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"Ah!...NO! i'm stuck on MGS! Could someone help with a boss fight (The RAYS)"

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Sun 17/03/02 at 14:00
Posts: 787
How are u meant to do this....i keep fireing stingers killing a RAY after a couple of shots and then another comes to fight it out. How many dam things are there and how u meant to kill them without dying about hard!
Sun 17/03/02 at 19:51
Posts: 0
I just went for the heads. When there isn't a RAY on the platform hit one/all of them in turn if it's easier to weaken them before they jump onto the platform. When they fire missiles just run. When they fire bullets jump out of range.
This may sound foolish but when the RAY jumps onto the platform, get as close as possible to it (without being underneath it). Too far away makes RAY use missiles. Run left and then right and so on across the path of RAY until it starts to fire its blue beam.Stop and then fire a Stinger into its head (massive damage).

NOTE: It is possible to complete this without losing any health.
Sun 17/03/02 at 17:48
"  "
Posts: 7,549
I've completed the game now. Pretty cool ending. Just slightly confusing. I also watch the making of DVD. It kinda reveals some of those kinda confusing things more clearly which is good. And....does anyone know what happens when u get all dog tags...and what happens when u complete bass challenge?

Thanks for the help.
Sun 17/03/02 at 17:03
Posts: 0
Keep moving and shoot at the heads of the rays, when there mouth like thing opens and it glows blue if you hit it in the head then it does lots of damage. Plus keep the body armour equiped just remember to keep and eye on your health.
Sun 17/03/02 at 16:28
Posts: 2,769
Come on Nacbuc (mr regular), it's not that hard.
Sun 17/03/02 at 16:21
" ban the Taliban"
Posts: 1,298
All you have to do is basically keep using the flip (X) and dodge the rockets and keep firing the stingers at their heads. A ration keeps appearing in the centre of the circle. After about 5-6 it goes into a movie and wha la done.
Sun 17/03/02 at 15:02
Posts: 23,218
yeh shoot a knee and then shoot it's head and there is only 5 rays you have to kill
Sun 17/03/02 at 14:59
Posts: 0
you need to take out 5-6 rays. shoot the knees and then the head straight after for maximum effect concentrate on all of the rays not just one of them, get rid of the one that jumps into the middle and keep you rations in the L2 section at all times and then you will automatically get healed when your power gets low. Next boss after is harder but its ace!
Sun 17/03/02 at 14:25
Posts: 8,818
Shoot it in the knee with stinger, wen the ray is knelt down shoot it in the head & run. When a ray shoots the missiles out of their head run for a while & then attack
Sun 17/03/02 at 14:00
"  "
Posts: 7,549
How are u meant to do this....i keep fireing stingers killing a RAY after a couple of shots and then another comes to fight it out. How many dam things are there and how u meant to kill them without dying about hard!

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