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"Sony's portable"

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Thu 21/02/02 at 21:13
Posts: 787
Sony have been in the gaming industry for almost 7 years now, but even so they’re still newbies, With only 2 consoles made and no experience whatsoever with portable gaming they’d had to work hard for their handheld to be a success. They’ve never done it, don’t know much about it and the closest they’ve been to it is the PS1 with LCD screen which come on ain’t portable at all!! Every now and again we hear that Sony are snooping around the handheld market and I can’t help wonder what Sony may release, a cartridge based system? cd based? 32-bit? 64bit? no one knows.

There’s no question that Nintendo rule supreme with their series of gameboy’s, they were always the people’s choice even when the Game Gear was actually a better system so what chance do Sony have? Sony are very innovative and create all sorts of terrific hardware, the triniton wide TV, the betamax VCR (better system to VHS), the first transistor radio and the list goes on, they created the PS1 and PS2 didn’t they? so what’s the say their portable won’t be as grand and successful as all these??

If Sony were to release a portable machine it would most probably be twice the power of the GBA but work in such a better way that performance wise would be a revolutionary, not because they’d do it better than nintendo but because technology is moving on all the time, even since the GBA’s release and I can't see them using cartridges with such limitations but something much better.

I’ve thought of many ideas for the Sony handheld such as running old PS1 games actually on the machine or downloading them from your console but I think the best idea I’ve ever thought of is for them to use their own invention “Mini Discs” good innit? These things hold bags of information (as well as sound) and offer all the benefits of CDs/DVDs such as FMV,CD soundtracks and many things on the plus side. They tolerate the odd knock about, fit in your pocket and can’t get scratched. Just imagine a system more powerful than the GBA, no dodgy screen from cutting development costs, no expensive software due to cartridges and if the hardware was similar or even exact to the PS1 it would give easy access for developers to release all those playstation classics, Just not with a £34.99 price tag as Nintendo have got away with for so many years.

I see an analog stick being added instead of the D-pad or maybe a stripped down version of the entire PS pad, you never know. I see many developers such as Namco, Square, Rockstar, Konami, Capcom, EA and even Sega jumping on the opportunity of a Sony handheld because of the wide audience they’ll obtain, heck I’d buy one, wouldn’t you??

If Sony played their cards right they’d give Nintendo a real run for their money or even kick them out of the market altogether like Nintendo did with the Wonderswan. Square could release they’re Snes classics exclusively to the machine and pretty much every developer working on the GBA that’s not connected with nintendo would have a field day.

What are you waiting for Sony??

Fri 22/02/02 at 19:22
Posts: 0
The technology used in MDs is almost the same as the one used in CDs, but it has as slightly smaller 'track' to CDs. The way it fits about the same amount of music on as a CD is because the music is compressed, this is done by removing the sounds not heard by the human ear (ie if you have two different melodies and one melody is louder than the other, you won't hear part of the quieter one.) this means that the total data stored on a MD is actually about 40% less than on a CD, and the compression method cannot be used with anything other than music. Therefore it wouldn't really be a good medium to put PS1 games on, without some loss of data, or extra hardware to uncompress the game (leading to longer loading times.)
Fri 22/02/02 at 18:49
Posts: 5,029
~Resurection~ wrote:
>or is it just me, god.

I didn't know God visited these very forums! See, all you people who don't believe in God, he's talking to you now so, there!
Fri 22/02/02 at 18:12
"Back For Good"
Posts: 3,673
~Resurection~ wrote:
> you idiots you can't store data on a mini disk well i suppose you could but mini
> disk is a compression for audio and wouldn't work, doesn't anyone know here how
> a mini disk works or is it just me, god.

Idiots is a bit harsh for someone who thinks MD's only hold audio, If you haven't noticed they also store text info for the titles, album names etc. let me explain, Audio CDs can only hold audio but CDs in general can hold movie footage, games, MP3s, anything really same thing here just with MD's

so shut up :-P
Fri 22/02/02 at 11:19
"Dont come here ofte"
Posts: 4,264
As Edgy said, gameplay is more important than graphics, I can't see Sony making a portbale, this is why they have brought out a screen for the PS One. It would be too much of agamble, they would rather spend there money on developing the PS3. The only benefit of a portable would be that the piracy would be reduced greatly if they were to use cartrduges. A Sony portable would probably take about 3 years to break even on costs let alone make a profit. Too risky.
Fri 22/02/02 at 00:51
Posts: 15,579
Exactly, ever noticed how long it takes loading a track on a mini-disc when compared to a normal CD? It may not be too noticable with just audio, but to try and make a game with that type of compresion would be silly.
Fri 22/02/02 at 00:27
"Ninty's best friend"
Posts: 831
you idiots you can't store data on a mini disk well i suppose you could but mini disk is a compression for audio and wouldn't work, doesn't anyone know here how a mini disk works or is it just me, god.
Thu 21/02/02 at 22:36
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
Hmmmmmm......Mini Discs eh??
You didn't by any chance read or hear about MY idea for the next GameBoy, known as the GameBoy MD did you??

If you wanna read it, then it's in the Retro Games forum.
And I also agree that it seems like Nintendo are the handheld kings. But Sony do need more experience, and a handheld like this could help them gain some.
Thu 21/02/02 at 21:50
Posts: 6,100
It would be great if sony got a portable console out, they couldn't use CD's it's not portable anough unless they get those small CD's i think the best bet would be to use cartridges iver way they really need a handle held, get all the market cornered when they release one if it's at the same quality as the playstations it will go far they need a good name but i think it could go far
Thu 21/02/02 at 21:33
Posts: 5,029
I suggested Mini Disk as a format a while ago. The general opinion was that it would be too easy to copy, although I do not agree as 2 minidisk recorders would be much more expensive than a CDRW (providing you already have a PC), and I'm sure Sony could add some nice Anti-Piracy protection on it. How about a mini-dvd (a bit like GC, but in a case like the MD). Lovely.

Providing the handheld was original (and importantly didn't use cartridges) I would buy one on release day for anything up to £200, but it seems that Sony isn't intrestesed in making anything more portable than the PSone. Maybe they are missing out on a huge amount of the market that they could steal from Nintendo.

I have the PSone and screen, and seeing as I am not old enough to drive, I mainly use it for car journeys. I had the choice of either a GBA for £80, or the screen for £100, and the PSone from my sister for £10 (hahahaha!). Meaning it would have been £30 cheaper to buy Nintendos machine. But the GBA just does not appeal to me, I personally HATE the screen. Very small and no backlight. The PSone screen is 5 inches with a fully backlit screen, much easier to play on. Maybe sony could do a 3inch backlit screen in a small unit with a built in controller using mini-dvd? Sound good?

If only the PSone was a bit more portable, as its a bit hard to use the PSone, controller, and battery pack in the street. :)

I say, go for it Sony. But I do not believe that they will. They seem way more interested in big, powerful machines, and, personally, I don't think that Sony would want to make the compramises needed for a handheld machine.
Thu 21/02/02 at 21:30
Posts: 15,681
Very optomistic about Sony's future in handhelds there...

But why do you think the Game Boy Advance didn't have a 3D stick, whereas the Neo-geo did.

It wasn't anything to do with costs...

People were complaining about the sticks bending and breaking when they put them in their pockets.

As you may or may not have read, the reason why the Game Boy has done so well is because most the decent games are the simpler ones, and they don't need special realistic graphics or amazing controls to play.

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