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Fri 25/10/13 at 17:34
Posts: 5
The creation

Not knowing how to start ,
Nobody knows what will appear,
Writing,reading,expressing how you feel,
White and black,red and blue depending on how you feel,
The sparkle of love and respect in the world of your eyes,
The universe of determination a new desire for what you write.

By Lauren Moughan
Aged 12
There have been no replies to this thread yet.
Fri 25/10/13 at 17:34
Posts: 5
The creation

Not knowing how to start ,
Nobody knows what will appear,
Writing,reading,expressing how you feel,
White and black,red and blue depending on how you feel,
The sparkle of love and respect in the world of your eyes,
The universe of determination a new desire for what you write.

By Lauren Moughan
Aged 12

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