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"Wrestlemania X-8 results"

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Mon 18/03/02 at 10:50
Posts: 787
Match #1: Intercontinental Championship Match

Rob Van Dam vs. William Regal

Rob Van Dam came down to the ring first, followed by the champion, William Regal. Regal got down to the ring and the match got started quickly. RVD went on the early attack and whipped Regal into the turnbuckle, and he went for the brass knucks right away. RVD kicked the knucks off his hand and then nailed him with a spinning kick.

Van Dam then went up top and missed high-risk move and Regal went for the cover. Van Dam countered with a high cross body block. Regal bounced back and hit a suplex and got only a 2-count.

RVD hit a back body drop on Regal and then went for the Irish whip, but Regal countered and hit a DDT. Regal then put on a choke hold in the middle of the ring. RVD broke free and got to his feet and then kicked Regal right in his bloody mouth.

Regal and RVD got up and the champion hit a clothesline but RVD bounced back and hit a catapult in the corner. Regal countered another move from RVD and he nailed a perfect Null Nelson back suplex that drove RVD right on his head. RVD went out of the ring and Regal followed him out and found his brass knuckles on the outside, but got them taken from the ref.

RVD hit the kick on Regal and took him down in the middle of the ring. He went upstairs and nailed a 5-Star Frog Splash on Regal and pinned him to win the Intercontinental Championship.
Winner: Rob Van Dam

Lilian Garcia interviewed Christian and he talked about his relationship with Diamond Dallas Page and she asked him why he turned on him after he help him win the match. He told her he didn’t need him and he won his matches by himself. He then said he was done with temper tantrums and it was going to be a bad night for DDP.

Match #2: European Championship Match

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Christian

DDP ran right in the ring and Christian put the offense on him. He whipped him off the ropes and missed a clothesline and got nailed with a clothesline from Page. DDP then took the offensive end on the outside. They then got back in the ring and Christian tossed DDP out and then kicked him repeatedly in the ring.

Christian backed DDP into corner and kicked away at him and then DDP turned it around. DDP nailed Christian and slammed his junk into the turnbuckle post. Christian then fought back and got DDP in the abdominal stretch. He then whipped him into the corner again.

Christian then went up top for a high-risk move, but DDP took him down to the mat. DDP then hit a huge powerbomb and went for the win, but only for a 2-count. Christian then got up and almost got nailed with the Diamond Cutter.

He pushed him into the corner and went for a back suplex but he got out. DDP then got Christian in the middle of the ring and nailed the Diamond Cutter. He went for the pin and got the victory and retained his title.

After the match, DDP told Christian that he never lost his temper, and that’s a good thing, not a bad thing. Christian then threw a fit in the ring.
Winner: DDP

Coachman interviewed rock and he talked about his match in the Main Event with Hulk Hogan. Rock said he was going to run wild on Hogan and he would take out Hollywood in the match. He then asked Coachman if he had said his prayers and he said he didn’t have time. He told him that everyone had to eat their vitamins and prayers and then he made the Coach pray in front of everyone. The prayer was bad and Rock freaked out and told him to get away.

Rock then told Hollywood Hogan he was going to Smell what he is Cookin’ and mocked a bunch of old Hogan sayings and then ripped off his shirt.

Match #3: Hardcore Championship Match

Goldust vs. Maven

Maven came down after Goldust and got attacked by the Gold one right away. Goldust slammed Mavan’s legs into the guardrail and then slammed a metal sheet over his back. They got back into the ring and Goldust spinebusted the rookie and then catapulted him onto a trashcan.

Goldust then went under the ring and got out more of his gold weapons. He used a shovel and nailed Maven in the head. He then set up the trashcan in the corner and slammed Mavan with a hard Irish whip right into the can. Goldust then got a trashcan lid and they both nailed eachother with one at a time and both were down and out.

While they were both down, Spike Dudley came down and made the pin on Maven and won the Hardcore Championship and then ran out with it. Crash Holly then went after them and Goldust and Maven then followed them out on the chase.
Winner: Spike Dudley

Drowning Pool then performed their hit song, “Tearing Away” in front of the Toronto crowd.

Following the performance, they went to the back and showed the Hardcore match continued and Crash was on the attack on Spike. Al Snow then came driving by in a golf cart and nailed a bunch of boxes. The Hurricane then ran in and got the pin and victory over Spike and got the title.

