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"Some Game Ideas"

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Mon 04/03/02 at 18:53
Posts: 787
I decided that it was about time I shared a few game ideas I had. I posted one before on a game which I had called "For truth and revenge",(it is in a post called "Police Action" in the game ideas forum) and I am reworking that idea based on feedback from the site and from a couple of friends who liked the idea too. I'll post that one when I have finished it and found time to do so. Please take the time to read them an offer any views or improvements on them.

IDEA 1 - First up a paintball game
Game is a mixture of a first person and third person view (You can chose the view type yourself) The game puts you in a team either red or blue. You can chose the other memebers in your team from a selection of around 30 people with various skills. You pick a team of 7 for the basic game mode and have to compete agains various teams. There is no story to the game,
Various locations are playable from the usual woodland area to high school buildings. A lot of the game relies on good artificial inteligence for the computer controlled characters.
You can select various modes of play such as capture the flag, eliminate all oponents, multiplayers, single elimination.

Capture the flag
Just like it sounds, the aim is to along with your six computer controlled team mates is to locate your oponents base and capture the flag and then make it back to your own base. If you are shot you have to return to your own base and start again from there. Winning team is first to capture the other teams flag.
By progressing through all the levels and winning them all you can unlock extra characters.

Eliminate all oponents
The aim of this mode of play is to along with your 6 team members is to eliminate all your oponents from the game. One shot is a kill shot for you and the enemy so if you are shot once you are out and have to rely on your team to succed or do it all again.
By progressing through all the areas you can unlock extra locations to be used in the multiplayer game.

There are a few multiplayer modes, Single or battle
Single Mode
You play against your human oponent, you can decide which extras such as weapons, cheats, number of kill shots, and which location. Winner is the first to reach the set number of kills.
Battle Mode
Both human competitiors pick a team of either 3 or 7 from the selection of 30 characters (more are avialable after completing the first player modes), you can choose from capture the flag as mentioned above or the eliminate all oponents mode of play.

Single Elimination
Single elimination puts you on your own to take on 8 oponents. One shot is all you need to eliminate an oponent and you can be shot three times before you are eliminated. It gets harder as you continue so the last few oponents are the hardest to take on. By completing this mode of play you unlock the three "Special" weapons and the create a character option.

The create a character option is as it sounds, you can create your own soldier to do battle with but remember stealth is important so avoid the bright colours and freakish appearances, or save them for the multiplayer.
A kill shot is the number of shots required to eliminate your oponent from the game, basic weapons are available from the start and more can be unlocked.

Paint grenade
Smoke Bomb
Extra paint capsules

Weapons available to unlock

Rocket Laucher (launches paint and smoke bombs a greater distance)
Machine gun style paintball gun
Long range sniper rifle

IDEA 2 - Special Forces

This game puts you in the special forces as a top commando. You have various skills and are required to provide round the clock supervision of the one of the richest men in the world after he recieved various death threats. During the game his family are taken hostage and you must find a way of keeping him safe and rescuing him.

Throughout the game you are required to use all the skills taught to you in the Agent Academy (you must try this before you begin the main game), you must dispose bombs, use hand to hand combat, various weapons, snipe assasins and enemy snipers from a distance, drive various vehicles, stealth and disguise.

You must work on your own to protect this man on all his public appearances and throughout the game you are given help and technical information by a computer wizzard known to you only as "Kernel"
You realise that the group responsible for the death threats and kidnapping are a much larger organisation than you anticipated and must take out the head of the corporation to stand any chance of success.

IDEA 3 - Ideas based on films, TV

Ever since I was a kid the A-Team was always one of my favourite programs, still watch it when it is on UK gold.So what would the A-Team game be like? Well here is my idea.

You chose your character from the game, either B.A, Faceman, Murdoch or Hanibal. Each character has their own additional parts and areas of the main game.
The main game puts you as your selected character and you have to along with the other members of the A-Team stop criminal activity and rescue hostages etc, just like the programs. The game would be a mix of 3rd and first person, 3rd person for moving around and first person view for using weapons.
Each character has their own objectives to complete, if you are B.A you have to drive the van, fight hand to hand combat and use larger weapons for attack. If you go Murdoch then you have to act crazy to get into hard to access places, use weapons and fly helicopters.If you chose Faceman you would have to drive fast cars and use pretty girls to get top secret information and also use weapons. If you choose Hanibal you have to help organise the main plan and make sure everything goes well and use weapons too.

The missions would be similar to those in the tv show and throughout it all you would have to avoid the MP's and Deker and also help those who need it.

Two ideas on a similar name, first up the TV show gladiator where you have to compete against the gladiators. Up to four players can compete at once and battle it out on all the events that appeared in the show from running the gauntlet to dueling with the big sticks. I think it could work quite well if thoughtout and the idea used well, but it could also turn out a huge flop.

