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Because it gets stranger. Enter The Dominatrix is actually presented as a kind of mocumentary featuring the characters of Saints Row 4, explaining why various features got cut. So you get a bit of 'footage' followed by an isolated Enter The Dominatrix level, then some more footage, then another level and so on. There are about five levels in total which feature the reappearance of some old Saints Row 3 favourites such as Zimos and Donnie. And you can even summon them as homies in the main game, which is kind of cool. It's hard to tell how much of Enter The Dominatrix featured in the original expansion and how much was just put in there later.
Unfortunately, while Enter The Dominatrix might have been interesting were it released as free DLC, it's pretty disappointing as a piece of paid downloadable content. I can live with the cutscenes being mostly unfinished animated sketches, but the fact is that it's just not fun to play. It is funny in places - the Game of Thrones 'throne' made out of sex toys made me laugh - but all it really does is show that it's a good thing that ETD wasn't actually released for Saints Row 3. The expanson pack's villain is pretty boring and is nowhere near as entertaining as Saints Row 4's Zinyak. The levels are also pretty tedious. The 'pony cart' race is possibly the best level, but even that's a copy of the same level that cropped up in Saints Row 3. You do actually get to ride a dinosaur at one point, but that section lasts all of a minute and you can't use the dinosaur inside the main game.
In fact, given that Deep Silver/Volition have already been 'nickel and diming' gamers with their downloadable content such as new character clothes etc, this is just plain insulting. Given that I paid for the season pack - a decision I'm now regretting - I only hope 'The Saints Save Christmas' turns out to be superior. When you look at the DLC that has been put out for Skyrim, GTA 4 and other titles, this anemic effort is a waste of time. Definitely not worth Enterting The Dominatrix for.
You get to see a few old characters returning.
It's too expensive.
The levels are boring.
It's not really any fun.
Score: 3 out of 10.
Because it gets stranger. Enter The Dominatrix is actually presented as a kind of mocumentary featuring the characters of Saints Row 4, explaining why various features got cut. So you get a bit of 'footage' followed by an isolated Enter The Dominatrix level, then some more footage, then another level and so on. There are about five levels in total which feature the reappearance of some old Saints Row 3 favourites such as Zimos and Donnie. And you can even summon them as homies in the main game, which is kind of cool. It's hard to tell how much of Enter The Dominatrix featured in the original expansion and how much was just put in there later.
Unfortunately, while Enter The Dominatrix might have been interesting were it released as free DLC, it's pretty disappointing as a piece of paid downloadable content. I can live with the cutscenes being mostly unfinished animated sketches, but the fact is that it's just not fun to play. It is funny in places - the Game of Thrones 'throne' made out of sex toys made me laugh - but all it really does is show that it's a good thing that ETD wasn't actually released for Saints Row 3. The expanson pack's villain is pretty boring and is nowhere near as entertaining as Saints Row 4's Zinyak. The levels are also pretty tedious. The 'pony cart' race is possibly the best level, but even that's a copy of the same level that cropped up in Saints Row 3. You do actually get to ride a dinosaur at one point, but that section lasts all of a minute and you can't use the dinosaur inside the main game.
In fact, given that Deep Silver/Volition have already been 'nickel and diming' gamers with their downloadable content such as new character clothes etc, this is just plain insulting. Given that I paid for the season pack - a decision I'm now regretting - I only hope 'The Saints Save Christmas' turns out to be superior. When you look at the DLC that has been put out for Skyrim, GTA 4 and other titles, this anemic effort is a waste of time. Definitely not worth Enterting The Dominatrix for.
You get to see a few old characters returning.
It's too expensive.
The levels are boring.
It's not really any fun.
Score: 3 out of 10.