Al Snow then emerged from the boxes and was annoyed that he missed getting after the title.
Winner: The Hurricane

Match #4: Kurt Angle vs. Kane

Angle and Kane started their match right away and Angle got the upperhand right away. He got Kane down in the corner but he fought out and went on the offense. Kane went for the chokeslam on Angle and then whipped him into the turnbuckles repeatedly.

Angle finally got up and nailed a clothesline and they both went down, he got up and hit another one and then got Kane tied up in the ropes with an abdominal stretch. Kane started to fight back and Angle nailed a suplex and went for the pin. Angle then got Kane down to the mat in a front face lock.

Kane got out of the hold and nailed a sidewalk slam on Angle and then followed it up with an attempt for a suplex and then Angle countered and hit numerous German suplexes in a row. Angle then went up top and nailed a clothesline.

Both men were down in the ring and they got up with Angle throwing rights at the Big Red Machine. Kane then gained some momentum and nailed Angle with a big boot and then got him in the corner and hit a huge power slam but only got a 2-count with the pin attempt.

Kane then hit the chokeslam on Angle, but he was close to the ropes and he reached over and grabbed the ropes to stop the 3-count. Angle then got up and tried to pull of Kane’s mask and then hit the Angle slam and only got a 2-count with the cover.

Angle then put the Ankle lock on Kane, but he reached the ropes and Kane got up and hit an inzurguri. Angle was down and out and Kane went to the top rope. Angle got right up and ran up the ropes and slammed Kane to the mat with a modified suplex from the top.

Angle went for his finisher but missed and took down Kane to the mat and used the ropes for leverage on the pin and got the 3-count.
Winner: Kurt Angle

The Godfather’s hoes were in their locker room and Hurricane snuck in and was hiding behind a changing curtain. The girls were taking off their clothes and talking about boob sizes and implants and what not and Hurricane was getting happy behind the curtain with a broom in his hand. Godfather then came in and chased him out and almost nailed him with the broom.

Match #5: Ric Flair vs. The Undertaker

Flair came down to the ring and went into a sprint partway down to the ring. He came right in and took it to Undertaker and battled him to the outside and slammed him over the announcer’s table. They then fought their way to the other side of the ring and Flair got Taker back in the ring and started nailing him with fists.

Taker fell through the ropes and Flair followed him out, but Taker countered and slammed him in into steel ring steps. They got back into the ring and Flair backed Taker into the corner and threw blows at him, but Taker then broke free and slammed his back into the turnbuckle.

Taker slammed Flair’s head into the corners and then nailed him with fists. Flair then got whipped over the turnbuckles to the ring apron and fell to the outside mat. Undertaker followed him out and set him down in a chair and dropped repeated fists in his face.

Flair was laying up against the guard barrier and Taker continued to throw the fists at his head. Flair’s face was busted open and Taker rolled him back in the ring and continued to put a beating on the legend. He got him in the corner yet again and punched him repeatedly and Flair shot up and nailed him with knife-edge chops.

Taker countered and whipped Flair into the corner and put him up on the top turnbuckle. He got up and punched him in the head and then went for a superplex. He nailed the move and Flair was yelling in pain. Taker went for the pin and Flair kicked out at 2.

Flair got up and hit the knife-edge chop again, but Taker took him down and elbowed his head across the ring apron. Flair was down in the ring and he came in to make the pin, but pulled Flair up after 2. He nailed him with blows the bloody forehead over and over and then pulled him up by the hair and took him down with yet another right.

Flair got up and started to throw knife-edge chops, but he went down again with exhaustion. Flair started to hit the knife-edges again, but Taker hit another sidewalk slam and got a 2-count on the cover.

Flair then dropped Taker across the ropes on his crotch and hit the knife-edge chops. They then fought to the aisle and Flair nailed Taker with a metal sign that was near the audience. They then fought back to the ring and Flair got trapped by Taker by the throat.

He kicked Taker in the mid-section and then got Taker in the Figure-4 Leglock in the middle of the ring. Undertaker sat up and grabbed the throat of Flair again and got out of the hold and got a small choke slam on Flair. He went for the pin and Flair kicked out.

The referee then got in the face of the Undertaker and he slammed his back into the corner. Taker then got the lead pipe from the outside and brought it into the ring. Flair whipped him into the ropes and Arn Anderson got him in a spinebuster that took Taker out. Taker then got up and got Arn in a hold and Flair brought in a chair and slammed Taker with it.

