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"Spy Hunter [PS Vita]"

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Sat 10/11/12 at 09:37
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
A long time ago in a dusty arcade far, far away there was an old game where you had to drive a car up the screen shooting at enemies. That game was Spy Hunter.

Fast forward to the present day and Warner Bros have released a new Spy Hunter, in 3D no less, but with the same basic principal of shooting enemies and finding friendly trucks to replenish your weapons.

It's not the first time the game has seen a remake, though. Back on PS2 there were several Spy Hunter games and this new Vita version is pretty similar to these in both look and feel.

In fact, the graphics are noticeably last gen, certainly not quite up there with the more polished Vita games out there. That said, there are some great explosions and the game moves at a good pace without noticeable slowdown.

The other nod to the original comes in the change from car to boat as you enter water in a James Bond-esque way. Here, they've added another element with the 4wd truck for rough terrain, not that it makes a huge amount of difference and it's all done automatically.

Control of the car comes of a little worse, though, with a very twitchy system that takes a lot of getting used to and often results in the car skidding off in the wrong direction on the first few levels. But this is an arcade game and it could be argued that the control of the car actually feels like the sort of twitch controls from the 80s. It's certainly not game breaking, though, and players will soon settle into it.

The storyline of Spy Hunter is one of those throwaway ones, but mention should be made of the main bad guy, who sounds like the cousin of The Claw from Inspector Gadget and is just as melodramatic. It does make for some great over-the-top moments, though, as the enemy throws everything but the kitchen sink at you.

Yet, despite all this, Spy Hunter remains an enjoyable romp through explosion filled highways. This is thanks to the unrelenting action and set-pieces which always provide enough spectacle to warrant continued play.

There are plenty of weapons, all of which can be swapped out and upgraded as you progress through the game, and enemy cars explode with satisfying effect as you launch another homing missile in to their back end.

The odd truck mission where you control the guns at the back, rather than the driving, shakes the gameplay up a bit and water-based missions provide some variety in scenery as well as some tense speedboat action.

Overall, Spy Hunter on Vita won't set the world alight and certainly won't impress owners graphically, but it's a competent action game with enough fun to keep you coming back until you complete the game.

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Sat 10/11/12 at 09:37
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
A long time ago in a dusty arcade far, far away there was an old game where you had to drive a car up the screen shooting at enemies. That game was Spy Hunter.

Fast forward to the present day and Warner Bros have released a new Spy Hunter, in 3D no less, but with the same basic principal of shooting enemies and finding friendly trucks to replenish your weapons.

It's not the first time the game has seen a remake, though. Back on PS2 there were several Spy Hunter games and this new Vita version is pretty similar to these in both look and feel.

In fact, the graphics are noticeably last gen, certainly not quite up there with the more polished Vita games out there. That said, there are some great explosions and the game moves at a good pace without noticeable slowdown.

The other nod to the original comes in the change from car to boat as you enter water in a James Bond-esque way. Here, they've added another element with the 4wd truck for rough terrain, not that it makes a huge amount of difference and it's all done automatically.

Control of the car comes of a little worse, though, with a very twitchy system that takes a lot of getting used to and often results in the car skidding off in the wrong direction on the first few levels. But this is an arcade game and it could be argued that the control of the car actually feels like the sort of twitch controls from the 80s. It's certainly not game breaking, though, and players will soon settle into it.

The storyline of Spy Hunter is one of those throwaway ones, but mention should be made of the main bad guy, who sounds like the cousin of The Claw from Inspector Gadget and is just as melodramatic. It does make for some great over-the-top moments, though, as the enemy throws everything but the kitchen sink at you.

Yet, despite all this, Spy Hunter remains an enjoyable romp through explosion filled highways. This is thanks to the unrelenting action and set-pieces which always provide enough spectacle to warrant continued play.

There are plenty of weapons, all of which can be swapped out and upgraded as you progress through the game, and enemy cars explode with satisfying effect as you launch another homing missile in to their back end.

The odd truck mission where you control the guns at the back, rather than the driving, shakes the gameplay up a bit and water-based missions provide some variety in scenery as well as some tense speedboat action.

Overall, Spy Hunter on Vita won't set the world alight and certainly won't impress owners graphically, but it's a competent action game with enough fun to keep you coming back until you complete the game.


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