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"How did you all find Wrestlemania?"

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Mon 18/03/02 at 16:17
Posts: 787
Well, as The Rock won, and Jericho lost the Undisputed Title, I'm happy. No Nash matches though?

Hogan - Rock was much better than I thought, and both of them actually had a lot of good moves, even Hogan.

I enjoyed the Tag Team Title match also, but I was disappointed when Chuck and Billy walked out the winners.

Austin - Hall was a pile of pish on a straw. I laughed at the pair of them when they tried to hit moves on each other. Pitiful.

Kane - Angle was good to watch, and I enjoyed it thouroughly, even though I believe Kane gets treated like crap in the WWF, and this is another showing of that.

Some other matches were good also, but I mainly enjoyed Triple H beating Jericho, even though that would normally be impossible with his leg in the state it was in.

The Hardcore changes were amusing, and very regular. Nice.

Not bad for an event. What Wrestlemania is supposed to be like is better though.

Tue 19/03/02 at 23:29
Posts: 0
Shaneo, I think Hogan lost because the Rock has jobbed the last 3 Wrestlemania's. Also Hogan is so old I think it was more of a nostalgia match, noone could seriously think Hogan could beat the Great One. If they do then they are letting there heart rule their head....
Remember in the early 90's I was a huge Hulkamaniac but in all honesty I thought he was really slow at Wrestlemania.

RVD and Regal was first I think to set up a great show, what a way to kick off with an IC title match, I was surprised though and that's the only thing I could think of.

Stephanie did spoil the match, and I wish HHH would stop going on about his injury now. It's like here's Hunter, how many sentence's till he says "My career was almost ended."?

Don't get me wrong HHH is my favourite wrestler, he should just get on with doing what he does best and that is being a mean, sadistic, evil .... better stop there.
Tue 19/03/02 at 16:36
Posts: 0
Ice Blaster wrote:
> $h@ne0 wrote:
> RVD .vs. Regal was far too short, as was Christian .vs. DDP,
> but they were both
> matches of reasonable quality. Goldust .vs. Maven was
> an utter stinker, but I
> think that this was because they made it very
> short for the comical value. I
> enjoyed the Hardcore Title skit, but
> thought that in-between matches, we were
> seeing nothing but that damn
> title changing, and it became predictable. I
> enjoyedm the performances
> from Saliva and Drowning Pool though, very good. Taker
> .vs. Flair was my
> favourite match of the night, Booker .vs. Edge was an utter
> stinker, as
> was Stone Cold .vs. Hall. When you put into account how long the
> match was
> (a feeble 9 minutes), it was good, but it should have been far longer,
> at
> least 5 minutes longer, at LEAST! Tag Team 4 Way was hectic, but Ok,
> nothing
> amazing or out of the ordinary. Hogan .vs. Rock was also
> brilliant, coming joint
> in first place for my 'Match of the night' award.
> I loved the boos that Rock
> recieved and the cheers that Hogan got - it was
> like a twilight zone, and when
> he began hulking up when Rock punched him,
> it was amazing, and it's moments like
> that which make me proud to be a WWF
> fan. I was angry to see Rock lose, because
> Hogan is a far bigger icon than
> Rock, and in my opinion, we are just seeing Rock
> winning every match he's
> in, and it's boring. I was pleased to see the
> sportsmanship at the end
> with Hogan though. Weird, because if someone drove a
> large truck into me,
> I wouldn't shake their hand in a hurry. Anyone else smell
> an NWO trick?
> The Women's Title was fast paced and decent, and the fact that
> Trish wore
> a nice little Canada outfit doesn't influence me one bit :0) Finally,
> I
> thought that the Main Event was terrible. Full of Stephanie screaming, HHH
> clutching his leg and referees getting pushed over - not my idea of a
> decent
> match really. I was happy to see The Game win, but I think it would
> have been
> better if he won the title, but still went out on a stretcher,
> in a
> controversial finish, it would have ruled! This was an excellent
> event, and
> probably my favourite of all time (just beating WM17), but
> there are a lot of
> places where they can clean up.

Dammit shaneo use
> paragraphs! You should know better!