Taker then got Flair up and tried to hit a powerbomb, but almost dropped him. He then grabbed Flair and hit the Tombstone and covered him for the 3-count. This leaves Taker with a 10-0 record for WrestleMania.
Winner: Undertaker
Fri 22/03/02 at 20:14
"Where's SR?"
Posts: 1,310
I've finally read it, if I ever get to watch Wrestlemania I'd have forgotton about this.
Mon 18/03/02 at 22:14
Posts: 9,808
Rob Van Dam won: YAY!!!
Mon 18/03/02 at 16:39
Posts: 23,695
Jericho lost. Yay.

Hardyz lost. Yay.
Mon 18/03/02 at 16:34
Posts: 0
Nooooooooooooo Jericho lost :(

The Hardyz lost :(
Mon 18/03/02 at 16:24
Posts: 23,695
I agree.

Jericho loast.

Rock won.

Hur hur hur.
Mon 18/03/02 at 11:00
"Back in black"
Posts: 5,486
Dumb thing, read it from the bottom- up.

Ants gonna love the results, no too cool, Jericho lost and the Rock won! HEY!!
Mon 18/03/02 at 10:56
"Back in black"
Posts: 5,486
Booker T. was telling Michael Cole that he has intelligence. He put on some glasses to show that he was smart and he proceeded to pronounce some big words, which he did wrong and the went onto say he would take his match which was coming up next.

Match #6: Booker T. vs. Edge

The two stood face-to-face in the ring and Edge got the early offense and nailed him with a neckbreaker. Booker T. then took him to the outside and nailed him from the ring apron. He then went up top and nailed him with a missile dropkick and went for the pin but got a 2-count.

Booker T. then nailed a hard spinebuster. Edge then got Booker T. up on the top and went for the move from the top and they both came down hard. Edge then hit a reverse spinebuster and went for the pin and got a 2-count.

Booker nearly rolled up Edge and then he got through it and hit a catapult. Booker T. got up and nailed the Spinnerooney followed with the leg drop to the back of the head. Edge then got up and nailed the Spear and got a 2-count as well. Then Edge tried to mock the Spinnerooney and then hit his finisher and won the match.
Winner: Edge

Hurricane was then sneaking around the back trying to not let anyone sneak up on him to get the title. Coachman then came up and asked him what happened with the Godfather’s escorts and then Molly came up and nailed him with a frying pan and pinned him to get the Hardcore Title.
Winner: Mighty Molly

Match #7: Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall

Scott Hall came down accompanied by Kevin Nash. Austin went on the attack and nailed Scott Hall’s head into the turnbuckles. Austin nailed Hall and then tossed him to the outside. Austin then got a cheap shot on Nash and then went back to Hall and got him back into the ring.

Scott Hall nailed Austin once they got in the ring with a clothesline and went for a cover. Hall then got him up and slammed him into the exposed turnbuckle in the corner. Nash then pulled Austin out and put a beating on him on the outside.

They got Austin back in the ring and Hall slammed Austin into the corner repeatedly and then went for another pin in the middle of the ring. Hall backed off of Austin and Nash got another cheapshot on Austin from the outside.

Hall then got Austin up and the Rattlesnake whipped Hall into the ropes and nailed him with a clothesline and both men went down. Hall waited for Austin to get up and then he nailed him with rights repeatedly. Austin then bounced out and hit the stunner and went for the cover, but Nash got the ref out and nailed him.

Nash came in and beat the hell out of Austin in the ring. Nash held Austin in the ring and Hall came in with a chair and he tried to hit him, but Austin kicked him and he dropped the chair. Another ref came in and Nash dropped the elbow on him.

Austin went to the outside and the referees around the ring told Nash to leave to the backstage area. In the ring, Hall took out Austin with the Stunner and a ref came in to make the count, but he kicked out at the last moment.

Austin got right up and hit the Stone Cold Stunner on Hall and covered him with the 3-count and won the match. After the match Stone Cold toasted the crowd with some Steveweisers.
Winner: Steve Austin

Match #8: 4 Corners Tag Team Championship Match

Billy & Chuck vs. APA vs. Hardyz vs. Dudleyz w/ Stacy

Bradshaw and Chuck started off the match and the big Texan had control of the match. After he took the beating to Chuck, Billy came in and both the APA and the champs were fighting in the ring. D-Von then came in and went for the pin on Chuck, but he kicked out.

