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The nearest equivalent to this Namco game is Earth Defence Force 2017. Both games feature over-the-top hordes of B-movie creatures which require exterminating, both have one basic purpose in the game; kill everything and both of them act as if their script was penned by Ed Wood on one of his bad days.
The only other thing that I could point towards is that the arcade version of this game supports 4 players at once and has pretty strong force feedback which will almost knock you out of your seat. This is the Tank! Tank! Tank! experience and it's now hit homes with a Wii U version.
The single player game introduces you to the basics. You begin as a rookie tank driver up against a horde of giant killer insects (pretty much like EDF) and as you progress you earn medals. At first, these won't be enough to buy anything useful, but soon (and after repeat plays of the same level) you can buy new tanks and new weapons.
The combat can seem a little repetitive, all you do is fire your weapons, pick up special items that appear as icons around the rather basic levels and then fire those as well. Destroy the enemy and it's on to the next one, rinse and repeat. But because it's so over-the-top it still feels fun, the problem is that it doesn't really feel fun enough to be full price.
But Tank! Tank! Tank! has an ace up its barrel; multiplayer. There are several multiplayer modes including a fun deathmatch and even a co-op mode where you both have to throw so many bullets at an enemy that it makes a Rambo movie look like an advert for gun control. None, however, are as fun as My Kong.
My Kong mode is even madder than the main campaign. It defies logic, but it's also the very best thing about the game. The player holding the Wii U Gamepad is Kong, complete with their photo pasted over the big monkey's face. The other players (using Wii Remotes or, my preferred option, Wii Pro Controllers) need to destroy Kong in tanks. The fact that the person playing as kong can see a wide area of the arena on their screen gives them the added ability to rush over to the tanks and squash them. There are 3 basic moves available including stamping and smashing, but as the power meter builds another option becomes available which sends Kong into a mad unstoppable rampaging force.
This mode alone is worth buying the game for, albiet at a cheaper price (I picked it up for £21). It's one of the best multiplayer experiences on the Wii U and had our family in fits of laughter every time we played.
While Tank! Tank! Tank! is fairly basic, it's also fairly barmy and that's part of its charm. The blocky graphics and constant repetition do hamper it somewhat, but those who play the multiplayer mode will probably end up forgiving the lacklustre single player. While price shouldn't come in to the equation when discussing enjoyment of a game, I can't help feeling that this would have been a far better downloadable title than a full price retail release.
The nearest equivalent to this Namco game is Earth Defence Force 2017. Both games feature over-the-top hordes of B-movie creatures which require exterminating, both have one basic purpose in the game; kill everything and both of them act as if their script was penned by Ed Wood on one of his bad days.
The only other thing that I could point towards is that the arcade version of this game supports 4 players at once and has pretty strong force feedback which will almost knock you out of your seat. This is the Tank! Tank! Tank! experience and it's now hit homes with a Wii U version.
The single player game introduces you to the basics. You begin as a rookie tank driver up against a horde of giant killer insects (pretty much like EDF) and as you progress you earn medals. At first, these won't be enough to buy anything useful, but soon (and after repeat plays of the same level) you can buy new tanks and new weapons.
The combat can seem a little repetitive, all you do is fire your weapons, pick up special items that appear as icons around the rather basic levels and then fire those as well. Destroy the enemy and it's on to the next one, rinse and repeat. But because it's so over-the-top it still feels fun, the problem is that it doesn't really feel fun enough to be full price.
But Tank! Tank! Tank! has an ace up its barrel; multiplayer. There are several multiplayer modes including a fun deathmatch and even a co-op mode where you both have to throw so many bullets at an enemy that it makes a Rambo movie look like an advert for gun control. None, however, are as fun as My Kong.
My Kong mode is even madder than the main campaign. It defies logic, but it's also the very best thing about the game. The player holding the Wii U Gamepad is Kong, complete with their photo pasted over the big monkey's face. The other players (using Wii Remotes or, my preferred option, Wii Pro Controllers) need to destroy Kong in tanks. The fact that the person playing as kong can see a wide area of the arena on their screen gives them the added ability to rush over to the tanks and squash them. There are 3 basic moves available including stamping and smashing, but as the power meter builds another option becomes available which sends Kong into a mad unstoppable rampaging force.
This mode alone is worth buying the game for, albiet at a cheaper price (I picked it up for £21). It's one of the best multiplayer experiences on the Wii U and had our family in fits of laughter every time we played.
While Tank! Tank! Tank! is fairly basic, it's also fairly barmy and that's part of its charm. The blocky graphics and constant repetition do hamper it somewhat, but those who play the multiplayer mode will probably end up forgiving the lacklustre single player. While price shouldn't come in to the equation when discussing enjoyment of a game, I can't help feeling that this would have been a far better downloadable title than a full price retail release.