After competing in all events then you decide it on a specially made eliminator course requiring you to get from start to finish in the quickest time, the person with the best scores from earlier events gets a better headstart than their opponent.

Gladiator 2
Puts you in the shoes of either a roman gladiator or as the slave doing battle with them. All the usuals you would expect are there, weird and wonderful weapons for causing pain, swords, spears, knifes, blades, shields etc. Also soldiers on charriots, tigers and flame traps to make it hard to succed.
If you begin as a slave you must take on gladiator after gladiator, each one a little harder than before. Reach the end and unlock extra weapons and armour and characters.

If you begin as a slave you must battle it out for survival, work together with other slaves to take o n the gladiators in your way. Do well enough and you just might save yourself and land a job as a gladiator or even take on the highest ranked gladiators and rid the world of the evil and brutal form of entertainment.

IDEA 4 - Silly Ideas

Be a drunk
Strickly for over 18's this is the game for those who like to invite their mates round, have a good drink, watch films and play games.
The game uses a special peripheral breathalizer to analyse just how drunk you are. The aim of the game is to see who can get the drunkest.
The game puts human versus human, a number of mini games to compete against each other.
Some of the games are

Penalty shoot-out
Pub Quiz
Combat fighting

The game analyses how drunk you are compared to how well you do, the overall winner is the person who is the drunkest that performs the best. Not only do they get title of the best but all the other players must buy them a drink at the pub. A player is disqualified if they are sick, cheat or go over the drunk limit that they can no longer play.
Wed 06/03/02 at 15:06
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502
Yeah but the old ghostbusters game wasn't really that good, I mean one that matches todays standard of games, which I think could work quite well.
Wed 06/03/02 at 15:04
"l33t cs50r"
Posts: 2,956
*Cinnamon* wrote:
> I think a Ghostbusters game would be excellent.
I can't believe no one has
> done it yet.

For those of us who remeber Comodore 64's and Spectrums.. Ghostbusters was around years ago!!
Wed 06/03/02 at 15:02
Posts: 379
I think a Ghostbusters game would be excellent.
I can't believe no one has done it yet.
Driving around a city environment in the white van with your crew waiting for a report of supernatural activity.
Then locate the building and head in there with your team armed with extravagant ghostbusting equipment/gadgets.

It has all the necessary ingredients of a great game:
*the full-of-life innercity gameworld.
*the driving (like GTA3 yet not quite as wild obviously).
*the exploration on foot inside the building(s) trying to locate the exact whereabouts of the ghostly activity.
*the survival horror danger/fear factor.

Also (like you say) the ghosts could range from friendly & harmless to evil & twisted.
*Investigate reports of a ghost train seen on a desolate stretch of railway.
*Investigate reports of an eery white lady heard weeping in the cellar of a Inn.
*Investigate reports of poltergeist activity in a skyscraper.
The possibilities are endless.
This would make an excellent game.
Wed 06/03/02 at 12:47
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502
Stryke wrote:

And in Gladiator would you have
> to be a cocky Aussie?

If you want to then you can be what you want Gaz, even "Mike with the bike" Guy Pearce bloke.

Anyway I was looking for ways of making these ideas better. Anyone?
Tue 05/03/02 at 21:52
Posts: 16,548
"I pity da fool you plays ma game."

And in Gladiator would you have to be a cocky Aussie?
Mon 04/03/02 at 18:55
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502
Just to clear things up before someone points it out, yes I know there is a games idea forum but I thought this was the best place to get the best feedback from people who know what they are talking about.
Mon 04/03/02 at 18:54
Posts: 5,630
A-team: The Game sounds great!
Mon 04/03/02 at 18:53
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502
I decided that it was about time I shared a few game ideas I had. I posted one before on a game which I had called "For truth and revenge",(it is in a post called "Police Action" in the game ideas forum) and I am reworking that idea based on feedback from the site and from a couple of friends who liked the idea too. I'll post that one when I have finished it and found time to do so. Please take the time to read them an offer any views or improvements on them.

IDEA 1 - First up a paintball game
Game is a mixture of a first person and third person view (You can chose the view type yourself) The game puts you in a team either red or blue. You can chose the other memebers in your team from a selection of around 30 people with various skills. You pick a team of 7 for the basic game mode and have to compete agains various teams. There is no story to the game,
Various locations are playable from the usual woodland area to high school buildings. A lot of the game relies on good artificial inteligence for the computer controlled characters.
You can select various modes of play such as capture the flag, eliminate all oponents, multiplayers, single elimination.

Capture the flag
Just like it sounds, the aim is to along with your six computer controlled team mates is to locate your oponents base and capture the flag and then make it back to your own base. If you are shot you have to return to your own base and start again from there. Winning team is first to capture the other teams flag.
By progressing through all the levels and winning them all you can unlock extra characters.

Eliminate all oponents
The aim of this mode of play is to along with your 6 team members is to eliminate all your oponents from the game. One shot is a kill shot for you and the enemy so if you are shot once you are out and have to rely on your team to succed or do it all again.
By progressing through all the areas you can unlock extra locations to be used in the multiplayer game.