The Hardyz then got in and Matt and Jeff double-teamed Chuck while the Dudleyz got a table set up on the outside. Buh Buh went to whip and Jeff hit a huge moonsault and took him down.

Stacy then got on the ropes and pulled her shorts up to reveal a bottom and Jeff slapped it so hard and she fell to the outside. Buh Buh and Jeff then fought in the ring and the Dudley took a beating to Jeff. Buh Buh hit a huge sunset flip and then got him in a headlock in the middle of the ring.

D-Von then got the blind tag from Buh Buh and he came in and nailed Jeff with a clothesline. He picked him up and pummeled him in the corner and then nailed him with a suplex. He then tagged in Buh Buh and he continued the beating and then D-Von came in again and went for the cover, but the refere was distracted.

Matt and Buh Buh were both tagged in and D-Von then ran in to help and got back body dropped by Matt. Matt then nailed Buh Buh from the top rope. Matt then nailed Buh Buh and Jeff nailed him from off the top rope. They pinned him to eliminate the Dudleyz.

Billy was then slammed into the corner by Matt and they double-teamed him and slammed him into the corner. Jeff then went up top and hi the Swanton, but Billy then nailed him with the Fame-Asser. Billy nailed Matt with the title belt and in the ring, Chuck finished off Jeff and pinned him near the ropes to retain their titles.
Winners: Billy & Chuck

In the back, Hall and Nash were talking about the event. Hollywood then came up and said they were going to find out if he was the man tonight and they left with him to get ready for the match.

Molly was then walking through the hall and Christian nailed him with a double-door. It took her out and he pinned her to take the Hardcore title.
Winner: Christian

Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock

Hogan came down first and the crowd was going crazy for him when he got into the ring. The Rock the came down and they stared eachother down in the ring. They finally squared off and Hogan pushed Rock into the corner and then flexed at him. They then squared off again and then came to their base again and looked to the yelling crowd.

Hogan then got the upperhand and whipped him off the ropes, but Rock countered and hit the flying clothesline. Hogan got up and Rock told Hogan to bring it. Hogan pushed him in the chest and then they started exchanging blows.

They fought to the outside and Rock got Hogan back in the ring. Hogan reversed the Irish whip and went for a sunset flip, but Rock countered and kicked him in the face. Rock went for an early Rock Bottom and Hogan blocked it and went back on the attack.

Hogan kicked Rock in the head while he was down and then got him in the corner and then in the middle of the ring and sidewalk slammed Rock and then got him in the abdominal stretch.

Hogan then tried to roll up Rock, but he kicked. Rock was in the corner and Hogan scratched his fingers across the back of Rock. Hogan then got up on the ropes and nailed Rock with blows and then stepped off and Rock turned it around.

Hogan nailed Rock with a choke hold slam while ran at him and then choked him against the ground. Rock fought out and then tried to beat on Hogan, but he grabbed him by the shorts and tossed him clearly over the top rope.

They made their way to the outside and Rock slammed Hogan into the table and then went for a chair but the referee stopped him. They got back in the ring and Rock went for the sharpshooter and locked it in the middle of the ring.

Hogan finally looked to be tapping out, but the referee was out and Rock stopped and let him go. Hogan hit a low blow and then nailed Rock with the Rock Bottom and went for the pin, but he kicked out.

Hogan then pulled off his weight lifting belt and whipped Rock in the back with it repeatedly and then Rock took down Hogan with a move and went for the belt and nailed the legend with it. Hogan then got up and Rock hit the Rock Bottom and Hogan kicked out very quickly.

Hogan went crazy and got up shaking his fists and going nuts. Hogan slammed Rock and then hit the legendary legdrop, but Rock managed to kick out. Hogan got up and hit the big boot on Rock and then went for the leg lock again, but he missed.

Rock then hit the Rock Bottom yet again but he did not go for the pin. Rock kicked up and hit the People’s Elbow and pinned Hogan to win the match.
Winner: Rock

After the match, Hogan stood up to Rock and shook his hand in the middle of the ring. Rock then went to the ropes and stood up and continued to celebrate his victory. Hogan looked to Rock and gave him credit for what happened.

