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"WWF WWTBAVM?? Quizmaster required!!"

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Sat 16/03/02 at 15:47
Posts: 787
Well, I want to carry on this topic, yet I can't find the time to do any questions, due to my SATS. So, I know a few people who I want to take my place. Do you want to be WWF Forum Quizmaster??

Apply within. First three or four people will be considered, so it's a first come first served basis.
Tue 19/03/02 at 17:01
Posts: 0
a) Whoever said you were sciving NOW? Yes, I think you're unneccesarily absent now, but you have scived in the past, and not even you can deny that. You're off for the slightest thing, and the only thing I can put it down to is pure laziness on your part.

b) Yes, you do. Don't you remember when I told you to find some other friends ages ago when we argued? That was because you always come up to me EVERY DAY, ALL THE TIME and it's irritating. You don't want to turn into Smit do you? Advice: find some other friends also, or I will just give you the Smit treatment and ignore you.

c) Yes, when it comes to WWF, I think you try to stretch yourself a bit too far. Don't think you're a WWF knowledgable just because you've been watching it since August 2000 or whenever. You may know a lot about the late attitude era, but you know sod all about the old attitude era or the old era in general. Don't try and learn loads of WWF stuff though (WrestleMania 3! Pah! :D), or you'll find me ignoring you completely.

Apart from that, keep doing what you're doing :0)
Tue 19/03/02 at 16:47
Posts: 0
1) Im not sciving

2) I don't follow you around

3) I dont think I'm smarter than I really am.

Apart from that your forgiven.
Tue 19/03/02 at 16:41
Posts: 0
DaGroover wrote:
> If you were firing a .44 caliber down a shooting range you'd have hit the target
> 3 ranges away. note I sid not say 3 I said Ill.

"When I've finished watching Wrestlemania Ill putup a quiz about it so watch those matches carefully! ;)"

Looks damn like WrestleMania 3 to me, however I apologize for being so hostile. I stand by my premise that you don't deserve this award though Groover.

"O shut up shaneo, poor kid, hes just trying to help. Damn your ego- keep up the good work dagroover!"

But he doesn't deserve it. He scives off school at every opportunity, he thinks he's smarter at WWF than he is, and he's irritating. Sure, he's Ok when he doesn't follow me around all day and just comes up when I'm in the mood, but I can only take a certain ammount of that arrogrance before I snap.

I still think I should either be a solitary quizmaster or be joint with Dead Wonder.

Phew! Glad I got that off my chest :0)
Tue 19/03/02 at 16:22
"Back in black"
Posts: 5,486
$h@ne0 wrote:
> Where the hell did you get Wrestlemania 3 from? And by the way, stop trying to
> sound like you're a WWF knowledgable Groover, because you're knowledgable on the
> attitude era, but not the old era, which is where I am knowledgable. Stick with
> your era, don't try and make yourself smarter than you are, you'll sadly fail,
> because you know nothing about the history surrounding Wrestlemania 3, so it
> just doesn't work for you.

Feel free to try, by all means.

Damn WWF
> newbie...(3 years knowledge? Try 11 here!)
O shut up shaneo, poor kid, hes just trying to help. Damn your ego- keep up the good work dagroover!
Tue 19/03/02 at 11:10
Posts: 0
If you were firing a .44 caliber down a shooting range you'd have hit the target 3 ranges away. note I sid not say 3 I said Ill.
Tue 19/03/02 at 07:38
Posts: 0
Where the hell did you get Wrestlemania 3 from? And by the way, stop trying to sound like you're a WWF knowledgable Groover, because you're knowledgable on the attitude era, but not the old era, which is where I am knowledgable. Stick with your era, don't try and make yourself smarter than you are, you'll sadly fail, because you know nothing about the history surrounding Wrestlemania 3, so it just doesn't work for you.

Feel free to try, by all means.

Damn WWF newbie...(3 years knowledge? Try 11 here!)
Sun 17/03/02 at 17:09
Posts: 0
Can you please call me by DaGroover on the boards, Shaneo. To the rest of you its High Lord of Wrestling. When I've finished watching Wrestlemania Ill putup a quiz about it so watch those matches carefully! ;)

High Lord of Wrestling DaGroover
WWF trivia Co-quizmaster

PS. You dont have to call em high lord of Wrestling.
Sun 17/03/02 at 16:15
"allardini's tagline"
Posts: 3,396
Shaneo will make a good quizmaster. I know coz he tested me a while back.......
Sun 17/03/02 at 15:36
Posts: 0
Right, as Co-Quizmaster with DaGroover (damn his little Newbie heart!), I'd like to start the King of WWF ASAP, so maybe we should begin today?

As of the 1st April 2002, we will have a monthly tournament to decide who the King of the WWF should be. Of course, they don't become a Quizmaster or anything, but it should earn them a little more respect. After each day, me or Owen will tally up the marks and then at the end of the month, the person with the most correct answers if the King of the WWF. Sounds cool and will be an honour to run. I'm not too keen at a WWF newbie like Owen helping, but he should be Ok if he doesn't get big-headed and think he knows more than me :0)


By the way: about your latest post, if any of what I have put above is in any way not good for you, please tell me :0)

WWF Quizmaster
Sun 17/03/02 at 15:35
Posts: 11,597
Forget that post. Applying closed. Shaneo and DaGroover are co-quizmasters, as Shaneo has it all planned out.

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