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"Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops + (PSP)"

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Thu 04/10/07 at 20:20
Posts: 320
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops +, the extension to Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops finally releases in Japan, another MGS game for me to conquer. I couldn't wait to play it; from watching all those amazing trailers I was so hyped.

Basically, MPO+ is just an extension to the original MPO, meaning you will get some unique characters, which were previously unavailable, such as Raiden from MGS2, Solid Snake from MGS4 and the previously un-unlockable Campbell from MPO. You will also get some extra Online and Ad-Hoc features, such as the new Shooting Range mode, better chat function, meaning that you will no longer be restricted to just a few simple phrases such as "1", "Hello" or "Bye" you can now type full custom messages up on screen. Now you can use the Game Sharing Mode, meaning that only you or your friend needs a UMD, so that you play against each other without both of you having to have the game.

You can also use the online mode to battle people, who only have the original MGSPO Online mode, but you are restricted to only battling in VR Mode and only certain stages and characters are available for you to battle in and with.

One of the main attractions for MPO+ is the new Infinity Missions. Infinity Missions sets an obstacle for the player, where you have to get from point A to B. It may sound easy, but it’s actually quite difficult, players have to make their way past the enemy soldiers find and the point themselves. The soldiers which are on the map, may not be as easy as you think to get past, as if the alert goes off, these soldiers may be hard to dispose of, as they don’t die all that easy. This may be a good opportunity to recruit some of these soldiers.

What’s more, when you start Infinity Missions, you will be stripped of all your equipment so you will have to find your own weaponry, rations and meds.

There are four difficulty levels, Easy, Normal, Hard and Extreme. Once you complete one you unlock the other.

This also brings me to the point of new soldiers which are available to recruit. MPO+ offers memorable soldiers from the MGS1 and 2 games which can be recruited. Tengu Soldier, Seal Team 10 Soldier, Hi-Tech Soldier, Gurlukovich Soldier and the Gnome Soldier are all recruitable.

You can also use your save file from MPO with MPO+, so the soldiers you recruited from MGO will be playable in MGO+.

And Finally, Konami has added beginner support for the rookie, with the Rookie Mark System. The RM System gives people who are new to the series, and not so familiar with the MG scene a chance to stand up to the Veteran player. With this you’ll take less damage and death won’t be as humiliating, as you won’t die instantly. As you progress and advance, the mark will soon disappear. There’s now also a lobby where only players with the Rookie Mark may enter, this will give the inexperienced player a chance to practice.

My Thoughts

Most of my thoughts on this game were based on its Replay Value, as it’s only an extension. It didn’t really last me long time, I completed Infinity Missions in about two-three days. But the ever-lasting appeal of the Online Mode, made up for the disappointingly short Infinity Missions.

I didn’t get a chance to use the online mode in this game, because I was unable to connect for some reason and the options were all in Japanese. But I did play the original MPO Online mode and that was pretty good. With a few new characters and new maps to play on, I think it would have made a great addition; as it was getting boring with the same maps.

One big problem with MPO+ and MPO, is its Online Mode. Characters constantly got hacked, and was more a battle of who’s the better hacker. It ruined the experience and made it less fulfilling to play. MGO+’s Online Mode is harder to hack, but I don’t think it’s “unhackable”, so I think that’s still something they need to work on.

I have the Japanese version of the game, which costs around £10 on its own, and the Deluxe Pack with both Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, and + costs around £25. For the priced asked its great value for money. There’s been no news on the price or the release date for the game in European regions, but I’m guessing it won’t be any time soon, as the US release is in some time in November.
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Thu 04/10/07 at 20:20
Posts: 320
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops +, the extension to Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops finally releases in Japan, another MGS game for me to conquer. I couldn't wait to play it; from watching all those amazing trailers I was so hyped.

Basically, MPO+ is just an extension to the original MPO, meaning you will get some unique characters, which were previously unavailable, such as Raiden from MGS2, Solid Snake from MGS4 and the previously un-unlockable Campbell from MPO. You will also get some extra Online and Ad-Hoc features, such as the new Shooting Range mode, better chat function, meaning that you will no longer be restricted to just a few simple phrases such as "1", "Hello" or "Bye" you can now type full custom messages up on screen. Now you can use the Game Sharing Mode, meaning that only you or your friend needs a UMD, so that you play against each other without both of you having to have the game.

You can also use the online mode to battle people, who only have the original MGSPO Online mode, but you are restricted to only battling in VR Mode and only certain stages and characters are available for you to battle in and with.

One of the main attractions for MPO+ is the new Infinity Missions. Infinity Missions sets an obstacle for the player, where you have to get from point A to B. It may sound easy, but it’s actually quite difficult, players have to make their way past the enemy soldiers find and the point themselves. The soldiers which are on the map, may not be as easy as you think to get past, as if the alert goes off, these soldiers may be hard to dispose of, as they don’t die all that easy. This may be a good opportunity to recruit some of these soldiers.

What’s more, when you start Infinity Missions, you will be stripped of all your equipment so you will have to find your own weaponry, rations and meds.

There are four difficulty levels, Easy, Normal, Hard and Extreme. Once you complete one you unlock the other.

This also brings me to the point of new soldiers which are available to recruit. MPO+ offers memorable soldiers from the MGS1 and 2 games which can be recruited. Tengu Soldier, Seal Team 10 Soldier, Hi-Tech Soldier, Gurlukovich Soldier and the Gnome Soldier are all recruitable.

You can also use your save file from MPO with MPO+, so the soldiers you recruited from MGO will be playable in MGO+.

And Finally, Konami has added beginner support for the rookie, with the Rookie Mark System. The RM System gives people who are new to the series, and not so familiar with the MG scene a chance to stand up to the Veteran player. With this you’ll take less damage and death won’t be as humiliating, as you won’t die instantly. As you progress and advance, the mark will soon disappear. There’s now also a lobby where only players with the Rookie Mark may enter, this will give the inexperienced player a chance to practice.

My Thoughts

Most of my thoughts on this game were based on its Replay Value, as it’s only an extension. It didn’t really last me long time, I completed Infinity Missions in about two-three days. But the ever-lasting appeal of the Online Mode, made up for the disappointingly short Infinity Missions.

I didn’t get a chance to use the online mode in this game, because I was unable to connect for some reason and the options were all in Japanese. But I did play the original MPO Online mode and that was pretty good. With a few new characters and new maps to play on, I think it would have made a great addition; as it was getting boring with the same maps.

One big problem with MPO+ and MPO, is its Online Mode. Characters constantly got hacked, and was more a battle of who’s the better hacker. It ruined the experience and made it less fulfilling to play. MGO+’s Online Mode is harder to hack, but I don’t think it’s “unhackable”, so I think that’s still something they need to work on.

I have the Japanese version of the game, which costs around £10 on its own, and the Deluxe Pack with both Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, and + costs around £25. For the priced asked its great value for money. There’s been no news on the price or the release date for the game in European regions, but I’m guessing it won’t be any time soon, as the US release is in some time in November.

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