Scott Hall and Kevin Nash came down to the ring and looked at Hogan with disapproval and then attacked him. They double-teamed Hogan and Rock came down and saved him and then The Rock and Hollywood fought them off and stood in the ring as the nWo left.

Hogan started to leave and Rock stopped him and told him to get back in the ring and do the old Hulkamania moves in the ring to the crowd. Hogan went crazy in the ring with Rock to the audience. They shook hands yet again and walked out together.

Howard Finkel then got on the microphone and announced that they had broken an attendance record with 68,237 fans in the Toronto Skydome.

Lita, Jazz and Trish Stratus all started the match in the ring and Trish got hammered by Jazz and tossed out of the ring. Lita nailed Jazz with a Head Scissors takeover. Jazz then fought back and dropped Lita on the ropes and then got her up to the top rope and went for a superplex, but Trish pulled her off.

Jazz took down Trish again and Lita then went up to the top and went for the moonsault, but Trish got the knees up. Trish got up and hit the knife-edge chops on her. Lita then whipped her off the ropes and Trish hit a spear and knocked her down.

Lita elevated Jazz over the top rope and then Trish went after Lita, but she tossed her sideways into the ropes and she hit her legs hard and fell out of the ring. Jazz then took Lita to the top and hit the superplex to win the match.
Winner: Jazz

Christian was then shown leaving the arena and kissing the titles yelling about being the Hardcore Champion. He put the title in his car and Maven attacked him and pinned him to capture back the title.
Winner: Maven

Match #11: Undisputed World Championship Match

Triple H vs. Chris Jericho w/ Stephanie McMahon

Triple H and Jericho squared off in the middle of the ring. They got to a level base a few times and finally Triple H got Jericho in an arm lock and then took him down to the mat. Jericho then got up and knife-edge chopped him repeatedly. Triple H was favoring his knee.

They fought to the outside and tore up one of the tables. Triple H got a beating from Jericho on the outside and then they got back into the ring. Jericho got him in a leglock and Stephanie gouged the eyes of Triple H while he was in the Figure 4.

Triple H then got out and grabbed Jericho. He then tossed him through the ropes and he nailed Stephanie on the way out. Triple H was going to Pedigree Stephanie, but Jericho nailed him with a Missile Dropkick.

Jericho got him again locked in a leglock in the middle of the ring. Jericho then dragged Triple H to the corner and racked him with the ringpost. Triple H countered the move and put the pressure on Jericho’s legs. They got back in the ring and Jericho put on another leglock and then pull him up and leveled him with a clothesline.

Triple H got up and nailed Jericho with a knee-lift to the face. Jericho then leaped at Triple H and he turned it into a spinebuster and then got a 2-count. They fought to the outside and Jericho got him on the table and tried to put him in the Walls of Jericho.

Triple H then went for the Pedigree and Jericho turned it around and back dropped him through the entire table and he was left lying in the destructed table. He picked him up and dragged him back into the ring and tried to get him in the Walls of Jericho again.

Triple H whipped Jericho into the turnbuckle face-first and went for the Pedigree, but he countered again and then he locked him in the Walls of Jericho in the middle of the ring. Triple H slowly made his way over to the ropes and finally pulled up and got them to stop the hold.

Jericho then went to the outside and threw down the timekeeper and took his chair. He went at Triple H with the chair and he kicked it right back at Jericho in the face. Triple H then hit a DDT on a chair and Jericho kicked out of the pin. Stephanie then got into the ring with the chair and was going to hit Triple H, but the ref took the chair.

Triple H then nailed her with the Pedigree and then rolled her over and started yelling at her. He turned around and Jericho nailed him with the chair and went for the pin and he kicked out.

Jericho then went for a move and Triple H countered and catapulted him into the corner. Jericho caught himself in the corner and leaped back at Triple H. He caught him and executed the Pedigree. Triple H pinned him with the 3-count and captured the Undisputed World Champion.
Winner: Triple H, New WWF Undisputed World Champion

Credit to
Mon 18/03/02 at 10:50
"Back in black"
Posts: 5,486
Match #1: Intercontinental Championship Match

Rob Van Dam vs. William Regal

Rob Van Dam came down to the ring first, followed by the champion, William Regal. Regal got down to the ring and the match got started quickly. RVD went on the early attack and whipped Regal into the turnbuckle, and he went for the brass knucks right away. RVD kicked the knucks off his hand and then nailed him with a spinning kick.

