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"So over rated!"

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Sat 16/03/02 at 17:28
Posts: 787
Jeicho is the most over rated star yet at first he only went against people like benoit and people like that but ever since the rock came back hes been wrestling with people like austin,but if he tryed to wrestle someone like austin when he wrestled benoit and all that hed get slattered it silly the script writers have gone batty.
Sun 17/03/02 at 12:34
"Where's SR?"
Posts: 1,310
On Smackdown they were calling it the main event, so there :b
Sun 17/03/02 at 12:30
Posts: 9,808
Rubbish. Jericho is a better wrestler than Austin. The Rock. Undertaker. Triple H and most of the rest of the roster. Apart from Kurt Angle, who has had so many world class matches lately I've lost count.
Sun 17/03/02 at 11:57
"Back in black"
Posts: 5,486
Yes I agree, Jericho is dire and boring in the ring. Clean victories is what he lacks. I would so much more rather Austin/HHH/Rock in the main event at WM 18.

Jericho isn't main eventing thsi years WM by the way- becuase he just isn't big enough, even with the undisputed championship!! HA
Sun 17/03/02 at 11:31
Posts: 11,597
AfroJoe wrote:
> Heh, that post contained one comma and no full stops.



LOL, greatness AJ. See Ex, you need to puncuate more. Hehe.

Who agrees with my post I made earlier about Benoit?
Sun 17/03/02 at 10:09
Posts: 23,695
Heh, that post contained one comma and no full stops.

Sun 17/03/02 at 10:07
Posts: 11,597
The Exterminator wrote:
> Jeicho is the most over rated star yet at first he only went against people like
> benoit and people like that.

And what's wrong with Beniot?? He's a classy technical wrestler, and before injury, was up there with the big boys, claiming IC gold. And when you say people like that, do you meen Big Show, Rikishi, Angle, Austin and 'Taker. He fueded with most if not all the stars I have mentioned!
Sat 16/03/02 at 18:37
"Where's SR?"
Posts: 1,310
He's not over rated. He's wrestled successfully in ECW, WCW and now WWF and has shown great skill. Maybe if he was a face his talent would be easier to appreciate but it's still there and he's a great wrestler despite is relatively small size compared to other main-eventers.
Sat 16/03/02 at 18:24
Posts: 0
In wat way 'Overated' do you mean. In ability from the fans or from the storywriters POV? If you mean ability I must beg to differ he is a good wrestler and has some good moves and VARIETY that sadly Rock and Austin lack. To be truthful the midcarders hold the WWF together.
Sat 16/03/02 at 17:28
"©opy Right™"
Posts: 401
Jeicho is the most over rated star yet at first he only went against people like benoit and people like that but ever since the rock came back hes been wrestling with people like austin,but if he tryed to wrestle someone like austin when he wrestled benoit and all that hed get slattered it silly the script writers have gone batty.

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