Trying to up your word count eh? We'll have none of that thanks. You leave me no choice but to quote you, to get my hard earned words back :0)

Anyfudge, it was one continous piece, so I thought there was no point in splitting it up, so :p

Tue 19/03/02 at 16:32
"Back in black"
Posts: 5,486
$h@ne0 wrote:
> RVD .vs. Regal was far too short, as was Christian .vs. DDP, but they were both
> matches of reasonable quality. Goldust .vs. Maven was an utter stinker, but I
> think that this was because they made it very short for the comical value. I
> enjoyed the Hardcore Title skit, but thought that in-between matches, we were
> seeing nothing but that damn title changing, and it became predictable. I
> enjoyedm the performances from Saliva and Drowning Pool though, very good. Taker
> .vs. Flair was my favourite match of the night, Booker .vs. Edge was an utter
> stinker, as was Stone Cold .vs. Hall. When you put into account how long the
> match was (a feeble 9 minutes), it was good, but it should have been far longer,
> at least 5 minutes longer, at LEAST! Tag Team 4 Way was hectic, but Ok, nothing
> amazing or out of the ordinary. Hogan .vs. Rock was also brilliant, coming joint
> in first place for my 'Match of the night' award. I loved the boos that Rock
> recieved and the cheers that Hogan got - it was like a twilight zone, and when
> he began hulking up when Rock punched him, it was amazing, and it's moments like
> that which make me proud to be a WWF fan. I was angry to see Rock lose, because
> Hogan is a far bigger icon than Rock, and in my opinion, we are just seeing Rock
> winning every match he's in, and it's boring. I was pleased to see the
> sportsmanship at the end with Hogan though. Weird, because if someone drove a
> large truck into me, I wouldn't shake their hand in a hurry. Anyone else smell
> an NWO trick? The Women's Title was fast paced and decent, and the fact that
> Trish wore a nice little Canada outfit doesn't influence me one bit :0) Finally,
> I thought that the Main Event was terrible. Full of Stephanie screaming, HHH
> clutching his leg and referees getting pushed over - not my idea of a decent
> match really. I was happy to see The Game win, but I think it would have been
> better if he won the title, but still went out on a stretcher, in a
> controversial finish, it would have ruled! This was an excellent event, and
> probably my favourite of all time (just beating WM17), but there are a lot of
> places where they can clean up.

Dammit shaneo use paragraphs! You should know better!
Tue 19/03/02 at 07:26
Posts: 0
RVD .vs. Regal was far too short, as was Christian .vs. DDP, but they were both matches of reasonable quality. Goldust .vs. Maven was an utter stinker, but I think that this was because they made it very short for the comical value. I enjoyed the Hardcore Title skit, but thought that in-between matches, we were seeing nothing but that damn title changing, and it became predictable. I enjoyedm the performances from Saliva and Drowning Pool though, very good. Taker .vs. Flair was my favourite match of the night, Booker .vs. Edge was an utter stinker, as was Stone Cold .vs. Hall. When you put into account how long the match was (a feeble 9 minutes), it was good, but it should have been far longer, at least 5 minutes longer, at LEAST! Tag Team 4 Way was hectic, but Ok, nothing amazing or out of the ordinary. Hogan .vs. Rock was also brilliant, coming joint in first place for my 'Match of the night' award. I loved the boos that Rock recieved and the cheers that Hogan got - it was like a twilight zone, and when he began hulking up when Rock punched him, it was amazing, and it's moments like that which make me proud to be a WWF fan. I was angry to see Rock lose, because Hogan is a far bigger icon than Rock, and in my opinion, we are just seeing Rock winning every match he's in, and it's boring. I was pleased to see the sportsmanship at the end with Hogan though. Weird, because if someone drove a large truck into me, I wouldn't shake their hand in a hurry. Anyone else smell an NWO trick? The Women's Title was fast paced and decent, and the fact that Trish wore a nice little Canada outfit doesn't influence me one bit :0) Finally, I thought that the Main Event was terrible. Full of Stephanie screaming, HHH clutching his leg and referees getting pushed over - not my idea of a decent match really. I was happy to see The Game win, but I think it would have been better if he won the title, but still went out on a stretcher, in a controversial finish, it would have ruled! This was an excellent event, and probably my favourite of all time (just beating WM17), but there are a lot of places where they can clean up.
Mon 18/03/02 at 22:03
Posts: 9,808
I thought it was a very solid event and a great effort from all the competitors involved. It was really nice to see the Hardcore division back to it's fast-paced unpredictable best. A couple of problems though...why was RVD vs Regal on firt? It made the match appear to be a low-card match when it deserved to be right up at the top. On a similar not, why was the womens title match so high up the card? Although saying that, it WAS the best womens match I have ever seen, Jazz has really raised the stakes since her arrival, Trish gets better every match and Lita, well, nuff said...
Mon 18/03/02 at 21:51
Posts: 0
I thought Wrestlemania was excellent,

when you consider there were so many matches that could be main events.