There are a few multiplayer modes, Single or battle
Single Mode
You play against your human oponent, you can decide which extras such as weapons, cheats, number of kill shots, and which location. Winner is the first to reach the set number of kills.
Battle Mode
Both human competitiors pick a team of either 3 or 7 from the selection of 30 characters (more are avialable after completing the first player modes), you can choose from capture the flag as mentioned above or the eliminate all oponents mode of play.

Single Elimination
Single elimination puts you on your own to take on 8 oponents. One shot is all you need to eliminate an oponent and you can be shot three times before you are eliminated. It gets harder as you continue so the last few oponents are the hardest to take on. By completing this mode of play you unlock the three "Special" weapons and the create a character option.

The create a character option is as it sounds, you can create your own soldier to do battle with but remember stealth is important so avoid the bright colours and freakish appearances, or save them for the multiplayer.
A kill shot is the number of shots required to eliminate your oponent from the game, basic weapons are available from the start and more can be unlocked.

Paint grenade
Smoke Bomb
Extra paint capsules

Weapons available to unlock

Rocket Laucher (launches paint and smoke bombs a greater distance)
Machine gun style paintball gun
Long range sniper rifle

IDEA 2 - Special Forces

This game puts you in the special forces as a top commando. You have various skills and are required to provide round the clock supervision of the one of the richest men in the world after he recieved various death threats. During the game his family are taken hostage and you must find a way of keeping him safe and rescuing him.

Throughout the game you are required to use all the skills taught to you in the Agent Academy (you must try this before you begin the main game), you must dispose bombs, use hand to hand combat, various weapons, snipe assasins and enemy snipers from a distance, drive various vehicles, stealth and disguise.

You must work on your own to protect this man on all his public appearances and throughout the game you are given help and technical information by a computer wizzard known to you only as "Kernel"
You realise that the group responsible for the death threats and kidnapping are a much larger organisation than you anticipated and must take out the head of the corporation to stand any chance of success.

IDEA 3 - Ideas based on films, TV

Ever since I was a kid the A-Team was always one of my favourite programs, still watch it when it is on UK gold.So what would the A-Team game be like? Well here is my idea.

You chose your character from the game, either B.A, Faceman, Murdoch or Hanibal. Each character has their own additional parts and areas of the main game.
The main game puts you as your selected character and you have to along with the other members of the A-Team stop criminal activity and rescue hostages etc, just like the programs. The game would be a mix of 3rd and first person, 3rd person for moving around and first person view for using weapons.
Each character has their own objectives to complete, if you are B.A you have to drive the van, fight hand to hand combat and use larger weapons for attack. If you go Murdoch then you have to act crazy to get into hard to access places, use weapons and fly helicopters.If you chose Faceman you would have to drive fast cars and use pretty girls to get top secret information and also use weapons. If you choose Hanibal you have to help organise the main plan and make sure everything goes well and use weapons too.

The missions would be similar to those in the tv show and throughout it all you would have to avoid the MP's and Deker and also help those who need it.

Two ideas on a similar name, first up the TV show gladiator where you have to compete against the gladiators. Up to four players can compete at once and battle it out on all the events that appeared in the show from running the gauntlet to dueling with the big sticks. I think it could work quite well if thoughtout and the idea used well, but it could also turn out a huge flop.

After competing in all events then you decide it on a specially made eliminator course requiring you to get from start to finish in the quickest time, the person with the best scores from earlier events gets a better headstart than their opponent.

Gladiator 2
Puts you in the shoes of either a roman gladiator or as the slave doing battle with them. All the usuals you would expect are there, weird and wonderful weapons for causing pain, swords, spears, knifes, blades, shields etc. Also soldiers on charriots, tigers and flame traps to make it hard to succed.
If you begin as a slave you must take on gladiator after gladiator, each one a little harder than before. Reach the end and unlock extra weapons and armour and characters.

If you begin as a slave you must battle it out for survival, work together with other slaves to take o n the gladiators in your way. Do well enough and you just might save yourself and land a job as a gladiator or even take on the highest ranked gladiators and rid the world of the evil and brutal form of entertainment.

IDEA 4 - Silly Ideas

Be a drunk
Strickly for over 18's this is the game for those who like to invite their mates round, have a good drink, watch films and play games.
The game uses a special peripheral breathalizer to analyse just how drunk you are. The aim of the game is to see who can get the drunkest.
The game puts human versus human, a number of mini games to compete against each other.
Some of the games are

Penalty shoot-out
Pub Quiz
Combat fighting

The game analyses how drunk you are compared to how well you do, the overall winner is the person who is the drunkest that performs the best. Not only do they get title of the best but all the other players must buy them a drink at the pub. A player is disqualified if they are sick, cheat or go over the drunk limit that they can no longer play.

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