Van Dam then went up top and missed high-risk move and Regal went for the cover. Van Dam countered with a high cross body block. Regal bounced back and hit a suplex and got only a 2-count.

RVD hit a back body drop on Regal and then went for the Irish whip, but Regal countered and hit a DDT. Regal then put on a choke hold in the middle of the ring. RVD broke free and got to his feet and then kicked Regal right in his bloody mouth.

Regal and RVD got up and the champion hit a clothesline but RVD bounced back and hit a catapult in the corner. Regal countered another move from RVD and he nailed a perfect Null Nelson back suplex that drove RVD right on his head. RVD went out of the ring and Regal followed him out and found his brass knuckles on the outside, but got them taken from the ref.

RVD hit the kick on Regal and took him down in the middle of the ring. He went upstairs and nailed a 5-Star Frog Splash on Regal and pinned him to win the Intercontinental Championship.
Winner: Rob Van Dam

Lilian Garcia interviewed Christian and he talked about his relationship with Diamond Dallas Page and she asked him why he turned on him after he help him win the match. He told her he didn’t need him and he won his matches by himself. He then said he was done with temper tantrums and it was going to be a bad night for DDP.

Match #2: European Championship Match

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Christian

DDP ran right in the ring and Christian put the offense on him. He whipped him off the ropes and missed a clothesline and got nailed with a clothesline from Page. DDP then took the offensive end on the outside. They then got back in the ring and Christian tossed DDP out and then kicked him repeatedly in the ring.

Christian backed DDP into corner and kicked away at him and then DDP turned it around. DDP nailed Christian and slammed his junk into the turnbuckle post. Christian then fought back and got DDP in the abdominal stretch. He then whipped him into the corner again.

Christian then went up top for a high-risk move, but DDP took him down to the mat. DDP then hit a huge powerbomb and went for the win, but only for a 2-count. Christian then got up and almost got nailed with the Diamond Cutter.

He pushed him into the corner and went for a back suplex but he got out. DDP then got Christian in the middle of the ring and nailed the Diamond Cutter. He went for the pin and got the victory and retained his title.

After the match, DDP told Christian that he never lost his temper, and that’s a good thing, not a bad thing. Christian then threw a fit in the ring.
Winner: DDP

Coachman interviewed rock and he talked about his match in the Main Event with Hulk Hogan. Rock said he was going to run wild on Hogan and he would take out Hollywood in the match. He then asked Coachman if he had said his prayers and he said he didn’t have time. He told him that everyone had to eat their vitamins and prayers and then he made the Coach pray in front of everyone. The prayer was bad and Rock freaked out and told him to get away.

Rock then told Hollywood Hogan he was going to Smell what he is Cookin’ and mocked a bunch of old Hogan sayings and then ripped off his shirt.

Match #3: Hardcore Championship Match

Goldust vs. Maven

Maven came down after Goldust and got attacked by the Gold one right away. Goldust slammed Mavan’s legs into the guardrail and then slammed a metal sheet over his back. They got back into the ring and Goldust spinebusted the rookie and then catapulted him onto a trashcan.

Goldust then went under the ring and got out more of his gold weapons. He used a shovel and nailed Maven in the head. He then set up the trashcan in the corner and slammed Mavan with a hard Irish whip right into the can. Goldust then got a trashcan lid and they both nailed eachother with one at a time and both were down and out.

While they were both down, Spike Dudley came down and made the pin on Maven and won the Hardcore Championship and then ran out with it. Crash Holly then went after them and Goldust and Maven then followed them out on the chase.
Winner: Spike Dudley

Drowning Pool then performed their hit song, “Tearing Away” in front of the Toronto crowd.

Following the performance, they went to the back and showed the Hardcore match continued and Crash was on the attack on Spike. Al Snow then came driving by in a golf cart and nailed a bunch of boxes. The Hurricane then ran in and got the pin and victory over Spike and got the title.

Al Snow then emerged from the boxes and was annoyed that he missed getting after the title.
Winner: The Hurricane

Match #4: Kurt Angle vs. Kane

Angle and Kane started their match right away and Angle got the upperhand right away. He got Kane down in the corner but he fought out and went on the offense. Kane went for the chokeslam on Angle and then whipped him into the turnbuckles repeatedly.

