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"E3 2017 Roundup"

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Sun 11/06/17 at 13:56
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
E3 2017 sees Microsoft finally reveal the full details of the Scorpio, EA show us the new Star Wars Battlefront 2 (after listening to all the feedback) and Sony tease more of their new IPs.

Day 1
EA started off with a fairly obvious first game to show off (after an odd Madden drum session) with Battlefield and the new content coming out that expands the game further by introducing Russian factions.

Next it was the turn of FIFA 18. The game will feature a Journey mode, following the story as your character continues their journey into Soccer stardom. They also kept saying 'FUT' a lot which, it turns out, is really annoying.

Need For Speed Payback got a new story trailer which seems to borrow heavily from The Fast and Furious (unsurprisingly) with exploding cars and a truck chase.

A Way Out is 'a co-op game like nothing before' apparently, by the developer of A Tale of Two brothers. It's about a co-op escape from jail, so a bit like that Stallone/Schwarzenegger film that nobody has seen, I guess.

Anthem, from Bioware, is a new surprise IP and one that, apparently, uses the power of Scorpio, a short non-trailer got shown with a promise of more at the Xbox show on Sunday. Sounds interesting.

NBA Live 18 looks like EA have come back to the series with a renewed interest after the bad press about previous games.

Finally Star Wars, the moment they've been building up to for the whole show. Firstly, the single player looks stunning and takes place between the Return of the Jedi and the Force Awakens. Multiplayer finally has ships that can be flown around the map whenever you build up enough points, rather than picking up those pesky tokens.

Day 2
This was always going to be the big one. The Scorpio reveal pretty much dominated everything else and enabled Microsoft to stick 'Console Launch Exclusive' on the front of a bunch of games instead of the hated 'Timed Exclusive'. Words are great, aren't they?

The Xbox One X, as Scorpio is now officially known, is surprisingly smaller still than the Xbox One S and looks like it follows much the same physical design, though internally it's certainly the most powerful console to date.

Game-wise, there weren't many first party exclusives to view but Forza 7 was a pretty impressive start. Sea of Thieves continues to look fun, even though Ubisoft seem to have stolen their Pirate thunder a little with their own announcement.

Well one game certainly caught my eye. Wolfenstein II looks completely crazy shooty fun and it's good to see them continue the reboot of the franchise which started all this fps malarkey off in the first place.

Triple VR time; Doom VR (getting ill just looking at it), Fallout VR and Skyrim VR was an interesting choice, not quite sure how well that will work, though.

The Evil Within 2 is anounced, more survival horror with giant tentacles, then.

Switch gets another Skyrim preview, this time with your character cosplaying as Link from Zelda thanks to Amiibo integration. It's slightly unsettling watching someone in Link clothes run around Skyrim, though.

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider is another stand alone Dishonored game that comes out on September 15 and looks pretty good (if you like Dishonored).

Day 3
What a way to start. No-one saw Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle coming. It's Mario meets Rabbids meets Xcom. Just joyful madness made even better by Miyamoto appearing on stage.

Transference was their singular attempt at more VR gaming, with an advert staring Elijah Wood. It certainly looks different (in a good/spooky way)

Skull & Bones, which we saw earlier at the Xbox show, was again on show and still looks fun, though it'll all come down to how good the multiplayer gameplay actually is and how robust the servers are.

The Crew 2 didn't just have cars, it has boats and planes too AND an inception style bendy city in the trailer. Hopefully they can improve the handling for this one and make it the success that The Crew should have originally been.

Assassin’s Creed Origins wasn't really a surprise but it was nice to see some gameplay. Standard AC stuff, of course, but the setting is interesting.

Far Cry 5 continues to impress with it's Trump-esque small town cult madness, crop dusting planes, monster trucks and horses.

Just Dance meant more wacky dancers on stage but little else about the game (which, let's face it, will be mostly the same as every other year).

Starlink was interesting. Toys To Life style game seemingly designed for an older demographics, sort of Everspace with toy ships that can have new parts added.

Finally, Beyond Good and Evil 2 got a surprise trailer which went down a storm in the room. The atmosphere of the game seems far removed from the first one, but this prequel still looks great.

Days Gone got the full demo treatment and a release date at the end of the year. God of War also got a good chunk of game and FMV mix.

There were few surprises, though. Spider-man, a PS4 exclusive, got a mixed reaction as it looked nice but had a few too many QTE style elements. Monster Hunter got one of the biggest cheers of the night, Capcom are finally bringing the series to the current generation.

The big issue was that almost everything looks like it had borrowed the same colour palette as Last of Us. It was all single player doom and gloom end of the world stuff until Spider-man showed up.

It's worth noting that only about 2 of the games weren't at last year's E3, the rest had been shown or announced before.

Thankfully, we had a remake of Shadow Of The Colossus to look forward to, and it looks magnificent.

Day 4
And on the last day....Nintendo created fun.

Odd Yoshi games aside, Nintendo was about as far from the Sony E3 conference as you could possibly get. Reggie appears in a house that folds out to a beach, all while holding a Switch and beaming that big smile of his.

Day glo Kirby, Yoshi and a Mario/Rabbids team up seem earlier in Ubisoft's conference were joined with Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Pokken Tournament and even the announcements of a certain Metroid Prime 4 game in the making. Oh, and is that a new proper Pokemon RPG coming to Switch?

Even Rocket League looked exciting on Switch and that's been out for ages on other consoles.

The icing on the cake was the delightful Super Mario Odyssey, a romp through the 'real world' where Mario looks oddly out of place and well suited at the same time.

