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"[GAME] Men's Room Mayhem (Vita)"

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Thu 23/05/13 at 17:24
"And in last place.."
Posts: 2,054
Compile a list of the most stressful jobs you can think of and I’d bet that janitor of a men’s room is not on the list. I’d bet it didn’t even come into your thinking. You may not have even been aware there was such a position but there is and it is a lot more stressful than it sounds.

Men’s Room Mayhem is all based around a toilet, a male toilet to be precise. This toilet is your responsibility, you’ll need to look after it and keep it sparkling clean. It sounds relatively straightforward but chaos is just around the corner.
Your career as a janitor of the men’s room starts out at the local bar. The toilet is frequented by gentlemen in need of a comfort break and that is when the fun begins. The visitors to your premises are in need a spot of toilet training and you’ll have to guide them to a urinal or the cubicle. It doesn’t end there, you’ll need to point them in the direction of the sinks for some hand washing and then show them the way out. Without your assistance, the patrons won’t know what to do and we can’t even blame it on the beer, it’s the same no matter what toilet you are working in.

The control scheme is a simple as can be, place your finger on the ‘customer’, drag the path you would like him to take and the customer follows. Each path you trace is shown of screen so you can see the route each person with take. The purpose of the visit is indicated by an icon above the head of each person which allows you to direct them to the correct facility.

It all starts off rather easy with one visitor at a time but before long you’ll have more people than toilet facilities. People can’t wait around forever, a counter appears above their heads before long and if they don’t get the opportunity to reach a urinal or cubicle before the counter reaches zero then things get messy.
A further complication with numerous people being in the toilet is that if two people bump into each other then there is no apology, it’s straight into a brawl. Before you know it, your sparkling toilet has pools of blood on the floor and bloodied footprints everywhere with people walking through it.

Other complications arise with the different type of characters. Some move quicker than others, others arrive in desperate need of the facilities. Further levels introduce special characters to spice things up. The old man for instance moves really slowly whereas the blond female stops the men in their tracks.
Levels exist in the shape of waves. You need to attend to the toilet for a set period of time in each wave. After each wave you’ll be rubbing the screen to clean the facilities before the next wave begins. As the waves increase, so do the number of the visitors and so does the chaos. Each wave allows up to 5 mistakes, be it accidents on the floor or fights.

Points are awarded for successful interactions. Hand washing leads to bonus points, as does a spot of toilet etiquette i.e. keeping a gap between two people using urinals. Further bonus points are awarded for close encounters on the toilet floor but don’t let people get too close, they are not friendly.

There are six different locations each presenting a new type of character to keep it interesting and numerous challenges to complete. There is also a Blitz Mode which challenges you to get the highest score in a set time limit.

Men’s Room Mayhem is a cheap game but comes with plenty of fun and challenge for the money. You literally need to keep an eye on everyone and as it gets busy it almost feels impossible. Who would have known hanging out in a toilet could be so entertaining.

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Thu 23/05/13 at 17:24
"And in last place.."
Posts: 2,054
Compile a list of the most stressful jobs you can think of and I’d bet that janitor of a men’s room is not on the list. I’d bet it didn’t even come into your thinking. You may not have even been aware there was such a position but there is and it is a lot more stressful than it sounds.

Men’s Room Mayhem is all based around a toilet, a male toilet to be precise. This toilet is your responsibility, you’ll need to look after it and keep it sparkling clean. It sounds relatively straightforward but chaos is just around the corner.
Your career as a janitor of the men’s room starts out at the local bar. The toilet is frequented by gentlemen in need of a comfort break and that is when the fun begins. The visitors to your premises are in need a spot of toilet training and you’ll have to guide them to a urinal or the cubicle. It doesn’t end there, you’ll need to point them in the direction of the sinks for some hand washing and then show them the way out. Without your assistance, the patrons won’t know what to do and we can’t even blame it on the beer, it’s the same no matter what toilet you are working in.

The control scheme is a simple as can be, place your finger on the ‘customer’, drag the path you would like him to take and the customer follows. Each path you trace is shown of screen so you can see the route each person with take. The purpose of the visit is indicated by an icon above the head of each person which allows you to direct them to the correct facility.

It all starts off rather easy with one visitor at a time but before long you’ll have more people than toilet facilities. People can’t wait around forever, a counter appears above their heads before long and if they don’t get the opportunity to reach a urinal or cubicle before the counter reaches zero then things get messy.
A further complication with numerous people being in the toilet is that if two people bump into each other then there is no apology, it’s straight into a brawl. Before you know it, your sparkling toilet has pools of blood on the floor and bloodied footprints everywhere with people walking through it.

Other complications arise with the different type of characters. Some move quicker than others, others arrive in desperate need of the facilities. Further levels introduce special characters to spice things up. The old man for instance moves really slowly whereas the blond female stops the men in their tracks.
Levels exist in the shape of waves. You need to attend to the toilet for a set period of time in each wave. After each wave you’ll be rubbing the screen to clean the facilities before the next wave begins. As the waves increase, so do the number of the visitors and so does the chaos. Each wave allows up to 5 mistakes, be it accidents on the floor or fights.

Points are awarded for successful interactions. Hand washing leads to bonus points, as does a spot of toilet etiquette i.e. keeping a gap between two people using urinals. Further bonus points are awarded for close encounters on the toilet floor but don’t let people get too close, they are not friendly.

There are six different locations each presenting a new type of character to keep it interesting and numerous challenges to complete. There is also a Blitz Mode which challenges you to get the highest score in a set time limit.

Men’s Room Mayhem is a cheap game but comes with plenty of fun and challenge for the money. You literally need to keep an eye on everyone and as it gets busy it almost feels impossible. Who would have known hanging out in a toilet could be so entertaining.


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