RVD v Regal was pretty good some really strong moves the full nelson suplex was cool and RVD had his usual cool moves. Also the underhook powerbomb was impressive. RVD has a great opportunity to push the IC belt forward, he needs some decent opposition and we could see a decent division evolve.

Christian v DDP was a good match, before Christian said he was now from Florida - excellent very funny, much props. The match was impressive DDP winning surprised me but the spinning powerbomb he done was awesome.

Goldust v Maven - very weird was not too impressed. Goldust is looking better than I remembered as a wrestler previously but I'm worried that Maven taking a beating and then being lucky will make it hard for him in future, as he just seems to get beat down all the time. Worst match (sorry).

Angle v Kane other than the finish a very solid match Angle is an awesome specimen. His neck is huge and the match was absolutely cool. I hope this feud runs because it gets Kane back in the public eye and he has so much to offer.

Undertaker v Flair match was excellent, it really told a story and nice to see the tombstone back as well. I was wondering how they could convince me that Flair could hurt Taker but with no DQ and a lead pipe it turned into quite a battle. Taker is a legend, glad he is 10 - 0 at Wrestlemania.

Edge v Booker T I wish this match could have been built up more, the shampoo thing was ridiculous. These had a very strong match though and in future these could be good stars, maybe they could enter the IC divison.

Austin v Hall was class, Hall is easily the best wrestler in the nWo and Austin is always good, very quick though.
Hall really takes the stunner well. Shame Nash wasn't more involved. Austin beating 2 nWo members though really makes me wonder are they that tough. The nWo should have won and been built up as supermen in order to really threaten the 'poison' on the WWF.

Billy & Chuck v APA v Hardys v Dudleys
This was not that good I feel the dudleys and the hardys are carrying this division. I really miss E&C and hope they could re-unite. The D'Von through the table was cool. But a weak match. You always know the APA are out first. The WWF are trying to sell Chuck & Billy but they are just not as good as the hardys or dudleys.

Hogan v Rock was a lot better than I thought, in wrestling terms Hogan looked slow and weak but again it was a match for the fans. I wish that the nWo didn't break up though, but you never know Rock/Hogan v Hall/Nash at Backlash, Hogan could betray the Rock.

Trish v Lita v Jazz the woman's divison has the three best female wrestlers ever. They can really improve the divisioon and the match was good, but I think they still have loads nmore to offer, run with the three way feud please Vince. Glad that Jazz won because now this has the opportunity to run.

Y2J v HHH was of the standard you come to expect from those guys. The match was excellent except there was a bit too much from Steph. I Hope Y2J can continue to stay as a main eventer as he really performed well. Some of his matches this year have been awesome.

So there you have it. I loved Wrestlemania it was real buzz watching and I thank the WWF and all the superstars for such a great event. If they could keep the quality like that all time I would be in trouble of losing my social life...
Mon 18/03/02 at 19:32
"Too Orangy For Crow"
Posts: 15,844
The Tag team match was poor apart from D'Von going through a table. Goldust V Maven was poor. Luckily, that one didn't last too long. The best match of the night was Booker T V Edge. The funniest moment was the Hurricane in all the backstage bits. The best moment was Rock and Hogan. I actually wanted Jericho to defend and Taker to win. Taker still undefeated at Wrestlemania.
Mon 18/03/02 at 17:13
Posts: 4,142
I forgot to tape it :( i was talking about it all day aswell
Mon 18/03/02 at 16:33
Posts: 23,695
Taker - Flair was a bit of a joke really.
Mon 18/03/02 at 16:27
Posts: 0
I found it excellent. The atmosphere was great in the arena from the sound of it and the Hardcore title changes were a very nice touch, Christians temper tantrums were funny and it also seemed kinda like we'd had the split on the PPV as many of the matches seemed to differ in style quite a bit. But another thing I noticed, whenever Edge wrestles in singles its a good, entertaining match but always seems to be over quickly. Good or Bad I'm not sure.

As this was my first Wrestlemania I didnt really know what to expect, but from the hype from peers and the company gave my big expectations, and it lived up to it.

The whole thing was serious, while funny and even though some of the wrestlers didn't show a good performance, it didn't really harm the show to me. And it wasn't the shows fault that I fell asleep in Flair V. Taker, it was flipping 8:30am and I woke up at 7 to watch the show.

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