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Wed 06/03/02 at 13:41
Posts: 787
I've recently been looking into information on dreams for my Art Personal Investigation looking at the movement of Surrealism. I've come to realsie some intresting things about dreams from doing so. Apparently, ALL dreams have a messsage, and you have to look closely at and decifer them to find out their message/meaning. Lots of artists, like Slavador Dalí have painited 'masterpieces' from the images they've dreamt of in their sleep.
I'm wondering if the men at the top of gaming like Shigsy Miyamoto have produced the likes of Zelda and Mario due to strange dreams they may have had???

I think it's very possible! All you have to do is play a game like Zelda and realise how strange and surreal some characters and areas in the game actually are. They're certainly nothing like what we'd expect to see in reality1 When was the last time you saw a Zora swimming at your local beach?? Or what about a Goron rolling down a hill??
Exactly! NEVER.

So where do strange ideas like this come from then???
If not realisty then they must come from somewhere.
Maybe some do come from ancient Japanese and Chinese books and religions. A few years ago, I found a book in my school library titled 'Gon'. And it contained pictures in a story form of what looked just-like that little dinosaur from Tekken 3 also known as Gon!
Coincidence?? I think not! To me it seems likely that Namco took the idea of the character Gon from this book. I certainly don't believe that the book was created after the game, as Tekken 3 was almost brand-new to us back then!

Another theory, if not dreams is that characters come from strange objects and machinery, due to their characteristics. Someone on these forums once said that he believes the idea of Bowser comes from those big yellow trucks you see at airports. I agree that it is a possibiltiy due to the fire, but what about the rest of him, how he looks??
So you can see how 'things' can influence the characteristics and actions of a character, but do not neccesarily help the design of the charcter and his appearence.

I still think that dreams and imagination are the most-likely explanations for where the ideas come from.
No one has a tongue quite as long as Yoshi's, not even a lizards is quite that long! But you can see how and where the idea might come from, if you look at paintings by Surrealists like Dalí. Look at Sleep and how the head is so mis-shapen and deformed, almost 'stretched' like Yoshi's tongue.

Artists have recorded their dreams and imaginary pictures in the forms of paintings, and maybe Shigsy, and all the others have been doing the same thing, but by putting all their ideas into one game instead of a painting.

A persons imagination can run wild, especially at a young age. There always seems to be a new idea/theme for a game, or maybe a setting. And I see it as likely that many, if not all, of these ideas have come from dreams and imaginations. There really is no other explanation, is there??

With heads full of imagination and dreams, should we be getting the kids to do the work of Shigsy for the next-generation???

All dreams have a meaning/message. Each and every dream occurs to solve a problem in the dreamers' life. So for game designers, their problem of coming up with a new game/character idea could be solved by a strange, surreal dream. Just look at the evidence!
Fri 08/03/02 at 17:03
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
POP - goes the dream bubble!
Wed 06/03/02 at 17:23
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
That sounds like Pokémon Snap to me, but with real animals.
My cousins got that, and I don't understand how people can just sit there taking pictures for hours!??
He did get bored of it though, and hasn't played it for ages.
Wed 06/03/02 at 14:42
Posts: 379
I had a dream once where I was tracking this fabulous white beast through a huge forest.
I don't know why but all I wanted to do was get a clear view of it so I could snap a good photograph which would prove to the world that I had seen it and that it existed.
When I woke up I thought: "that would make a cool game".
*Travel the globe seeking out so-called supernatural creatures like "Bigfoot", the "Yeti", "Chupacabras" and the "Loch Ness Monster", etc - with the sole purpose of just capturing these elusive beasts on film.
First person view, huge natural environments: sort of a hunting game without any killing.*
Wed 06/03/02 at 14:06
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
I don't think drugs would be as effective cuz we might forget what saw for quite some time, or maybe worse. That's kinda like getting drunk and using your thoughts then, but that'd probably be of naked women and stuff!

And I think you're right when you said that you cannot dream up something completely new all together. As you only dream of things you know and have looked into. And they can appear to be different due to the power of the psyche. But they are not brand new, only re-creations of existing things, like you said.
Wed 06/03/02 at 13:57
"Copyright: FM Inc."
Posts: 10,338
I'd say not just dreams but hallucinogenic drugs could also play a major part in forming images for games creators to work on.

