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"MOH Frontline"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Medal of Honor: Frontline'.
Thu 24/10/02 at 17:10
Posts: 787
Is it better on PS2 or PC, are there any differences between versions does anyone know ??
No biased opinions please
Sat 26/10/02 at 13:34
"A man with a stick"
Posts: 5,883
Jive wrote:
> Gonna have to disagree with cipro here, MoH:AA and MoH:F are quite
> comparable, although I will say AA is far superior if your into
> playing online fact it is brilliant!
> As for differences in characters and settings...well cipro, I think
> you need to go borrow this game! Omahar beach is in both, I'm sure
> the bloke (you play as) is called the same, there's US soldiers in
> both (who help you out), U-Boat operation is in both (although
> different story) and oh yeah....germans....GERMANS are in both
> versions, if fact loads of em!! :D

Well, you do play as a different character that much I know, just as I know Frontline is set through 'Operation Market Garden' and Allied Assault is set though 'Operation Overlord' after the push at Normandy.

From what I've seen from screenshots and videos, Frontline doesn't seem to have the Africa levels where you have to sabotage cannons then destroy aircraft on the nearby runway. I also haven't seen any evidence of vehicles in the game. In AA you could man a MG while fighting off waves of German troops, and there was even one level (which is my personal fav) where you could drive a German Panzer tank through a destroyed French town while fighting off other enemy vehicles.

I will be buying Frontline myself, but for my GC. The reason for this is because the developers stupidly left out 2-4 player game for the PS2 version, and I remember spending a great deal of time on the 2-player game when I had the original MOH games on my PS1. They where a great option which I spent allot of time playing on, I don't know why the developers would have left something like that out for Frontline.
Fri 25/10/02 at 21:07
"Sturb du sweine"
Posts: 133
I reckon moh f is better on pc and ps2 in dif. ways coz ps2 version has better controls an stuff but the pc version you prob get more options
Fri 25/10/02 at 21:03
"Max Power"
Posts: 2,196
Mr H wrote:
> Is it better on PS2 or PC, are there any differences between versions
> does anyone know ??
> No biased opinions please
ive played on both of them i think the PS2 one is better because i think its more interesting and when i get it i can play it while im in my room.
Fri 25/10/02 at 20:44
Posts: 0
well personally i hated the pc version - way too easy pretty rubbish gameplay, didnt like it at all. never played the ps2 version but would probably dislike it aswell.
i usually like FPS and i play a lot of them (soldier of fortune 2, unreal tournament etc.) but this really dissapointed me.
Fri 25/10/02 at 02:04
Posts: 0
Yea this game is good one big difference I have noticed on the ps2 you get blown out of your boat where as on the pc version you saw all the front men get shot down lol
Thu 24/10/02 at 17:41
"Cigar smoker"
Posts: 7,885
cipro wrote:
> The MOH on the PC is a completely different game, with different
> characters and settings. I prefer the PC version though, but that
> could be because I don't own Frontline on PS2. The PC MOH is probably
> one of the best FPS I've played all year, it's a bit short but has
> some great levels to play through.

Gonna have to disagree with cipro here, MoH:AA and MoH:F are quite comparable, although I will say AA is far superior if your into playing online fact it is brilliant!

As for differences in characters and settings...well cipro, I think you need to go borrow this game! Omahar beach is in both, I'm sure the bloke (you play as) is called the same, there's US soldiers in both (who help you out), U-Boat operation is in both (although different story) and oh yeah....germans....GERMANS are in both versions, if fact loads of em!! :D

Yeah ok, it's different on the PC to the PS2 but in small ways, I haven't managed to play all the way through on the PS2 but I managed to get to the last level on the PC and so far what I've seen of the PS2 is that it's a very good copy/update without the online playability (which is a real shame because this probably would have made it unbelievable)!

Enjoy it if you get it on either platform. If you get it on the PC you can add different skins etc with downloads from the net, also you need to bear in mind that if your gonna play the online games, you need ADSL, without it you'll have a rubbish online gaming experience.

Hope that's helped, could alway rent first for the PS2?!

Thu 24/10/02 at 17:13
"A man with a stick"
Posts: 5,883
The MOH on the PC is a completely different game, with different characters and settings. I prefer the PC version though, but that could be because I don't own Frontline on PS2. The PC MOH is probably one of the best FPS I've played all year, it's a bit short but has some great levels to play through.
Thu 24/10/02 at 17:10
"Dont come here ofte"
Posts: 4,264
Is it better on PS2 or PC, are there any differences between versions does anyone know ??
No biased opinions please

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