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"Mature games are not nessecerly best.."

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Fri 15/03/02 at 23:42
Posts: 787
One of the thing you hear A lot of people banging on about lately is " Im getting the console with all the mature games" thing.

A game does not have to be Mature to be fun. In fact a lot of the best games are not mature.

I am almost eighteen and I still like the games that are not strictly "mature".

Even so there are still the people who will only buy mature games, just beacase they can. And those are the people missing out on hours of epic games.

Dont get me wrong the are a few great mature games

Metal gear solid
Goldeneye / Perfect dark
Resident evil
Tekken 3 E.t.c.
Gta 3

Are a few off the top of my head, but hear is a list of the
less mature titles that are just as good

Tony hawks pro skater 2 & 3
Zelda 1
Zelda 2
Final fantasy series (some people hate i know but popular)
crash bandicoot series
Mario 64
A wealth of racing games

I would like to know what other peoples opinions are.
Mon 18/03/02 at 17:27
Posts: 0
I dont think Mario is kiddy So your argument is flawed. Goodnight to you.
Mon 18/03/02 at 17:26
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
I also strongly agree with this topic.
Consoles should be chosen for the games they can provide you with, and not because of their specs, and other fancy or hi-tech things they can do.
Many people do overlook the Nintendo consoles due to the look of the more popular, exclusive games.
When they see that 'Super Smash Bros. Melée' or 'Luigi's Mansion' is top of the console's charts, they just laugh at it and try to compare it to something more 'grown up' like 'Metal Gear Solid 2'.

I hate it when 'gamers' do this, as they completely ignore the gameplay side of things, which is what really matters.
Sun 17/03/02 at 13:47
"Devotion 2The Ocean"
Posts: 6,658
Yup I agree!

People who won't play games like Mario cos they think it's too "kiddie", are just missing out on a great gaming experiance!

I play any game I can get my hands on, and experiance hours of fun because of it!

Sun 17/03/02 at 13:19
"Back in black"
Posts: 5,486
Yes i totally agree with you. This is what will make the Gamcube so great!
Fri 15/03/02 at 23:42
Posts: 0
One of the thing you hear A lot of people banging on about lately is " Im getting the console with all the mature games" thing.

A game does not have to be Mature to be fun. In fact a lot of the best games are not mature.

I am almost eighteen and I still like the games that are not strictly "mature".

Even so there are still the people who will only buy mature games, just beacase they can. And those are the people missing out on hours of epic games.

Dont get me wrong the are a few great mature games

Metal gear solid
Goldeneye / Perfect dark
Resident evil
Tekken 3 E.t.c.
Gta 3

Are a few off the top of my head, but hear is a list of the
less mature titles that are just as good

Tony hawks pro skater 2 & 3
Zelda 1
Zelda 2
Final fantasy series (some people hate i know but popular)
crash bandicoot series
Mario 64
A wealth of racing games

I would like to know what other peoples opinions are.

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