Post edited by pb on 14/06/2017 at 23:25.
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Sun 11/06/17 at 13:56
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
E3 2017 sees Microsoft finally reveal the full details of the Scorpio, EA show us the new Star Wars Battlefront 2 (after listening to all the feedback) and Sony tease more of their new IPs.

Day 1
EA started off with a fairly obvious first game to show off (after an odd Madden drum session) with Battlefield and the new content coming out that expands the game further by introducing Russian factions.

Next it was the turn of FIFA 18. The game will feature a Journey mode, following the story as your character continues their journey into Soccer stardom. They also kept saying 'FUT' a lot which, it turns out, is really annoying.

Need For Speed Payback got a new story trailer which seems to borrow heavily from The Fast and Furious (unsurprisingly) with exploding cars and a truck chase.

A Way Out is 'a co-op game like nothing before' apparently, by the developer of A Tale of Two brothers. It's about a co-op escape from jail, so a bit like that Stallone/Schwarzenegger film that nobody has seen, I guess.

Anthem, from Bioware, is a new surprise IP and one that, apparently, uses the power of Scorpio, a short non-trailer got shown with a promise of more at the Xbox show on Sunday. Sounds interesting.

NBA Live 18 looks like EA have come back to the series with a renewed interest after the bad press about previous games.

Finally Star Wars, the moment they've been building up to for the whole show. Firstly, the single player looks stunning and takes place between the Return of the Jedi and the Force Awakens. Multiplayer finally has ships that can be flown around the map whenever you build up enough points, rather than picking up those pesky tokens.

Day 2
This was always going to be the big one. The Scorpio reveal pretty much dominated everything else and enabled Microsoft to stick 'Console Launch Exclusive' on the front of a bunch of games instead of the hated 'Timed Exclusive'. Words are great, aren't they?

The Xbox One X, as Scorpio is now officially known, is surprisingly smaller still than the Xbox One S and looks like it follows much the same physical design, though internally it's certainly the most powerful console to date.

Game-wise, there weren't many first party exclusives to view but Forza 7 was a pretty impressive start. Sea of Thieves continues to look fun, even though Ubisoft seem to have stolen their Pirate thunder a little with their own announcement.

Well one game certainly caught my eye. Wolfenstein II looks completely crazy shooty fun and it's good to see them continue the reboot of the franchise which started all this fps malarkey off in the first place.

Triple VR time; Doom VR (getting ill just looking at it), Fallout VR and Skyrim VR was an interesting choice, not quite sure how well that will work, though.

The Evil Within 2 is anounced, more survival horror with giant tentacles, then.

Switch gets another Skyrim preview, this time with your character cosplaying as Link from Zelda thanks to Amiibo integration. It's slightly unsettling watching someone in Link clothes run around Skyrim, though.

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider is another stand alone Dishonored game that comes out on September 15 and looks pretty good (if you like Dishonored).

Day 3
What a way to start. No-one saw Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle coming. It's Mario meets Rabbids meets Xcom. Just joyful madness made even better by Miyamoto appearing on stage.

Transference was their singular attempt at more VR gaming, with an advert staring Elijah Wood. It certainly looks different (in a good/spooky way)

Skull & Bones, which we saw earlier at the Xbox show, was again on show and still looks fun, though it'll all come down to how good the multiplayer gameplay actually is and how robust the servers are.

The Crew 2 didn't just have cars, it has boats and planes too AND an inception style bendy city in the trailer. Hopefully they can improve the handling for this one and make it the success that The Crew should have originally been.

Assassin’s Creed Origins wasn't really a surprise but it was nice to see some gameplay. Standard AC stuff, of course, but the setting is interesting.

Far Cry 5 continues to impress with it's Trump-esque small town cult madness, crop dusting planes, monster trucks and horses.

Just Dance meant more wacky dancers on stage but little else about the game (which, let's face it, will be mostly the same as every other year).

Starlink was interesting. Toys To Life style game seemingly designed for an older demographics, sort of Everspace with toy ships that can have new parts added.

Finally, Beyond Good and Evil 2 got a surprise trailer which went down a storm in the room. The atmosphere of the game seems far removed from the first one, but this prequel still looks great.

Days Gone got the full demo treatment and a release date at the end of the year. God of War also got a good chunk of game and FMV mix.

There were few surprises, though. Spider-man, a PS4 exclusive, got a mixed reaction as it looked nice but had a few too many QTE style elements. Monster Hunter got one of the biggest cheers of the night, Capcom are finally bringing the series to the current generation.

The big issue was that almost everything looks like it had borrowed the same colour palette as Last of Us. It was all single player doom and gloom end of the world stuff until Spider-man showed up.

It's worth noting that only about 2 of the games weren't at last year's E3, the rest had been shown or announced before.

Thankfully, we had a remake of Shadow Of The Colossus to look forward to, and it looks magnificent.

Day 4
And on the last day....Nintendo created fun.

Odd Yoshi games aside, Nintendo was about as far from the Sony E3 conference as you could possibly get. Reggie appears in a house that folds out to a beach, all while holding a Switch and beaming that big smile of his.

Day glo Kirby, Yoshi and a Mario/Rabbids team up seem earlier in Ubisoft's conference were joined with Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Pokken Tournament and even the announcements of a certain Metroid Prime 4 game in the making. Oh, and is that a new proper Pokemon RPG coming to Switch?

Even Rocket League looked exciting on Switch and that's been out for ages on other consoles.

The icing on the cake was the delightful Super Mario Odyssey, a romp through the 'real world' where Mario looks oddly out of place and well suited at the same time.

Post edited by pb on 14/06/2017 at 23:25.

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