asked Grix with a sense of confusion.

“You lot” announced Goatboy. RastaBillySkank’s eyes lit up, he had always dreamed of singing in a band like Adam Duritz and The Counting Crows. Sheepy’s eyes lit up also, he had always dreamed of singing in a band like James Dean Bradfield and The Manic Street Preachers. The two looked at each other in spite, whilst other mixed emotions spread through the room with the announcement.

“Us?!?” questioned Your Honour.

“Yes us” said Goatboy confidently. Then his mind seemed to change. “Oh, all but Sniper”. The group laughed, Sniper just commented back.

“I don’t care” said Sniper not looking too bothered “Your nothing without me”.

“I’m only joking Sniper you can come along to the trials” Goatboy said laughing.

“But what about Parker?” asked Grix. The others looked on in interest.

“Parker?” Goatboy tried to look confused at the question. “I don’t know what your talking about”.

“You know, Parker. Your band Goaty” said Your Honour.

“Ohhh you mean Park-er! Well, that’s over…so who wants to ask when I’m getting out of here?” Goatboy said trying to escape the situation.

“No, come on Goaty” Meka Dragon said “Tell us what happened with Parker, I’m interested.”

“You mean Park-er or Parker? asked Goatboy looking guilty.

“Park-er” Replied Meka Dragon quite simply.

“Well, let’s just say we all didn’t really get on very well…” as Goatboy finished his sentence he could see he was not being believed. “Oh ok, they threw me out. You happy now? Eh?”

“But why did they throw you out for? I thought you were pretty good on the drums…” Said PB looking puzzled.

“Well I was until…” the others waited for him to go on. “Until I slept with all their girlfriends” Goatboy gripped his teeth together and waited for the response.

“Did you really Goatboy?” asked Sheepy looking excited. “That’s pretty darn cool!”

“Yes, I know. I rule.” replied Goatboy looking smug.

“Don’t you mean you ruled?” said Sniper. “I mean you’ve been put in hospital by a Watermelon since then”. The anger could be seen in Goatboys face, the fright in Snipers. A gulp was heard from Snipers throat, Goatboy got ready to rage his fury.

“Just get out of here, band trials will be as soon as I get out of here” said Goatboy with the others nodding in agreement. “Until then, do something useful. Learn an instrument, teach yourself to sing, play the Triangle, whatever. Just do something. Sort it out yourselves, I want no mix up’s on the day”. A nod by the crowd confirmed this. “Now leave me to listen to Soil” and at that the others left.

To be continued…

First story I have ever written like this. I hope you enjoyed what was there of it, I know it was a bit of a long read that why I have posted this before the next piece which I will write soon if you enjoyed this. If you did, it's my pleasure. Now go rest your eyes, they must hurt.

Thanks for reading,

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