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"WWF WrestleMania X8 Predictions"

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Sun 17/03/02 at 12:07
Posts: 787
WWF Undisputed Championship
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Triple H

Singles Match
-The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan

Singles Match
-Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall

WWF Intercontinental Championship
-William Regal (c) vs. RVD

No Disqualification
-Ric Flair vs. The Undertaker

WWF Tag Team Championship
-Chuck and Billy (c) vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. The APA vs. The Hardy Boyz

WWF European Championship
-DDP (c) vs. Christian

WWF Women's Championship
-Jazz (c) vs. Lita vs. Trish Stratus

Singles Match
-Kurt Angle vs. Kane

Singles Match
-Booker T vs. Edge

Six-Man Tag Team Match
-Test, Mr. Perfect and Lance Storm vs. Rikishi, Albert and Scotty Too Hotty

Hardcore Championship Match:
-Maven vs Al Snow (will probably include much of the lower roster too, Goldust is an near-definite)

My predictions are:

1. Chris Jericho
2. Hulk Hogan
3. Steve Austin
4. RVD
5. Ric Flair
6. Chuck and Billy
7. Christian
8. Jazz
9. Kane
10. Booker T
11. Rikishi, Albert and Scotty 2 Hotty
12. Goldust

So, what are yours??
Sun 17/03/02 at 15:09
Posts: 23,218
WWF Undisputed Championship
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Triple H

Triple H will win with interference from stephanie who will screw Y2J

Singles Match
-The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan

i can honestly see this going nito a no - contest with both people being disqualified, i think this will happen becuase neither hogan or Rocky will want to lose

Singles Match
-Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall

Austin will win this one

WWF Intercontinental Championship
-William Regal (c) vs. RVD

RVD will win this one, regal has had the title too long

No Disqualification
-Ric Flair vs. The Undertaker

flair will shock every one and win

WWF Tag Team Championship
Chuck and Billy (c) vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. The APA vs. The Hardy Boyz

The dudleyz could sneak this one

WWF European Championship
-DDP (c) vs. Christian

Christian will lose.

WWF Women's Championship
-Jazz (c) vs. Lita vs. Trish Stratus

Lita willsneak this one.

Singles Match
-Kurt Angle vs. Kane

Angle will win

Singles Match
-Booker T vs. Edge

Edge will win with help from christian who will turn good.

Six-Man Tag Team Match
Test, Mr. Perfect and Lance Storm vs. Rikishi, Albert and Scotty Too Hotty

Test and his team will win because of interference or cheating.

Hardcore Championship Match:
Maven vs Al Snow . = i can see Al Snow losing because Maven will turn bad.
Sun 17/03/02 at 14:39
Posts: 0
Here's my predictions.

Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock

We've seen The Rock perform under pressure a lot lately, and come out a winner. I could easily see WWF taint this, so that he doesn't win at WM, or we could just have another dull victory for Rocky. I think that Hogan will win, with some help from his NWO cohorts. It won't be easy, but Hogan can pull it off, and he COULD do it without the help of the NWO.

Undisputed Championship
Triple H vs. Chris Jericho

I think it's quite safe to say that The Game has caught the short end of the stick on many occasions lately, and I can see this building up as anger until the match, where he will pulverise Jericho and eventually capture the title, after disposing of Stephanie, of course. Or Triple H could win, but get injured, getting wheeled out on a stretcher as the title hands him the title, gracefully. Poetry! :0)

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall

I can see an easy win for Austin - no frills, no messing about, just a few minutes of technical wrestling, them BAM! Stone Cold Stunner, 1, 2 3. He may have to get rid of the NWO, but he should be able to do it.