Shigsy on acid, Kojima on speed and Warren Spector on LSD could very well explain the current crop of games.

I don't see why dreams should have meaning. By that I mean, if someone told you the way you are sitting now tells you something meaningful about yourself or your future, would you believe them? Same with dreams for me, they're just a random collection of imagery thrown together by random firing of synapses during unconciousness.

Is it possible for us to dream of things we've never experienced or seen before? I have a feeling that dream imagery can only be created from existing memories; maybe some of it is mashed around a bit with imagination and produces something slightly different, but something totally new from our experiences of reality? I'm not so sure.

I think you're right about kids having better imagination though. If I (at the grand old age of 35) try to imagine something 'new', like a landscape, it's usually a mind picture based on something I've seen before, and has normal physical laws applying to it unless I force myself to think otherwise.

A child, on the other hand, may imagine a landscape where hills don't just roll off into the distance but loop the loop instead, or where there is no sun, but life nonetheless, or where gravity doesn't just affect up and down but side to side as well, these types of things are harder for me to imagine as my mind tries to dismiss them as incredible. A child doesn't have these sorts of logical restrictions as an early stage because he/she hasn't been taught them.

If Shigsy, Kojima or Spector have kids, it's about now that they should be brainstorming the games of the future. They should go easy on the drugs though.
Wed 06/03/02 at 13:41
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
I've recently been looking into information on dreams for my Art Personal Investigation looking at the movement of Surrealism. I've come to realsie some intresting things about dreams from doing so. Apparently, ALL dreams have a messsage, and you have to look closely at and decifer them to find out their message/meaning. Lots of artists, like Slavador Dalí have painited 'masterpieces' from the images they've dreamt of in their sleep.
I'm wondering if the men at the top of gaming like Shigsy Miyamoto have produced the likes of Zelda and Mario due to strange dreams they may have had???

I think it's very possible! All you have to do is play a game like Zelda and realise how strange and surreal some characters and areas in the game actually are. They're certainly nothing like what we'd expect to see in reality1 When was the last time you saw a Zora swimming at your local beach?? Or what about a Goron rolling down a hill??
Exactly! NEVER.

So where do strange ideas like this come from then???
If not realisty then they must come from somewhere.
Maybe some do come from ancient Japanese and Chinese books and religions. A few years ago, I found a book in my school library titled 'Gon'. And it contained pictures in a story form of what looked just-like that little dinosaur from Tekken 3 also known as Gon!
Coincidence?? I think not! To me it seems likely that Namco took the idea of the character Gon from this book. I certainly don't believe that the book was created after the game, as Tekken 3 was almost brand-new to us back then!

Another theory, if not dreams is that characters come from strange objects and machinery, due to their characteristics. Someone on these forums once said that he believes the idea of Bowser comes from those big yellow trucks you see at airports. I agree that it is a possibiltiy due to the fire, but what about the rest of him, how he looks??
So you can see how 'things' can influence the characteristics and actions of a character, but do not neccesarily help the design of the charcter and his appearence.

I still think that dreams and imagination are the most-likely explanations for where the ideas come from.
No one has a tongue quite as long as Yoshi's, not even a lizards is quite that long! But you can see how and where the idea might come from, if you look at paintings by Surrealists like Dalí. Look at Sleep and how the head is so mis-shapen and deformed, almost 'stretched' like Yoshi's tongue.

Artists have recorded their dreams and imaginary pictures in the forms of paintings, and maybe Shigsy, and all the others have been doing the same thing, but by putting all their ideas into one game instead of a painting.

A persons imagination can run wild, especially at a young age. There always seems to be a new idea/theme for a game, or maybe a setting. And I see it as likely that many, if not all, of these ideas have come from dreams and imaginations. There really is no other explanation, is there??

With heads full of imagination and dreams, should we be getting the kids to do the work of Shigsy for the next-generation???

All dreams have a meaning/message. Each and every dream occurs to solve a problem in the dreamers' life. So for game designers, their problem of coming up with a new game/character idea could be solved by a strange, surreal dream. Just look at the evidence!

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