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This thread has been linked to the game 'Super Smash Bros'.
Sun 13/10/02 at 20:33
Posts: 787
On Super Smash Bros, i've given up, but who are the unlockable characters?
Mon 14/10/02 at 19:29
Posts: 4,098
And er...Falco
Mon 14/10/02 at 19:26
Posts: 6,228
erm... Loads of Levels oh, and Pichu!
Mon 14/10/02 at 18:14
Posts: 11,875
Mon 14/10/02 at 16:43
Posts: 9,494
I'd rather someone listed all the things.. please?
Sun 13/10/02 at 20:45
Posts: 6,228
it really does! all the levels and all!
Sun 13/10/02 at 20:41
Posts: 11,875

That will tell you *everything* you can unlock in this game.
Sun 13/10/02 at 20:36
Posts: 4,910
i'm feeling a bit like that at the moment since i got it on friday, i've only unlocked jiggly puff and luigi, i can't remember the others, but i know you have to play for a while to unlock them all, oh well back to the game for me!
Sun 13/10/02 at 20:33
Posts: 9,494
On Super Smash Bros, i've given up, but who are the unlockable characters?

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