Intercontinental Championship
William Regal vs. Rob Van Dam

For me, this is a hard one to call, but I'll go with RVD picking up a reasonably easy win, thanks to the 5 Star Frog Splash, 1, 2, 3. Regal will put up a fight, probably use some brass knucks, but it's nothing RVD can't handle :0)

Ric Flair vs. Undertaker

I'd say it's almost blatantly obvious that Flair will pick up the win, because he's been screwed with so much in the past weeks that it only makes sense to hand him some of his dignity back, and allowing him to defeat the Undertaker is the perfect remedy.

Tag Team Championship
Billy & Chuck vs. APA vs. Hardys vs. Dudleys

A shame it isn't TLC, but it will do. The Hardy's haven't had a decent title reign for such a long time, and not only do they deserve it, but their opponents in this match stink terribly (excluding Dudleys). Dudleys will probably go out first, and we'll have a showdown between Hardys and one of the stinky teams. However, I'm not too confident that Hardys can win, because you know how the WWF like to book things - nice and controversial, swerving you at the last second.

Women's Championship
Jazz vs. Lita vs. Trish Stratus

Lita is the most experienced wrestler in the ring, and she deserves to win it, as she hasn't had a decent title reign for a while. Trish should stick to the lingerie commercials and Jazz should have another good title reign down the line, but not now, now is Lita's time to shine.

Kane vs. Kurt Angle

Angle has a killer instinct and has been on a role lately, but Kane hasn't had a push in such a long time, and so I think he will destroy Angle, bringing him one step closer to that title shot that he so undoubtedly deserves.

Edge vs. Booker T

The pure fact that this argument is over a hair commercial puts me off predicting anything in the first place, so I'll just make a random prediction. Booker will pull away a clean victory, but there will be interference from possibly Tajiri, costing Booker, or does he have another agenda with Edge?

There ye go :0)
Sun 17/03/02 at 14:33
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Mouldy Cheese wrote:
The only decent match on the card seems to be the main event.
> Strange that.

Even stranger, Jericho and HHH isn't the main event. Hogan and Rock is.
Sun 17/03/02 at 14:31
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Just to confirm:

The Too Cool match will take place, it's just not sure when. Either on a special live Heat match with highlights of it at WM, or as just a proper WM match.

*crosses fingers that the highlights will be extended, or that it will be an actual WM match*

And I got the hardcore title match news from WrestleZone, it was confirmed on Metal and by Maven I believe.
Sun 17/03/02 at 13:41
Posts: 9,808
Dead Wonder wrote:
> The Too Cool match is said to be on Heat with HIGHLIGHTS at WM. And as for the
> Hardcore title, well, I haven't heard jack about that, and it's not on

It was announced on Metal.
Sun 17/03/02 at 13:40
Posts: 9,808
DaGroover wrote:
> By the way Cong Triple threat and Battle Royal Tag(It's elimination see) are
> gimmicks and also Flair V. Taker is no DQ.

They aren't gimmicks in my book, just variations on normal matches. I want cages! ladders! tables! chairs! barbed wire! Mud wrestling (for the ladies!) and erm...any other REAL gimmick matches!
Sun 17/03/02 at 13:28
Posts: 11,597
The Too Cool match is said to be on Heat with HIGHLIGHTS at WM. And as for the Hardcore title, well, I haven't heard jack about that, and it's not on
Sun 17/03/02 at 13:17
Posts: 0
By the way Cong Triple threat and Battle Royal Tag(It's elimination see) are gimmicks and also Flair V. Taker is no DQ.
Sun 17/03/02 at 13:14
Posts: 0
1. Chris Jericho
2. The Rock
3. Steve Austin
4. Rob Van Dam
5. Ric Flair
6. Hardyz
7. DDP
8. Lita
9. Angle - But in the lower card!?!
10. Booker T
11. Zoo Crew
12. Kevin Nash with a sneak in cover.

on 12 Im picking Nash because he's the only one on the nWo who has no match.
Sun 17/03/02 at 13:14
Posts: 9,808
Hold on...a wrestlemania with absoultely no gimmick matches whatsoever??? What is the world coming to...

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