Angle finally got up and nailed a clothesline and they both went down, he got up and hit another one and then got Kane tied up in the ropes with an abdominal stretch. Kane started to fight back and Angle nailed a suplex and went for the pin. Angle then got Kane down to the mat in a front face lock.

Kane got out of the hold and nailed a sidewalk slam on Angle and then followed it up with an attempt for a suplex and then Angle countered and hit numerous German suplexes in a row. Angle then went up top and nailed a clothesline.

Both men were down in the ring and they got up with Angle throwing rights at the Big Red Machine. Kane then gained some momentum and nailed Angle with a big boot and then got him in the corner and hit a huge power slam but only got a 2-count with the pin attempt.

Kane then hit the chokeslam on Angle, but he was close to the ropes and he reached over and grabbed the ropes to stop the 3-count. Angle then got up and tried to pull of Kane’s mask and then hit the Angle slam and only got a 2-count with the cover.

Angle then put the Ankle lock on Kane, but he reached the ropes and Kane got up and hit an inzurguri. Angle was down and out and Kane went to the top rope. Angle got right up and ran up the ropes and slammed Kane to the mat with a modified suplex from the top.

Angle went for his finisher but missed and took down Kane to the mat and used the ropes for leverage on the pin and got the 3-count.
Winner: Kurt Angle

The Godfather’s hoes were in their locker room and Hurricane snuck in and was hiding behind a changing curtain. The girls were taking off their clothes and talking about boob sizes and implants and what not and Hurricane was getting happy behind the curtain with a broom in his hand. Godfather then came in and chased him out and almost nailed him with the broom.

Match #5: Ric Flair vs. The Undertaker

Flair came down to the ring and went into a sprint partway down to the ring. He came right in and took it to Undertaker and battled him to the outside and slammed him over the announcer’s table. They then fought their way to the other side of the ring and Flair got Taker back in the ring and started nailing him with fists.

Taker fell through the ropes and Flair followed him out, but Taker countered and slammed him in into steel ring steps. They got back into the ring and Flair backed Taker into the corner and threw blows at him, but Taker then broke free and slammed his back into the turnbuckle.

Taker slammed Flair’s head into the corners and then nailed him with fists. Flair then got whipped over the turnbuckles to the ring apron and fell to the outside mat. Undertaker followed him out and set him down in a chair and dropped repeated fists in his face.

Flair was laying up against the guard barrier and Taker continued to throw the fists at his head. Flair’s face was busted open and Taker rolled him back in the ring and continued to put a beating on the legend. He got him in the corner yet again and punched him repeatedly and Flair shot up and nailed him with knife-edge chops.

Taker countered and whipped Flair into the corner and put him up on the top turnbuckle. He got up and punched him in the head and then went for a superplex. He nailed the move and Flair was yelling in pain. Taker went for the pin and Flair kicked out at 2.

Flair got up and hit the knife-edge chop again, but Taker took him down and elbowed his head across the ring apron. Flair was down in the ring and he came in to make the pin, but pulled Flair up after 2. He nailed him with blows the bloody forehead over and over and then pulled him up by the hair and took him down with yet another right.

Flair got up and started to throw knife-edge chops, but he went down again with exhaustion. Flair started to hit the knife-edges again, but Taker hit another sidewalk slam and got a 2-count on the cover.

Flair then dropped Taker across the ropes on his crotch and hit the knife-edge chops. They then fought to the aisle and Flair nailed Taker with a metal sign that was near the audience. They then fought back to the ring and Flair got trapped by Taker by the throat.

He kicked Taker in the mid-section and then got Taker in the Figure-4 Leglock in the middle of the ring. Undertaker sat up and grabbed the throat of Flair again and got out of the hold and got a small choke slam on Flair. He went for the pin and Flair kicked out.

The referee then got in the face of the Undertaker and he slammed his back into the corner. Taker then got the lead pipe from the outside and brought it into the ring. Flair whipped him into the ropes and Arn Anderson got him in a spinebuster that took Taker out. Taker then got up and got Arn in a hold and Flair brought in a chair and slammed Taker with it.

Taker then got Flair up and tried to hit a powerbomb, but almost dropped him. He then grabbed Flair and hit the Tombstone and covered him for the 3-count. This leaves Taker with a 10-0 record for WrestleMania.
Winner: Undertaker

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